In the center of the picturesque Kerch, you will see Mithridates - a mountain that combines the cultural values of the era of Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the New Age. It is she who is the hallmark of this area. Vegetation and wildlife landscape elements are fully preserved here.
The height of Mount Mithridates does not exceed 92 meters above sea level, and it is visible from anywhere in the city. To admire the beautiful landscape of the area and the azure of the Kerch Bay, you will have to climb the observation deck up the stairs, which has 436 steps. It was built back in the 19th century. The unique structure, with steps extending from the bottom to the top, was designed in the Classicist style by the Italian architect Alexander Digby. Majestic griffins with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion are installed on the columns along the stairs. At the foot of the mountain is the Church of John the Baptist.
This particular attraction has become one of the favorite places for indigenous people and often visited by tourists coming to the city of Kerch. Mount Mithridates, whose history keeps many mysteries and secrets, is a mysterious object. Many of them are completely unresolved.for many centuries neither scientists nor archaeologists.

Ancient history
On its slopes, Mount Mithridates (see photo in the article) keeps the imprints of the history of one of the oldest cities in the world - Panticapaeum. About 26 centuries ago, it was majestically located on its top and slopes. In our time, the ruins, which have survived many eras, have become a place for excursions.
The mountain got its name in honor of the great ruler of the Bosporus - King Mithridates VI Eupator of Pontus, who held this post in 120-63 BC. Occupying such a great position, he built his palace on the top, and along the perimeter of the mountain temples were erected in honor of the Greek gods, luxurious houses of noble people. During his reign, the kingdom was full of we alth and luxury.
Being a descendant of Alexander the Great, the king of Pontus was a unique personality and combined two opposite traits in his character: love for art, science and special cruelty to enemies. He was in good physical shape. As the legend says, the ruler was very rich, but, fearing betrayal and treason, he ordered all his gold and jewelry to be melted down into two horse heads that were buried in the ground. No one has yet been able to find such treasures.

Beginning of the end
Due to his strong character, he dared to challenge the prosperous Roman Empire. This series of wars consisted of three main stages and lasted for 26 years. Twice Mithridates VI Eupator became the winner in battles, but inhe did not win the last fight. Returning home from the battlefield in order to gather an army and come out with new forces, he learns about the treacherous plot of his son Farnak. In order not to allow himself to be captured and disgraced, the ruler decides to end his life by drinking poison, but for many years of gradual addiction to poison did not let him die. And then he ordered his faithful servant - the head of his guard - to stab himself. This is how the story of the great man ended, whose name Mithridates (mountain) will bear for centuries.
After the death of his father, his son-traitor took his place, but the reign of Farnak did not last long - five years later he died in a battle with Julius Caesar near the city of Zela. The news of his success Caesar announced in the Roman Senate with an expression that is still relevant in our time: "I came, I saw, I conquered!"

A monument to our times
In addition to the ancient one, Mithridates (mountain) will reveal more modern history for tourists and vacationers. It's no secret that Kerch is a hero city. It was here, on the top of the slope, that fierce battles were fought to liberate the city from Nazi invaders.
In the autumn of 1944, the first monument to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War was erected on the mountain - the obelisk of Glory to immortal heroes. The structure is a 24-meter-high stele directed to the sky, mounted on a multi-stage plinth. The Order of Glory is fixed on its central side.
Three artillery pieces are installed at the base of the monument.
Nextthere is a memorial plaque in the form of book pages with the names of all the dead, made of marble.
Fourteen years later, on Victory Day, the solemn lighting of the Eternal Flame took place, which burns in the place where, according to legend, the chair of King Mithridates stood.

The monument was designed by A. D. Kiselev, and it was built from the stones of the Trinity Cathedral. Thanks to its special design, the obelisk of Glory can be seen with the naked eye at a distance of up to 20 km. It was erected in honor of the fallen soldiers of the ninth motor-engineering battalion, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel F. I. Kinevsky.
Great Moments
Mithridates Mountain has seen a lot over the past millennia. Very significant historical events for mankind took place on its slopes. She saw the prosperity and death of the great Bosporan kingdom.
Many great people came here to admire the beauty of the landscape that opens from the top. So, in 1699, the Russian Tsar Peter I climbed the stairs, who arrived across the expanses of the Black Sea on his ship with the name "Fortress". Other historical figures from the ruling dynasty also came here: Alexander I, Nicholas I.
The great poet A. S. Pushkin drew his inspiration while writing "Onegin", walking along the slopes of the mountain. It was this work that marked the beginning of the poetic discovery of Crimea.

The signing of a peace treaty in 1774 for the place where Mithridates is located was of great historical importance(mountain). Kerch became part of the Russian Empire.
Relive it all
It is safe to say that one of the main historical monuments of the Crimean peninsula is Mithridates (mountain). Kerch is a city that appears before you as a large open-air museum. Here you can get an unforgettable experience, realizing the full magnitude of the events that took place on this slope. And walking along the underground necropolis of Panticapaeum, you can touch the antiquity, see the rock paintings.