By train from Moscow to Smolensk: travel features

By train from Moscow to Smolensk: travel features
By train from Moscow to Smolensk: travel features

Smolensk is one of the oldest cities in Russia, and at the same time it is a hero city. It is definitely worth visiting. The most convenient way to get from Moscow to Smolensk is by train. Long-distance trains of the Russian and Belarusian formations run between the cities, as well as high-speed trains "Lastochka".

Trip by the Belarusian formation

One of the options is to travel the distance from Moscow to Smolensk by train of the Belarusian formation. They differ from the trains of Russian Railways in the blue color of the cars and the warhead mark. The schedule looks like this:

  • 01:40. Trains from Arkhangelsk and Novosibirsk alternate. They follow to Minsk. A trip from Moscow to Smolensk will take 5 hours. A ticket in a reserved seat car costs from 1000 rubles, and in a compartment - from 1900.
  • 09:45. Unbranded fast trains from Moscow to Minsk alternate. They cover the distance between cities in 5 hours. Prices are similar to the previous two trains.
  • 11:00. Passenger train from Moscow to Brest. 6 hours is on the way, but it does not differ from the previous two in terms of prices.
  • 14:59. Three trains from Moscow to Brest alternate. They travel the distance from Moscow to Smolensk in less than 5 hours.
  • 16:36. Corporate composition from Moscow to Grodno. 5.5 hours on the road.
  • 20:28 and 23:30. Fast train from Moscow to Brest, 6 hours on the way.
  • 21:22. Corporate composition from Moscow to Gomel. The ticket price in it does not differ from the above, but there are sleeping cars. In them, a trip to Smolensk will cost from 4,000 rubles. He is on the road for 5 hours.
  • 22:11. Signature train from Moscow to Minsk, it has sleeping cars.
  • 23:37. Composition to Polotsk. The journey takes 5.5 hours. A reserved seat in it costs from 770 rubles, and a coupe - as in the previous ones.

Thus, you can leave Moscow for Smolensk by train of the Belarusian formation every day at any time of the day. It is better not to travel to Belarus itself on such trains, as the international tariff applies. Because of this, the price after crossing the border rises sharply. It is better to leave Smolensk for Belarus by bus or train, and travel around Belarus by local cheap trains.

Train station in Smolensk
Train station in Smolensk

Trip by Russian Railways formation trains

The only train from Moscow to Smolensk departs at 23:58 and travels 6.5 hours. A relatively convenient option for those who want to go to Smolensk for a weekend with an overnight stay. A reserved seat in it costs from 1200 rubles, and a coupe - from 1600.

Besides this, you can get to Smolensk by trains that run from Moscow to Kaliningrad and EU countries. Trains depart for Kaliningrad at 17:24 and 23:10. The first one is branded, but it does not affect the speed. The travel time of the train from Moscow to Smolensk is 5 hours.

At 10:17 a train of the "Strizh" type leaves, which can follow from Moscow to Berlin or Frankfurt. On the way it is 4 hours and 20 minutes. Another "Strizh" departs at 11:55. At 19:12, alternating trains leave for Nice, Prague and Paris. They do not have reserved seats, only compartments and ST.

Panorama of winter Smolensk
Panorama of winter Smolensk

Option with a ride on the "Swallow"

The first Lastochka train from Smolensk to Moscow departs at 07:10. Thus, you can wake up at about 5 am, get to the Belorussky railway station by metro from any district of Moscow and have time to leave for Smolensk. "Swallow" is on the road for 4 hours. Tickets in it are only seated, from 400 rubles. Therefore, the fare is about a ruble per kilometer.

The next Lastochka flights depart at 11:03 and 11:38, and then at 13:40 and 18:20. Thus, the last flight arrives in Smolensk at 23:00.

In the opposite direction, from Smolensk to Moscow, Lastochka trains depart according to the following schedule:

  • 07:45.
  • 12:04.
  • 12:58.
  • 15:33 and 16:07.
  • 18:49.
  • 19:20 and 19:32.
Kremlin in Smolensk
Kremlin in Smolensk

Why go to Smolensk?

Alternatively, you should come to the City Day, it is celebrated on September 25, three weeks later than Moscow.

Smolensk is home to the largest Kremlin in Russia and the world. You can take a long walk along itwalls.

There are a lot of military-themed monuments in the city, its defenders heroically proved themselves in 1812 and 1941. Museums are also enough, enough for the weekend. If this is not enough, then you can go to Katyn or the Talashkino estate. Each of these sites is about 20 kilometers away.
