The Volkhov River: connecting the past with the present

The Volkhov River: connecting the past with the present
The Volkhov River: connecting the past with the present

The Volkhov River, Veliky Novgorod, Lake Ilmen… These geographical names, familiar to almost all Russians from school, are closely connected with the birth of Russian statehood, with the calling of King Rurik and the beginning of Kievan Rus. However, these places are remarkable not only in historical but also in aesthetic terms: it is here that the beauty of Russian nature and the mystery of the Russian soul are best felt.

Volkhov River
Volkhov River

The Volkhov River owes its existence to Lake Ilmen, from where its swift waters begin. The end point of its more than two hundred kilometers run is another landmark for this region, Lake Ladoga, the shores of which are shrouded in the heroism of ancient Russian heroes and Soviet soldiers from the period of the Leningrad blockade.

The Volkhov River is an excellent waterway for both transport and passenger ships. The movement on it is carried out from the beginning of April tomid-October, after which this path is covered with ice. The main assistant tributaries are the rivers Oskuya, Vishera, Tigoda and Kerest. Already from these names, we can conclude that both Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes once lived interspersed on this land.

Volkhov River Veliky Novgorod
Volkhov River Veliky Novgorod

The Volkhov River has a rich and interesting history. The name itself, as follows from the famous "Tale of Bygone Years", she received in honor of one of the sons of the legendary Slovene - Volkhov. Sloven himself, according to legend, was one of the Scythian princes, famous for his strength and courage, and it was he who gave the name to one of the local tribes - the so-called Novgorod Slovenes. The term "sorcerer" was quite common in those days. Translated from Old Slavonic, it means "wizard", "sage", "stargazer".

Bridge over the Volkhov River
Bridge over the Volkhov River

Known from history and the famous bridge over the Volkhov River in Veliky Novgorod. It not only divided the city into almost equal parts, but also served as a kind of a stadium - a place where people proved their opinion with their fists. By the way, in addition to Novgorod, this river serves as the main water artery for such settlements as Kirishi, Staraya and Novaya Ladoga.

Already in the ancient Russian chronicles, an important feature of the Volkhov River was noted: due to a very slight difference in heights at its extreme points, it can flow backwards. In the event that, due to any cataclysms, Lake Ilmen becomes significantly shallower, then due to powerful tributaries, the current in the riverbed can take the oppositedirection.

If we talk about the main statistical parameters, then the maximum width of the Volkhov River is 220 meters (in the Novgorod region), the depth in some places reaches twelve meters. Almost along its entire length - and this is 224 kilometers! – This waterway is a great fishing spot.

However, the Volkhov River is famous not only for epic legends. In addition to the fact that today it is the most important transport artery of the North-Western region of the country, one of the most powerful hydroelectric power plants in this part of the country, Volkhovskaya, is also located here.
