Countries and area of South America. Mainland Tourism Resources

Countries and area of South America. Mainland Tourism Resources
Countries and area of South America. Mainland Tourism Resources

What is the area of South America? How many states are on it? And does it make sense for European tourists to go to these distant countries? All this - in our article!

Geographic location and area of South America

The New World (or America) is located in the Western Hemisphere and consists of two continents. At the same time, the area of North and South America is approximately comparable. Today, only the narrow Isthmus of Panama connects these two continents.

What is the area of South America? It is 17.84 million square kilometers. The coastline of the mainland is poorly dissected, only in its southern part there are several large archipelagos and bays. The continent stretches from 12 degrees north latitude (Cape Gallinas) to 54 degrees south latitude (Cape Froward) and is washed by two oceans: the Pacific from the west and the Atlantic from the east.

South America was discovered by Christopher Columbus during his third voyage. The first serious geographical studies of the mainland were carried out by the German scientist Alexander Humboldt at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. Also, researchers Gregory Langsdorf and Henry Bates made a great contribution to the study of South America.

Political map of the continent

Today, there are 12 independent states in South America, as well as Guiana, an overseas department of France. In the southern part of the mainland are also located the Falkland Islands, which are disputed territories between the UK and Argentina.

South American countries by area
South American countries by area

All South American countries by area (largest to smallest):

  1. Brazil
  2. Argentina
  3. Peru
  4. Colombia
  5. Bolivia
  6. Venezuela
  7. Chile
  8. Paraguay
  9. Ecuador
  10. Guyana
  11. Uruguay
  12. Suriname

It is curious that in almost all of South America today the left (socialist) ideology is extremely popular. In almost all countries of the continent, left-wing parties are present in power to a greater or lesser extent. Nevertheless, against this background, the market economy is successfully developing.

Tourism and Leisure in South America

The huge area of South America causes a huge variety of tourist and recreational resources on its territory. Every year, tourism is becoming an increasingly important sector of the economies of South American states. Almost in each of these countries there is something for tourists to see: the remains of ancient cities, architectural and historical monuments, beautiful waterfalls and picturesque landscapes. Many are also drawn to the diverse South American cuisine as well as the rich local culture.

area of North and South America
area of North and South America

Probably the most touristicBrazil is a South American country. Thousands of tourists annually go to the virgin rainforests of the Amazon to try their hand at confrontation with wildlife. The second place is deservedly occupied by the country of Peru with its fortresses, monasteries and ancient cities of the Incas.

Cusco, Rio de Janeiro, Lima, Sao Paulo, Cartagena and Buenos Aires are among the most visited cities in South America.

Peru for tourists

Peru is a country with a rather underdeveloped economy. However, tourism is one of the three key sectors of the national economy here. Wonders of nature, rich culture and numerous historical and cultural monuments - that's what attracts tourists to Peru.

Most often Americans, Canadians, British and French come here. Most of the foreign tourists go to the city of Cusco to see with their own eyes one of the New Seven Wonders - the Inca city of Machu Picchu. Many tourists in Peru are also attracted by the Gokta waterfall, which is the third highest in the world (770 meters). The most interesting thing is that it was opened only in 2005.

area of South America
area of South America

Interesting for tourists and the city of Cajamarca - a chic example of colonial architecture. It is all built up with two-story houses of the XVIII-XIX centuries under tiled roofs.

And many European tourists are sincerely surprised when they find out that a real vodka fountain is located not somewhere in Russia, but in Lima, the capital of Peru.

Interesting Brazil

This South American country is visited annually by at least fivemillion tourists. Brazil is ready to offer them the most varied vacation: visiting the Amazonian rainforests or the Pantanal depression, the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. You can also have a great rest on one of the many beaches of the Atlantic coast. Domestic tourism is quite well developed in Brazil.

area of south america
area of south america

Brazil is an interesting and in many ways very unusual country. For example, all outdoor advertising is prohibited here. Foreign goods and products in this country are insanely expensive, as there is an import tax of 100% of the total value of the goods.

Foreign tourists are attracted not only by the world-famous city of Rio de Janeiro, but also by the capital of Brazil - Brasilia. It was designed in just a year and built in three.

In closing

South America covers nearly 18 million km22. On the territory of the continent there are 12 independent states and one dependent territory (French Guiana). In general, each of these countries may be of interest to a European tourist.
