Distance from Moscow to Smolensk, travel features

Distance from Moscow to Smolensk, travel features
Distance from Moscow to Smolensk, travel features

Smolensk is well located on the road from Moscow to Minsk and further to Europe. It is not only an ancient city with the largest Kremlin in Russia, but also a hero city with an interesting military history, so it is definitely worth a visit. The distance from Moscow to Smolensk is about 400 kilometers, it is not difficult to drive it.

Trip to Smolensk by rail

From the Belorussky railway station in Moscow to Smolensk, trains depart quite often, leaving is not a problem. The options are:

  • Train type "Swallow" and "Strizh". On it you can drive the distance from Moscow to Smolensk in 4 hours, the trains are new, but the cars in them are only seated. They depart daily at 11:38, 11:55, 13:40, 18:20.
  • International trains to different cities of Belarus and to the EU countries. The trip takes 5-6 hours. Departure at 01:40, 09:45, 11:00, 11:55, 15:00, 15:51, 16:36, 19:12, 20:28, 21:22, 22:11 and three trains around 23:00. Those that follow to Belarus are always Belarusian formations.
  • Trains to Kaliningrad, they depart at 12:41, 17:24, 23:10, as well as train number205 "Moscow-Smolensk", which leaves at 23:58, it slowly travels 6.5 hours. This option is convenient for traveling at night.

Ticket price depends on the type of carriage, type of train and seasonal fare, tentatively it is as follows:

  • Seated - from 480 rubles.
  • Reserved seat - from 750 rubles.
  • Compartment - from 2,000 rubles.
  • Sleeping - from 3,700 rubles. Cars of this type are found in trains of the Belarusian formation to Gomel, Brest and Minsk.

Thus, for the distance from Moscow to Smolensk, the lowest fare is about 1.2 rubles per kilometer.

The railway station in Smolensk is located in the city center, next to the tram stop and just north of the Dnieper.

Dnieper in Smolensk
Dnieper in Smolensk

Features of travel by car

Buses from Moscow to Smolensk depart from the bus station on Tushinskaya from 07:45 to 23:45. The trip takes 6 hours, they arrive at the Smolensk bus station, which is located next to the railway station. The ticket costs 1,100 rubles. Relatively expensive compared to seated and reserved seat cars.


The distance from Moscow to Smolensk by car can be reached in about 5 hours, depending on the weather and traffic jams near the capital. From it you need to move west, towards Belarus along the M-1 (E-30) highway, near the village of Ilyushino, turn sharply south into the city. Entrance to it is on the road A-132.

Smolensk Kremlin
Smolensk Kremlin

What to visit in Smolensk?

Given that the distance from Moscow to Smolensksmall, you can go to this ancient city for a long weekend, for example, in early May or on June 12 and November 4.

Sights worth visiting:

  • Museums: linen, military, wood sculptures, historical, local history, natural.
  • The red brick Kremlin with many towers.
  • Monuments to various figures (for example, M. Glinka) and various architecture: from medieval churches to the Stalinist Empire style of the 50s.

A lot of beautiful parks and gardens. For example, Blonye garden in the historical center, memorial park, Lopatinsky garden.
