Denizli in Turkey: mountains or sea?

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Denizli in Turkey: mountains or sea?
Denizli in Turkey: mountains or sea?

There are quite a lot of sights in Denizli, they are somehow connected with the history of the city and all of Turkey. In total there are about forty excursion routes. Below will be highlighted the ten most popular and interesting places to go with a child in Turkey (Denizli).

Domitian's Gate

The first thing tourists are offered to visit in a Turkish city is the Gate of Domitian. They are named so in honor of the emperor, who ruled in the distant 82-83 years. They were erected under the direction of Sextis Frontinus, who once served as Asiatic proconsul. These gates were central, and through them all high-ranking ranks entered the ancient Hierapolis. They are decorated in the best traditions of antiquity: words praising the emperor were manually carved from stone blocks and on the walls, they can be read even now. This gate overlooks a beautiful street named after the proconsul. Once this kilometer-long street was richly lined with figured slabs, and majestic columns stood along its entire length.

Carpet Factory

Many tourists are very interested to see the local production of the Turkish city. To do this, it is proposed to visit the carpet factory. It is not necessary to go there in order to purchase a product, just the very process of creating a real Turkish carpet is fascinating. Wool and natural silk are the main components of production. The process of creating a carpet is shown to everyone. Here you can see the yarn, and learn how to properly dye the threads, and how to distinguish original Turkish carpets from fakes in the future. For example, a Turkish carpet will never have a floral print, only geometric patterns are respected. Other ornaments make the product a replica of Iranian traditional carpets.

turkey denizli attractions
turkey denizli attractions

For those who still think about buying already on the tour, there are also a few subtleties. First, the quality of the pile. The carpet should not have bald spots, bumps and other imperfections. Secondly, be sure to grab wet wipes. If you wipe the dried carpet with a napkin, it should not leave stains.

Northern baths

Another popular attraction in Turkey (Denizli) is the Northern Baths. This ancient complex was built between the second and third centuries of our era. From time to time, most of the buildings, of course, collapsed, but there is still something to see. They are located closer to the Necropolis. Outside, the building still pleases with its endurance, but inside, most of the partitions simply fell apart. By the fifth century, the baths were replaced by a church building, which also suffered.from time. For hundreds of tourists who come to this place, it is the life that reflects the ancient foundations of Turkey that is interesting.

Pamukkale University

The next architectural value of Denizli (Turkey) is Pamukkale University. This educational institution is not as old as the rest of the buildings. It was built in 1992, allocating for this purpose a large area of the southern outskirts of the city of Denizli. It is active, and about 45 thousand students study there. There is a wide variety of faculties, such as the school of design, engineering, sports, modern technology and others, there are also six specialized schools.

Turkish cities
Turkish cities

Mosque named after Abu Bakr as-Siddiq

Turkey (Denizli) simply cannot be imagined without numerous mosques. In Denizli there is a mosque of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. It is decorated in Persian style. Unfortunately, it is not known exactly when the building was erected, but historians say that nothing has changed in its construction since its construction. Also, no finishing work was carried out, so everyone can admire the pristine beauty.

Abu Bakr was famous for his intellectual abilities, and after the adoption of Islam, his position only strengthened. Therefore, this small mosque with one minaret was built in honor of him.

Martyrio of Saint Philip

A lesser-known but interesting building is the martyrium of St. Philip. It was erected in memory of people who died for faith and freedom. It is named after the follower of Christ, the Apostle Philip, who was crucified back in 87 AD in the same place. ita historic Christian building that is revered even today. A steep ravine, dilapidated steps, not the easiest terrain to travel. But after passing these obstacles, a view of the most beautiful domes of the church and the structure of the fifth century opens up.

denizli mountain slopes
denizli mountain slopes

Kirishkhane Mosque

Another popular shrine of a small but religious city is the Kirishkhane Mosque. It can be considered a relatively new architectural structure, as it was built in 1975. National motifs, white marble and numerous ornaments - all this indicates belonging to the Turkish style. Arched windows and two-tier domes perfectly emphasize the exquisite facade. Inside, everything is no less attractive. The octagonal chapel is especially beautiful. Here are floral ornaments, a generously decorated large chandelier and painting with sayings from the Koran. The second floor houses numerous Muslim literature and valuable religious relics.

Lake Salda

One of the natural monuments is Lake Salda. It is located near Mount Esler. Its area is about 45 km2. It belongs to the deepest lakes in all of Turkey - 185 meters.

Where is the best place to travel with a child in Turkey?
Where is the best place to travel with a child in Turkey?

Here you can again enjoy the primeval beauty of ancient places, since there was no human intervention in nature. These black pines and a forest rich in animals are created by nature itself. The most interesting thing here is not only beauty, but also natural characteristics that have indicators similar to those of the planet Mars. That's whysince 1989, the natural monument has been under protection.

Frontina Street

Frontina Street was mentioned above, but it is worth paying special attention to it, analyzing its historical value separately from the gates of Domitian. All the guests of Hierapolis once drove and passed along it. It deservedly can be called an avenue because of its impressive size: more than a kilometer long and 14 meters wide. Throughout its length it is covered with slabs and architectural monuments. Now they are not so pronounced, most of them are dilapidated, but their facades still remind of ancient Turkey.

Tourists will be interested in visiting an open exhibition located on the Denizli-Pamukkale highway. It is a place behind a fence, covered with a white awning. There is a stone workshop on the territory. There, a variety of works are performed from stone, of any complexity and style. Therefore, you can not only enjoy contemporary art, but also purchase any product.
