Miusskaya Square, Moscow

Miusskaya Square, Moscow
Miusskaya Square, Moscow

Miusskaya Square is located inside the Central Administrative District of the Capital, in the Tverskoy District, behind the Garden Ring. Now the square has become part of the heart of the city, and previously it was not even within its boundaries. In order to get to the mentioned area, you need to look for the following coordinates. Exit to A. Nevsky Street and go to the south-west. Northeast direction - along the First Miusskaya, northwest - along the Second Miusskaya, st. Chayanov - on the southeast side. In addition, Fadeeva Street adjoins the square from the east side, and in the west you can go through the Miussky lane.

Origin of the name

The unique Miusskaya Square takes its name from the area where it was located. She was in Miusy, or Miyusy. The river Mius flowed near this territory, from which the name originated. Although this is only one of the versions. There are others, and more original ones.

According to one source, at the very mouth of the river, Tsar Peter the Great built a flotilla for the Azov campaign. The legend says that he used Miusskaya Square as a warehouse for logs, from which ships were later built. However, there is no official confirmation of this theory. Although this possibility cannot be discarded, given the extraordinary viewsemperor.

miusskaya square
miusskaya square

Some other legends

According to another version of researchers, the name of the square comes from the Turkic word "mius", which translates as "cape", as well as "corner". And according to another hypothesis, Miusskaya Square was named so because in 1673 the robber Miuska, a supporter of Stepan (Stenka) Razin, was executed on it. The royal official letter with a report that the bandit was caught and tortured is still kept in the archives, but the place of execution is not mentioned there.

In written evidence, historians first get acquainted with the area in the eighteenth century. Then it was the name of a certain area where people

lived. The square itself is mentioned only in the 19th century. It was called at that time Miusskaya Lesnaya, or Miyuzskaya Lesnaya. The second word is related to the fact that the area was in a dense thicket.

Moscow miusskaya square
Moscow miusskaya square

History of the Square

Because of its location, Miusskaya Square, since the second half of the seventeenth century, was used as a warehouse for storing logs. It was surrounded by dense forests. From time to time, markets for the sale of timber operated on it. But in 1812, a fire started, and the stocks stored in the warehouse burned down. And in the plans of the city of Moscow from 1739, this area did not exist at all

. Instead, there were arable fields on the map, fenced on oneside by Novoslobodskaya Street, and on the other by Tverskaya-Yamskaya.

In the eighteenth century, this area was more like a wasteland that stretched from the alleyArmory to Kamer-Kollezhsky shaft. It demarcated the territory of Moscow and other nearby lands. The shaft, which stretched for 35 miles in length, contained 16 outposts with large gates. And at the outposts until the 50s of the XIX century, all products imported into Moscow were checked. At that time, the Miusy were the outskirts of Moscow.

russia moscow miusskaya square
russia moscow miusskaya square

There were several buildings on this territory, among which was the Butyrka prison

. As well as the Miusskoye cemetery, built during the plague epidemic of 1771. Butyrskaya prison is marked on the city plans for 1787. According to them, the zone was located in the north of the Miussky field. Until the end of the 19th century, the square seemed so unflattering and uncomfortable that its contemporaries compared this place to a swamp surrounded by forest. So, for example, a certain everyday writer Dmitry Ivanovich was deeply disappointed that he had to cross the indicated area twice in his life, where both times his carriage with horses got stuck in the mud. He compared the area to a swamp, from which several workers with levers had to pull his carriage. The rescue operation was complicated by the fact that the area was not illuminated according to all travel rules.

The best times of Miusskaya Square

While Moscow itself was upset, Miusskaya Square was also used as an additional territory of the capital. In the 1890s, the first plans of land surveyors for the construction of streets, roads, and houses appeared on this territory. It was decided to create a park in the center of the territory. However, the surveyors' plans arosea little later than the untouched Miusskoe field was turned into a horse and railway park. It was named Miussky in honor of the area itself. Forges, stables and even workshops appeared in Miussy. And when the electric tram began to be in great demand, a special section for 214 cars was built in the park. The transport park still stands near Miusskaya Square.

Soviet times

During this period, the whole of Russia underwent changes. Moscow, Miusskaya Square with its large free space, is no exception. With the advent of the Bolsheviks, a number of residential buildings were built on Miusskaya Square. The Soviet government turned this territory into a center of culture and education, supporting existing schools and building new universities. Millions of Soviet schoolchildren knew them. Many students from both the capital and other regions of the country wanted to study at one of the institutions located on Miusskaya Square.

Moscow Miusskaya Square
Moscow Miusskaya Square

All educational institutions that operated on Miusskaya Square, in chronological order of their appearance:

  • The Alexander II School for Industrial Sciences, was built by 1903. Now this school has become the Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology.
  • School for artisans named after Shelaputin, built in 1903, now part of the Russian Chemical Technical University. D. I. Mendeleev.
  • University named after Shanyavsky on a folk basis, the city of Moscow, built in 1912, became the Russian State Humanitarian University.
  • Moscow Institute of Archeology, built in 1913, latermerged with the Russian State University for the Humanities.

All the listed universities exist to this day. Prominent scientists, musicians, researchers from Russia and other countries were educated there.

The History of the Cathedral

The modern Palace of Pioneers on Miusskaya Square stands on a historically valuable foundation. Previously, in its place stood the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the crown of architectural construction. In 1915, engineer Alexander Nikanorovich Pomerantsev finished work on it. During the big holidays, members of the choirs from all the existing universities on the Miusskaya came to the cathedral. Before the October Revolution, the locals called the square "Singing", because every Sunday student voices sounded here. In the warm season, the united choir even went outside to arrange a gala concert.

swimming pool on Miusskaya square
swimming pool on Miusskaya square

Modern Miusskaya Square

Now Miusskaya Square is a continuation of the center of Moscow. It is also built up with residential buildings, administrative buildings, like the entire capital. The main attractions are the monument to Keldysh, as well as the pedestal to the writer Fadeev, depicting him along with the characters from the works "Young Guard" and "Defeat". An excellent place to relax is considered to be the swimming pool on Miusskaya Square at the center of children's creativity with the name "On Miussy". The pool could not be completed for a long time, and from 2007 to 2012 it was empty. The Department of Finance is also located here - Miusskaya Square, 2/2.

Department of Finance Miusskayasquare
Department of Finance Miusskayasquare

How to get to Miusskaya Square

Alas, there is no ground public transport that would go to the square. Nevertheless, to the north of it there is a station 2nd Lesnoy lane, along Lesnaya street. Trolleybus route 78 and tram number nine pass there.

In the south-west of the square, along 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, you can get off at Bolshaya Gruzinskaya or at the Belorussky railway station. Trolleybuses 1 and 12, and bus number 12C stop there. In the southeast there is a metro stop Mendeleevskaya, as well as Novoslobodskaya metro. In the same place, along Novoslobodskaya Street, trolleybuses number 3k, 3 and 47 make a stop.

Miusskaya Square can be reached by underground connections:

  • Mendeleevskaya station on the Serpukhovo-Timiryazevskaya line;
  • Novoslobodskaya along the Ring;
  • Belorusskaya station on the Zamoskvoretskaya line.
Palace of Pioneers on Miusskaya Square
Palace of Pioneers on Miusskaya Square

What to see on Miusskaya Square?

Here history borders on the present. A tourist who came to Moscow for the first time will like Miusskaya Square with its pre-revolutionary buildings

of old schools that are successfully functioning to this day, monuments, andalso with a beautiful green park.

Miussky Park is located on 2nd Tverskaya Yamskaya Street. For fans of outdoor recreation, the Miussky Estuary is suitable. This is the estuary of the Mius River, which flows into the Sea of Azov. Despite the locals complaining about the decrease in the number of catches, a lucky fisherman can catch a fish for himself for dinner.
