At the entrance to the Crimea, Lake Sivash is located. More precisely, not a lake, but a bay of the Sea of Azov. The water in it is called brine - a concentrated saline solution that has an unusual pink color. Lake Sivash is of interest both for the chemical industry and for tourists who come here to improve their he alth. Crimea has always been and remains a favorite route for vacationers.

How to get to Sivash
Sivash is located between two seas - Black and Azov, east of Evpatoria. Now this "s alt pearl" belongs to Russia. In the recent past, the geographic location of the water body was Ukraine. Lake Sivash has a large length, so you can get to it from many directions. As a variant of the route on personal transport, this is a ride along the Moscow-Simferopol highway towards the Crimean capital. In the Kherson region, Genichesk district, in the village of Novoalekseevka, you need to turn off and move towards Genichesk. At the entrance to the city, turn to the Arabat Spit. A kind of border is Lake Sivash. Crimea borders in this place with the Kherson region.
You can drive along the highway to the Chongar Peninsula. There are three villages in this place - Chongar, Ataman and Novy Trud. A couple of kilometers fromeach is the Sivash Bay. Those who come to rest here should remember that Sivash is a local small resort by no means of international importance, and there is no need to be afraid of the lack of smooth roads and comfortable living conditions.

Hydrological characteristics of the lake
In appearance, Sivash bears little resemblance to an ordinary lake. This is a plexus of islands, ridges filled with water. The water area of the lake has about 60 islands. The area of the lake is about 10,000 sq. m, three quarters of which are occupied by land. The average depth is about one meter, and the maximum can reach up to four meters. Initially, the reservoir was deep, but over time, due to the formation of sediments, shoals and braids, Lake Sivash became smaller. It has a gently sloping coastline.
The reservoir feeds on groundwater, surface water and water that falls in the form of precipitation. In accordance with the cardinal points, it is customary to divide the lake into Western, Eastern, Northern and Southern Sivash.
Due to the high s alt content, water has an increased density. Those who have been to the Dead Sea know that it is almost impossible to drown in it. Water, on the contrary, pushes the body out. On Sivash, you can feel the same effect. The s alts of the lake have a high content of sodium chloride, magnesium, calcium, bromine.

Healing properties of the lake
Every year, thousands of visitors are received by Lake Sivash. Treatment is the main purpose of their visit. The unique mud has healing properties. It is saturated with silt and beta-carotene. The Dunaliella microalgae found inwater, to protect itself from the scorching Crimean sun produces a large amount of beta-carotene. Thanks to him, the brine acquires a beautiful pink color. With the end of summer, the water evaporates, leaving s alt containing iodine, beta-carotene and many other valuable trace elements.
Dunaliella microalgae has antioxidant properties due to its beta-carotene content. This substance does not have a toxic effect on the body. Beta-carotene forms the epithelial tissue that is part of the skin, mucous membranes, and connective tissue. It protects the skin from the effects of free radicals.
The mud of Sivash Lake helps to get rid of such chronic diseases as psoriasis, eczema, arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia, gout, acne, dermatitis. Of course, one course of treatment may not be enough. But therapy for several years will help get rid of tormenting diagnoses. The treatment uses both mud and s alt. With their help, applications and compresses are made on the affected areas of the skin, baths are taken.
Lake Sasyk-Sivash
One of the small lakes in the Sivash is called Sasyk-Sivash. From the Crimean language, "sivash" is translated as "lake", and "sasyk" - "stinking". This reservoir is often popularly called the "rotten sea". Its area is about 70 sq. km. The average depth is very small and is only 0.7 meters. The peculiarity of Sasyk-Sivash is that the reservoir is divided by a dam into two parts - fresh and s alty. The water level is rising, and the size of the dam is decreasing, so that in the future the lake may be “diluted” and lost.values as a source of s alts.
Water seething is noticeable on the territory of the reservoir. This is the result of the activity of underground fountains - griffins.

S alt mine
From time immemorial, s alt mining flourished on the shores of the lake. S alt miners were called "chumaks". In Soviet times, s alt mining practically ceased; now several small private enterprises are engaged in this. The developed area of the extracted s alt is called a check. With the beginning of summer, the check is filled with water, and s alt ripens there throughout the season. The color of the brine changes as it becomes saturated with algae. By the end of summer, the water evaporates, and s alt begins to deposit on the banks of the check. A small railroad is laid here. S alt is cut off by a special harvester, loaded into mini-cars and transported to a dry place, where it is stored in heaps.

Animal world of the lake
Algae diatoms living in the water, decomposing, form hydrogen sulfide. It is its specific smell that gives reason to consider the lake "rotten". At first glance, it seems that in such an unusual reservoir there is no animal life at all. But it's not. There is a lot to do here for amateur anglers. In the desalinated places of the lake, there are such fish species as crucian carp, carp, grass carp. Although fishing here is free, it requires a lot of patience and a lot of time.
Many species of birds settle along the river banks. They build their nests and feed on mollusks, crustaceans and other inhabitants of the lake, gulls, ducks,drink, cormorants. Geese, cranes and swans take a break on Sivash during flights. Some species of swans stay here for the winter. You can see graceful herons. Some parts of the islands are reserves, the fauna of which is listed in the Red Book.

Where to stay for vacationers
Interest in the healing properties that the reservoir has has led to the development of infrastructure near it. The bulk of tourists who come to Lake Sivash choose to accommodate the Arabat Spit. These are the villages of Genichesk, Schastlivtsevo, Stelkovoe, Gengorka. There are many boarding houses, hotels, holiday homes. You can stay in the private sector. There are many shops, cafes, markets for tourists. There are two thermal springs on the Arabat Spit, as well as an ostrich farm. Nearby is Biryuchiy Island, a unique reserve with rare animals living in it.