In the Novosibirsk region is the largest lake in Western Siberia - Chany. This is a s alty sea in Russia, which is located in the Baraba lowland on the territory of five districts: Barabinsky, Chanovsky, Kupinsky, Zdvinsky and Chistoozerny. In beauty, it is not inferior to the most picturesque corners of the world, and the richest nature and wildlife amaze with their diversity and grandeur. There are beautiful and mysterious legends about him, so it is not surprising that Lake Chany has so many fans.

Origin of the lake
The history of the reservoir is rooted in antiquity. Scientists link the origin of Lake Chany with the end of the Ice Age. The age of the reservoir is more than ten thousand years. According to researchers, people have settled on its shores since ancient times. Thus, archaeologists have discovered traces of settlements dating back to the sixth or seventh millennium BC. e.

The origin of lakes is classified according to the nature of the basin. Most of them arise as a result of movements of the earth's crust or volcanic eruptions. If you describe Lake Chany,the origin of the basin of this reservoir is tectonic. This explains its heterogeneous depth (in general, it is shallow - up to two meters, but there are also deep sections - up to seven to nine meters).
The story of a marvelous reservoir
Initially, the Chans were located in the steppe zone. The first birch trees on the banks of the reservoir began to grow only 5 thousand years ago. Now it is located in the forest-steppe zone. Lake Chany is characterized by noticeable fluctuations in the water level. They are caused by climatic changes, which cause dry and wet seasons. But, even taking into account these changes, scientists have found that the area of the lake has been decreasing in the last two centuries.
At the end of the 18th century, a record area was noted - 12 thousand square kilometers. At the beginning of the next century, it already totaled eight thousand square kilometers. Since then, the area of the reservoir has been rapidly declining. Already at the end of the 19th century, it was only 3,170 square kilometers. And about half a century ago, the area of the lake has already decreased to two thousand square kilometers.
The beginning of active settlement of the shores of the reservoir dates back to the 16th century.
The first records of the reservoir appear in the 17th and 18th centuries. They date back to the time of the development of Siberia. And the first description of the reservoir belongs to the geographer Pallas, who traveled to the lake in 1786.

In-depth study of the reservoir began by the end of the century before last. At the same time, various work began on the organization of the fishing industry. In the middle of the last century, the construction of a dam in the reservoir began,which protected the Chans from excessive drying out. The development of projects to save the lake from shrinking and shallowing continues now.
Origin of the name of Lake Chany
The name of Lake Chany comes from the Turkic "chan", which means "big vessel". This is quite true - once the reservoir occupied more than 12 thousand square meters. m. However, recently there has been a tendency for the lake to dry out - now its area is approximately 1500-2000 square meters. km. By the way, it is interesting that it is not constant and depends on the season and the amount of precipitation.

Brief description of the body of water
Lake Chany (Novosibirsk region) is endorheic. Its length is over ninety kilometers, and its width is about eighty-five. The salinity of the reservoir is not very high, while it is different in different parts of it. For example, in the southeast, it is completely insignificant. Interestingly, this is the country's largest s alt reservoir in terms of area.
If you find Lake Chany on the map, you will notice that it covers five districts of the region at the same time. The reservoir contains a system of three lakes - Big and Small Chanov, as well as Yarkul, and interconnected reaches. Each of them has its own vegetation, depth, salinity. Due to significant differences between them, some researchers consider them to be different independent water bodies.
However, most scientists all believe that this is one lake, consisting of three parts. The lake is fed mainly by snow, it is also fed fromnearby rivers. The reservoir freezes in October-November. Ice comes off the surface of the water only towards the end of spring. The lake has its own navigation.

Small boats use it in summer. The water in Chany warms up well, and in the hot months the temperature reaches 28 degrees. The shores are quite low and very indented. The bottom of the lake is muddy and sandy.
Amazing and extraordinary nature of the lake
The nature of the lake strikes and delights with its extraordinary beauty and grandeur. Chany is rightly called a unique reserve that has preserved the rarest specimens of flora and fauna. Numerous swans and pelicans live on the shores of the lake.
In total, according to scientists, more than three hundred species of birds live on the coast, many of which are rare. In the forests growing around the reservoir, you can meet moose, hares, pheasants and other wild animals and birds. And not only to see them, but also to hunt, however, only during the period allowed for this. The lake is considered to be one of the most beautiful and richest in Siberia.

And the water and air there have healing properties and have a miraculous effect on the entire body as a whole. Therefore, tourists from different cities are so eager to visit Lake Chany. Photos of this marvelous place confirm the undeniable advantages of relaxing on it and cause an irresistible desire to see its wonders as soon as possible.
Fishing and recreation on Lake Chany
Vat is a real paradise for fishing lovers. In total here you candiscover 16 varieties of fish. The most common are perch, zander and pike. And despite the fact that the number of fish in the lake has noticeably decreased in recent years, there is still plenty of it for everyone. By the way, fishing on Lake Chany is allowed all year round. Therefore, lovers of both summer and winter fishing flock here. A large number and variety of fish is a pleasure even for novice fishermen.
Bad weather on the lake causes the formation of high waves. This circumstance should be taken into account by fishermen who go fishing far from the coast.
For fans of fishing, comfortable recreation centers are equipped in the most beautiful parts of the lake coast. Hospitable residents of coastal villages offer guests to stay in cozy houses. Swimming in the lake is great in summer. At the same time, the water is very warm and surprisingly clean and transparent. When the weather is calm and calm, the lake acquires an amazingly beautiful turquoise color. Safe sandy beaches and shallow water make Chany an excellent place for families with small children.

Besides, Chany is a great place for an active pastime. Many camp sites offer rental of ATVs, snowmobiles and boats.
The legend of the silver fish living in the lake
Most of the species of fish that live in the lake have shiny silver scales. There is even an ancient beautiful legend about this. It says that millennia ago, a thin path stretched from the moon into the clear waters of the lake, along which people came to Earth.inhabitants of the moon. Their skin was silver. Somehow, when the guests from the Moon once again descended to the lake, a volcano erupted.
Ashes at the same time rose very high and did not allow the lunar path to descend. Because of this, the lunar guests were never able to return home. Then they had to settle forever in the depths of the lake, and they turned into beautiful fish with silvery scales.
Mysterious lake dweller
A terrible legend has been circulating around the reservoir for many decades about a mysterious creature that lives in the depths of Lake Chany. Locals are convinced that the giant serpent sinks boats and drags fishermen and livestock into the abyss, and they claim that they saw its silhouette in the water.

Indeed, people die every year in the lake. At the same time, many of them have not yet been able to find, and this despite the shallow depth of the lake. However, according to scientists, the death of people is due to strong waves that rise on the water surface in inclement weather.
Lake of the Seventy Islands
Lake Chany contains many large and not very small islands - there are seventy of them in total. Interestingly, almost all of them stretch from the southwest to the northeast. The shores of the reservoir, as well as its islands, are covered with a variety of trees and shrubs: birch, raspberry, currant, bird cherry, wild rose and many others. Some of them are covered with blooming wild peonies in late spring and summer. There are 12 villages on the shores of the lake.
Many islands are considered natural monuments of the region, sohow they have unique landscapes inhabited by the rarest species of animals and birds.
Lake Chany is a real piece of paradise in Siberia. This is a unique nature reserve, nature of wondrous beauty, a great place for fishing, hunting, and just active leisure. Therefore, for those who have never been to these parts, it is simply necessary to visit Lake Chany at least once, where everything you need for a truly magical and unforgettable vacation is located.