The radial-ring principle of the planning of ancient Russian cities is a feature of the development of ancient Russian cities and Moscow in particular. From the center of the settlement - the Kremlin walls - the expanding city was surrounded by new defensive walls. This was the prerequisite for the emergence of many squares in Moscow, including Trubnaya.
Trubnaya Square: history of occurrence
At the end of the 16th century, a new district arose on the banks of the Neglinka River, bounded by the then erected wall of the White City. In order not to destroy the river, a hole was made for its channel in the lower part of the wall, which the people very soon began to call simply a pipe. Next to the exit from the "pipe" was the Pipe Market, which sold firewood, boards, logs, and even entire log cabins - everything you need for construction.

When the wall of the White City was demolished at the end of the 18th century, waste was dumped into Neglinka, so very soon the river turned into a local garbage dump. The unsanitary conditions of the area required urgent intervention by the authorities, and Catherine II ordered that the territory be landscaped, the banks of the Neglinka lined with granite, and fountains were installed along the riverbed. The project was not implemented, the river bed was hidden underearth in the collector. In some places, small free plots for building were formed. One of them was the place where Trubnaya Square would later be planned: right between the modern Tsvetnoy, Petrovsky and Rozhdestvensky boulevards.
Dangerous Life Trubnoy
It is interesting that in the 19th century the square in the city played the role of a large modern transport hub: it was through it that the rails of the first horse-drawn tram passed. However, it was quite difficult to climb the slope to the horse-drawn square, the horses could only pull the bulky wagon with a running start. When the tram replaced the horse-drawn carriage in the 20th century, history did not change. Pedestrians were killed in frequent accidents, and passengers were sometimes injured.
The next two historical moments, which revived the life of Trubnaya Square even more, were connected with the move here first of the "flower garden" - the flower market from Red Square, and then the bird market. Moreover, the Muscovites bought the bird not only for eating, but also for the sake of humane purposes - they released it into the wild.
This square had a bad reputation among the people for quite a long time. In history, it is known as the "Red Light District". She got her name due to the fact that criminal rabble and cocottes gathered on it.
Besides, there were "Crimea", "Hell" and "Hell".
"Crimea" - a complex of three urban facilities associated with the wild life of the townspeople: a tavern, a hotel and an inn.
"Hell" - the second part of the complex, accessible only to "initiates". It consisted of small rooms - "forges" and large rooms - "damn mills".
There was also an underground part - the "Hell" tavern, where a very dangerous audience gathered. Here they played cards for money and life, drank drinks accepted among exiles and convicts, and resolved issues objectionable to the government.
It is with Trubnaya Square that important events in the political life of the city are connected: an assassination attempt on the tsar was being prepared here, and there was also a mass death of residents of the capital who were going to the funeral of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
Monument on Trubnaya
In 1994, a stele "Grateful Russia - to law enforcement soldiers who died in the line of duty" was unveiled on Trubnaya Square in Moscow. This event sums up all of the above. After all, this square is a bloody place in the capital, where not only the townspeople died, but also the guardians of the law, who tried to restore order in the most gangster corner of Moscow. The authors of the stele are A. V. Kuzmin and A. A. Bichukov.
The monument is made in the form of a Roman triumphal column, the trunk of which is cast in bronze. The column is mounted on a granite stepped pedestal, the base is decorated with bas-reliefs. One of them depicts a Mother grieving over the body of her dead son.

On the column is a figure of St. George the Victorious, killing a snake with a spear. The symbolism of the sculpture is obvious: George the Victorious personifies the warrior of Law and Order, and the snake - the criminals with whom he fights and invariably wins. It should be noted that the image is different fromcanonical - St. George the Victorious is depicted not as an equestrian rider, but as a standing warrior, trampling the enemy snake with his foot.
The height of the column reaches 32.5 m, which is 15.5 m lower than the famous Alexander Column in St. Petersburg.
Every year, a Memory Watch is held near the monument, where Moscow police officers gather and lay flowers - a tribute to the memory of fallen law enforcement officers.
Sights of Trubnaya Square
At the corner of Trubnaya Square and Neglinnaya Street, there is a historic building that houses the School of Contemporary Play. Previously, there was a tobacco stall on the site of this building, and in the 19th century, according to the project of D. Chichagov, this building was built, intended for the fashionable French restaurant "Hermitage", which gathered the entire aristocratic elite of Moscow. It was here that the famous chef-inventor Lucien Olivier shone with his art.

This restaurant is also associated with the name of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who signed here a contract with the famous book publisher Suvorin to print a complete collection of his works.
But the house on the corner with Bolshoy Golovin Lane has the historical name "The House with Pregnant Caryatids". It housed one of the most popular brothels in aristocratic Moscow.
Nearby, on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, is the famous circus of Yury Nikulin.
How to get to Trubnaya Square? The most convenient way to get around is the Moscow metro: to the Trubnaya Ploshchad station or"Tsvetnoy Boulevard".
And in order not to confuse anything, we suggest you look at the photo of Trubnaya Square in advance.

Have a nice trip and unforgettable impressions!