Elbrus is a mountain that really knows how to fascinate, both climbers seeking to conquer the next peak, and the most ordinary travelers who annually come to its foot to feel all the power and strength of the stone peak. And of course, no one is disappointed.
This article will tell not only what mountains Elbrus is in, but also acquaint readers with its features, secret name, myths and legends.
Section 1. General description of a geographical feature

Elbrus is a mountain, rightfully considered the highest point of the Russian Federation, located in the northern part of the Greater Caucasus Range, on the border of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.
Due to the fact that the exact border between Europe and Asia has not yet been established, sometimes the mountain is equated with the highest European mountain peak and is referred to as the “Seven Peaks”. It may take some time andgeographers will finally resolve this dispute, but so far it is known for certain that Elbrus is a mountain that is a so-called two-peak stratovolcano. Its cone-shaped peaks were formed on an ancient volcanic base, and from a geological point of view, both peaks are completely independent volcanoes, each of which has a classical shape and a clearly defined crater.
Caucasian mountains… Elbrus… These places are actually famous for their ancient history. Few people know that age is determined by the state of the upper part, which, for example, at the highest peak in Russia, is destroyed by a vertical fault. It was also possible to establish the date of the last eruption: it happened around the 50s AD. e.

Section 2. The mystery of the name of the peak
Perhaps, the question of where Mount Elbrus is located, even if a little thoughtful, will be answered by an ordinary average student, but few know about the etymology of the name.
In general, it should be noted that this peak has several names at once. There are more than a dozen in total.
Today it is quite difficult to determine which of the names appeared earlier and which later. The modern name of this mountain, according to one version, comes from the Iranian "Aitibares", which in translation into Russian means "high mountain" or "brilliant" (a variant from the Zend language). In Karachay-Balkar, the peak is called “Mingi-tau”, which is translated into Russian as “a mountain of thousands”. However, there are Balkars who call itsomewhat differently - "Minge-tau", which means "mountain saddled". Modern representatives of this nation still say "Elbrus-tau" - "a mountain around which the wind is spinning."
Georgian) - “snow mane”.
Section 3. What is the height of Mount Elbrus?

Perhaps, this question at least once in a lifetime interested many inquisitive people. But the answer is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Why? It's all about the features of its structure.
As noted above, Elbrus is a mountain consisting of two cone-shaped peaks. The height of the western one is 5642 meters, and the eastern one is 5621 meters. The saddle separating them rises above the surface by 5300 meters, and the distance from each other is about 3000 meters.
For the first time, the size of Elbrus was determined by the Russian academician V. K. Vishnevsky in 1813.
Recall that today the highest peak in the world is Mount Everest (Chomolungma), whose height is 8848 meters, compared to which our mountain peak looks tiny.

Section 4. Severity of the local climate
Mount Elbrus… Climbing to its top is often a dream for both experienced climbers and beginners. However, this cannot be done at any time. The most favorable is the summer period, July-August.
The weather this timethe most stable and safer to visit such heights. The air temperature in summer rarely drops below -9 °C, although it may well drop to -30 °C when it rises.
From October to April in these places there is a harsh and cold winter. During the cold season, visiting the peak is almost impossible, and climbing it is tantamount to suicide.
Section 5. Volcanic activity
Elbrus is amazing and unique. Describing the mountain takes too long as more and more interesting features are discovered each time.
In this article we will touch on only the most obscure ones. Geological studies of this extinct volcano have shown the presence of layers containing volcanic ash, which was formed as a result of ancient eruptions. According to the first layer, scientists proved that the very first eruption of Elbrus occurred about 45 thousand years ago. The second layer was formed after the eruption of the volcano Kazbek. It happened about 40 thousand years ago.
Now it is known for certain that it was after this second, most powerful even by modern standards, eruption that the Neanderthals who settled in local caves left these lands and went in search of more favorable conditions for life.
The most recent eruption of the Elbrus volcano occurred about 2000 years ago (50s AD).
Section 6. Legends of Elbrus

In general, the mountains of the Caucasus, Elbrus in particular, are shrouded in many of the most amazing and mysterious legends and myths.
One of these tales tells that in ancient times there lived a father and son - Kazbek and Elbrus. Both of them fell in love with one beautiful girl, whose name was Mashuk. Only the girl could not make a choice between two glorious heroes. For a long time, father and son competed, not wanting to give in to each other, and a deadly duel ensued between them. They fought until Elbrus defeated his father. But, realizing his terrible deed, the son turned gray with grief. He no longer wanted love, obtained at the cost of the life of a loved one, and Elbrus turned away from the beautiful Mashuk, a little later stabbing himself with the same dagger that killed his father.
Beautiful Mashuk wept for a long time and bitterly over the knights and said that there were no such heroes on the whole earth, and that it was hard for her to live in this world without seeing them.
God heard her moaning, and turned Kazbek and Elbrus into high mountains, more beautiful and higher than which there is no more in the Caucasus. He turned the beautiful Mashuk into a smaller mountain. And now, from century to century, day after day, a stone girl stands and looks at the mighty peaks, without deciding which of the two heroes is closer and dearer to her stone heart …

Section 7. History of great conquests
In 1829, led by the head of the scientific expedition Georgy Emmanuel, the first ascent of Elbrus was made. The members of this expedition were mainly representatives of the scientific community: physicists, botanists, zoologists, geologists, etc. They conquered the eastern part of Elbrus and went down in history as the discoverers of one of the largest peaks of ourplanet Earth.
Kilar Khachirov, the guide, was the first to climb Elbrus. A few years later, the higher peak of this mountain, the western one, was also conquered. An expedition organized by English climbers, led by Florence Grove, made a trip to the western part of Elbrus in 1874. The very first person who climbed to its top was also a guide, this is a Balkar, Akhii Sottaev, a member of the first expedition.
Later, a man appeared who managed to conquer both peaks of Elbrus. It was the Russian topographer A. V. Pastukhov. In 1890, he was able to climb the western peak, and in 1896, the eastern one. The same person made detailed maps of Elbrus.
It should be noted that the stratovolcano is still the most popular mountain among climbers from all over the world. Climbers spend on average about one week to climb to its summit.
But nowadays you can use the cable car, which greatly simplifies the journey and saves time.
At an altitude of about 3750 m there is a shelter "Barrels", from where now the ascent to Elbrus usually begins. This shelter has six-seater insulated barrel-shaped trailers and a specially equipped kitchen. At the level of 4100 meters is the highest mountain hotel in the world - "Shelter of Eleven".
Section 8. Stone mushrooms on Elbrus

Elbrus is a mountain that can captivate travelers with its natural features, for example, unique rock formations called Stonemushrooms.
Until now, no one knows why these stones were popularly called mushrooms, and nowhere else in the Caucasus such sculptures are seen anymore. On a small flat area (250 x 100 m) a couple of dozens of such “mushrooms” are picturesquely scattered. You can see indentations in many of them.
Perhaps our ancestors used them for some religious purposes. Particularly impressive are the stones that resemble a face looking up. Many believe that this is a place with very strong positive energy, and even the weather here is very anomalous.

Section 9. Elbrus Defense Museum
The Defense Museum is the highest museum in the world. It is located at an altitude of 3500 meters above sea level.
The uniqueness of the exposition also lies in the fact that it is not limited only to the building, but continues in the surrounding area.
This institution has been operating since January 1, 1972. Its development and the preservation of the collections are always monitored by a researcher and two employees.
There are more than 270 items in the collection. It should be noted that during the Second World War, the most high- altitude front was located in the Elbrus region. In these places, fierce battles were fought for mountain passes, which the Nazis tried to capture in order to get to Transcaucasia.
Photo-documentary materials of these events have been kept in this museum for many years. The Elbrus Defense Museum is an organization of regional subordination in which cultural and mass work is carried out.
Section 10. Interesting facts about grief

- In 1956, in honor of the 400th anniversary of Kabardino-Balkaria, a group of 400 climbers were able to climb Mount Elbrus at the same time.
- In 1998, the building of the Shelter of Eleven Hotel burned down in a fire. Today, local authorities are building a new one on the site of the old wooden building.
- In 1991 Outside Magazine ranked the Shelter of Eleven's toilet as the worst toilet in the world. This is not surprising, given the fact that thousands of mountain tourists and climbers from all over the world have used this place for certain purposes for years.
- Elbrus is rightfully considered one of the most dangerous peaks in the world. Accidents often happen while climbing a mountain. In 2004 alone, 48 extreme skiers and climbers died.
- In 1997, for the first time, a specially equipped and modified Land Rover was able to climb Elbrus. The person who drove this car is Russian traveler A. Abramov.
- Mount Elbrus is one of the Seven Summits, in addition to it, the list includes: Aconcagua in South America, Chomolungma in Asia, McKinley in North America, Vinson Massif in Antarctica, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Punchak and Jaya in Oceania and Australia.
- There are also 22 glaciers on Elbrus, from which three rivers originate: Kuban, Baksan and Malka.
- Sometimes climbers can see the Black and Caspian Seas from the top of Elbrus. It depends on air pressure and temperature, due towhich significantly increases the viewing radius.
- In 2008, Mount Elbrus was recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia.