Probably, there is no such resident of Moscow who would not know what "Gorbushka" is. The Bagrationovskaya metro station, located in the immediate vicinity of this shopping center, is often searched on the map today just to get to Gorbushka (this shopping center is visited by about 300,000 people a month). What is so interesting about this place?

A bit of history: what used to be "Gorbushka"
Bagrationovskaya metro station, next to which this shopping center is located, used to be not very popular. However, today it is impossible to say for sure! After all, tens of thousands of people pass through these platforms every day. According to research conducted about 10 years ago, the average number of passengers passing through Bagrationovskaya is about 37,000 per day. A significant part of these people are sent just to Gorbushka to buy necessary and useful things.

Was it always a well-maintained shopping center? Of course not. The year of birth of the “brand” can be called 1987. It was then that the phrase began to be heard in Moscow: “I need“Gorbushka”! Which metro station is closest to her? Those who wanted to buy, sell or exchange goods that were not in stores came here. Books, records, magazines, posters - all this could be found here. And for relatively little money!
What was interesting here?
And you could also hear such conversations: “The meeting place is Gorbushka, the metro station is nearby, and today he is performing on Grebenshchikov Square!” Indeed, rockers known to everyone today in those days were informals who performed in front of fans on the square near the Palace of Culture. Gorbunova.
A few years later, a market was already functioning here, where you could find everything your heart desires. Cassettes, cartridges, books and magazines from the West. Everything was so rosy until the early 2000s. During this period, the well-known "Gorbushka" was liquidated. But a relatively comfortable shopping center has appeared.
What now?
Today, Muscovites and guests of the capital visit Gorbushka, whose area is about 12,000 square meters. There is convenient parking, a cafe, and, of course, shops with appliances and accessories, peripherals. Only sellers in the complex - more than 1200.

Therefore, the question of which metro station is closest to the Gorbushka shopping center is still relevant! And for good reason!
Well, a question for Google and Yandex maps with phrases"Gorbushka" / metro station "Bagrationovskaya" is one of the frequently asked questions. So, while in Moscow, it is probably worth visiting this legendary place!
Moreover, there is nothing difficult in working out the route. Any passer-by at the subway exit will tell you where to go next. By the way, the whole family can visit this shopping center. After all, men will find a lot of "gadgets" for cars here, women will be able to study the latest models of household appliances and beauty products, and children will look at toys in the relevant departments. In addition, furniture, strollers, car seats, barbecues, grills are sold here. So an exciting and practical hike is guaranteed!
Happy shopping and enjoy your holiday!