The village of Krasnye Baki (Nizhny Novgorod region) has undergone significant changes over the 400-year history of its development. And, of course, most of them are associated with the hard work of local residents, who helped this amazing land to revive, expand and become the main center of the Krasnobakovskiy district.

History of the development of the village
Earlier in the 14th-15th centuries (judging by the ancient chronicles) there was a Mari village in its place. The village of Baki was first formed only in 1617. An official record of this was made by Moscow clerks. According to some reports, the village got its name in honor of the Bokovka River, but there are other versions about which history is silent.
The village of Krasnye Baki was the center of the waterway and was of great economic and geographical importance. This became a key factor in the development of an area rich in game and forests. For several centuries, more and more new villages, temples were built, and the fishing industry was actively developing. The main direction of the region was the transportation of wood.
Thisencouraged the authorities to build the railroad. Subsequently, the Vetluzhskaya station was formed, which after a while turned into a prosperous village. In the 20th century, a wood-chemical plant and a woodworking plant were erected. In 1947, by order of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the village was given the official status of an urban-type workers' settlement.

The administrative center of Krasnobakovskiy district of the 21st century
Today, Krasnye Baki of the Nizhny Novgorod region covers an area of 579 hectares. More than half of the land is forested. The village is the largest municipal center, more than 20 thousand people live in it, and this figure is increasing every year. Construction plants have appeared on the territory, and residential areas are being actively built.
Productively developing cultural and social life and the tourism industry. The industrial potential focused on woodworking and logging has significantly expanded. On the territory there is a large forestry technical school, the Vetluzhsky enterprise "Methoxyl", the research and production plant "Polyot", which produces medical goods and equipment.
Thanks to the efforts of local authorities, the appearance of the village has changed significantly for the better. The facade part of the buildings has noticeably improved, the central square is constantly ennobled, work is underway to reconstruct highways, shopping malls and new buildings are being built. Since 2004, the gasification of the entire region has continued.
In the village of Krasnye Baki there are preschool educational centers, technical schools,professional lyceums, as well as three higher institutions. Schools of arts and children's creativity are opened for small Krasnobakov residents. There are cultural institutions, museums and theaters. Great attention is paid to he althcare.

Picturesque corners of the area
Krasnobakovskiy district is proud of its natural resources and attractions. One of these magnificent corners is the dendrological park, founded in 1970. Relic plants brought from different cities of Russia grow on its spacious territory of 20 hectares. In total there are at least 300 species. The pride of the region is the Ant Complex (60 g), which has the status of a natural monument. A favorite place for recreation for residents and guests of the region are "Chistye Prudy".
The most beautiful temple of St. George the Victorious was erected here, children's areas and gazebos are equipped. A sacred place called "Forty Keys", located in the thicket near the village of Senkino, enjoys special honor. According to scientists, there is an underground lake from which numerous springs with holy water flow. Since ancient times, prayers have been held in this area and crosses have been erected.

The ethnographic center is located in the village. Nasal. On its territory there is an amazing lake called Tatarskoe, surrounded by a pine forest. It attracts with an unusual shape in the form of a bowl and fairy-tale legends. Now they are actively working onbeautification of the area. The municipality plans to turn this place into a recreation center. Subsequently, various entertainment events, concert programs and festivals will be held in this zone.
The construction of tourist centers, sanatoriums and hotels continues in the region. At the moment, the Lesnoy Kurort boarding house is operating, where excellent conditions have been created for connoisseurs of Russian culture, wildlife and outdoor activities.