A port city on the Black Sea coast of Russia, a city of military glory with a rich history and original culture - Anapa. The promenade is one of the main attractions.
Ancient Anapa and its embankment
The history of this city is inseparable from the way of development of the Black Sea. Anapa, Embankment Street in particular, keeps the thousand-year history of this sunny place. The first settlement on the territory of present-day Anapa is the Greek settlement of Sind, dated to the 7th century BC. From the 4th century BC until the 3rd century AD, this territory called Gorgippia belonged to the Bosporus kingdom.

Then comes a period of several centuries, when there was no permanent population on the coastline of modern Anapa - only nomadic tribes. By the 8th century, a presumably Adyghe or Circassian people settled here, which gave the place the name Anapa - "the edge of the table", by the similarity of the ledge in the rock with the table. There is a version that the name of the city is Abkhaz and means "a place near the mouth of the river".
Becoming a resort
The territory near the Black Sea - Anapa, the embankment line of which for several centuries was under the rule of the Italian Genoese, then the Turks, in the 17th century began to be developed by the Russianempire. Under the terms of the Adrianople Peace Treaty, Anapa became Russian in 1829. By the middle of the 19th century, Anapa acquired the status of a port city.

Anapa began to be considered a resort area by the end of the 19th century, after the outstanding observations of the doctor V. A. Budzinsky and the opening of a mud bath by him. His merit is the development of mineral springs and the construction of the sanatorium "Radiant". For more than a hundred years, Anapa has been considered a resort where people come not only to enjoy the wonderful beaches and gentle sun, but also to use the services of balneotherapy.
Equay of the city of Anapa
The central embankment of Anapa is the longest street in the city, running along the Black Sea. The coastline of the city has a length of several kilometers. The main promenade area of the embankment begins at the Marine Station. The port of Anapa all year round transports passengers and cargo along the entire Azov-Black Sea coast. Border, customs and migration control operates on the territory of the port. The embankment ends at the confluence of the Anapka River into the Black Sea. This place has a special value. Anapa floodplains are located here - this is a unique creation of nature, which is an estuary overgrown with reeds and cattails. The historical value of the mouth of the Anapka River lies in the fact that the floodplains were formed in the place where the port bay was located in the ancient period.
Anapskaya embankment and tourism
In the summer season, additional flights, bus and train routes are introduced to Anapa from other cities of the country. For example, the route Naberezhnye Chelny - Anapa is one of the most popular. About four million tourists from all over Russia and not only visit such a resort city as Anapa. The embankment, modern, bunk, is a favorite place for walking and entertainment.

Long sandy beaches run in parallel, so in the summer season there is a large concentration of tourists who are received by the sunny city of Anapa. The embankment (photos and videos of the resort are impressive) was created taking into account the preferences of residents and tourists. For the convenience of city guests, a quality service has been organized on the embankment: restaurants, cafes, dance floors, hotels, spas, souvenir shops and more.
Tourists are attracted by the numerous attractions located on this street. Anapa, the embankment, the photo of which is inconceivable without the image of the symbols of the city on them, delights visitors with funny places.

Near the mouth of the Anapka River, where the entrance to the Central Beach is located, there is a monument to the Vacationer. This is one of the symbols of the city, representing a sunbathing tourist with a white hat on his torso (this is another symbol of the resort). In Anapa there is a monument to the White Hat in the Central Park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory.
Promenade and history
Embankment Street attracts the attention of tourists with places related to the history of the city and its inhabitants. Here is a monument to Mother Mary, erected on the centenary of the birth of Anapchanka Elizaveta Yuryevna Skobtsova (Pilenko) - the holy martyr Mary. In the world, Elizaveta Yurievna was engaged in social activities, literature. In exile in France, a tragic period begins in her life. Her daughter Nastya is dying. After this tragedy, Elizaveta Yurievna takes monastic vows and becomes known as Mother Maria. Upon returning to Russia, her second daughter dies. During the Second World War, mother Maria helped those in need, was a member of the anti-fascist resistance movement, survived the death of her son, was killed in a gas chamber. Mary was canonized in 2004.
Walking along the coastline, one cannot pass by the ancient open-air museum of Gorgippia. The museum is an excavation of an ancient settlement that stood on the spot where the modern resort of Anapa is located. The embankment has preserved the thousand-year history of this settlement. Excavations prove that Gorgippia was a highly developed city. Trade was in full swing here, wine was produced, fish was processed, in a word, it was a prosperous side. Gorgippia is the only open-air museum in Russia.
Russian Gate is another place that takes you back to the past. The remains of the Turkish fortification, erected during the Russian-Turkish war, became so called in memory of the fallen Russian soldiers who stormed the fortress.
Coastline & Parks
Tourists who prefer walking in the shade of trees are invited to visit the parks and squares of the city. Having received the necessary portion of sunlight, you can plunge into the coolness of the Central Park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory. Various attractions, Ferris wheel, stage, live music, cafes,diverse vegetation - all this pleases tourists for many years. Quieter places are squares - Central and Glory.

Walnut Grove Park, located on a high bank, attracts with a beautiful rose garden, cozy benches and walnut trees that are visible from the coastline. The sunny embankment and shady parks are great places for relaxing and walking.