Bagrationovskaya metro station in Moscow is one of the oldest. It appeared as part of the routes of the Moscow subway back in the 60s of the XX century. The Moscow metro is an amazing place in the capital, in fact, a completely different underground city in which its own laws reign. Many of its stations can rightfully be considered historical and artistic monuments. How to get to the metro station "Bagrationovskaya" and what is around? Let's talk about it.

"Bagrationovskaya" in the constellation of other stations
If you carefully consider the scheme of the Moscow metro, you can easily understand how easier it is to get to the Bagrationovskaya metro station. The station is located on the Filevskaya line between the stations "Fili" and "Filyovsky Park". And the location is no accident. It is closely connected with the historical events that took place on these lands in 1812. We will discuss these points below. From neighboring branches - blue and black - you can get to the blue one at the interchange nodes "Kyiv" - "Kutuzovskaya" and "Kuntsevskaya" - "Businesscenter". One of the ends of the line is located just in the heart of Moscow - near the Kremlin. This is the Arbatskaya station.

Events of distant days
And now - about the events related to the area where the metro station "Bagrationovskaya" is located. The area used to be called the same as the neighboring station - "Fili", along the river Filka that flowed here in ancient times. On the bank of this river there was a village called Fili, which was part of the land owned by representatives of the princely, and from the 16th century - the royal family of Rurikovich. Later, it passed into the possession of a relative of the wife of Peter I, Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina, Lev Naryshkin, who came from an ancient boyar family. Passed as a royal gift.
Naryshkin invested a lot of effort and money in new lands: he built a bridge, built a church, a palace, turned the surrounding area into a beautiful park. Well, the village has moved a bit. It was here in one of the wooden peasant huts that the famous Council in Fili gathered, where the fateful decision was made to leave Moscow and make a large-scale retreat. But the strange "transitions" of the village from place to place did not do it all at once. The village was moved a second time. Only the memorial hut was not touched, in which a branch of the historical museum dedicated to the Battle of Borodino and the Council in Fili will open several centuries later.

It is named after him
Bagrationovskaya metro station named afterthe famous Russian commander of the early 19th century, Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration, a native of Georgia, whose personality as a warrior and commander took place under A. V. Suvorov. And he showed himself most clearly under another commander - M. I. Kutuzov.

A major military figure, a participant in the Russian-Turkish war, the wars with Napoleon, in 1812 Bagration led the 2nd Western Army, which he successfully led to the place of reunion with the army of another commander - Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly. He was mortally wounded in the battle of Borodino and later his remains were transferred from his native city to the Borodino field. However, Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration was not a member of the historic Military Council. Probably, his name was immortalized in the name of the station as the name of a hero who gave his life for the fatherland in the events of that war.
And after "Filey", that is, through the station from the metro station "Bagrationovskaya", the station is named after the commander-in-chief of the Russian army in the Patriotic War with Napoleon Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov - "Kutuzovskaya". The pavilion goes to the junction of the avenue of the same name with the street, in the name of which the name of another commander of the same events, M. B. Barclay de Tolly, is immortalized. An interesting coincidence: the armies of Bagration and Barclay de Tolly converged near Smolensk in the same way as these two Moscow highways converged.
The history of the creation of the metro station "Bagrationovskaya"
The opening of the station took place in 1961, so this point of the Moscow metro is quite old."Bagrationovskaya" refers to the ground type, which is not found in other Russian cities. It has two platforms covered with translucent canopies on marble columns. The station does not have solid walls - only a fragment in the center of the platform. As for the decor, it is almost non-existent, except for a few images with views of Moscow.

One of the rail lines of the station leads to a depot located in Fili, and another one leads to a dead end. The platform has not been repaired for a long time, so it was decided to close it from July 1 this year until the end of work.
Bagrationovskaya and sights of Moscow
The area around the metro station "Bagrationovskaya" is changing very quickly. But the historical and cultural sights and beautiful views of the Filevsky Park of Culture and Leisure are maintained in a decent condition.

Near "Bagrationovskaya" there is the Fili Water Sports Palace and the Polar Star skating rink, the Palace of Culture. Gorbunova and the Institute of Contemporary Art, from places of public catering - "Burger King", cafe "Magnolia", as well as the Bagrationovsky market. There are no theaters, cinemas and museums near the station. But if you take a walk in the direction of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, then you can visit the Borodino Panorama Museum and the memorial complex on Poklonnaya Hill - Victory Park.