How many km from Moscow to Ufa? Ways to travel distance

How many km from Moscow to Ufa? Ways to travel distance
How many km from Moscow to Ufa? Ways to travel distance

The distance from Moscow to Ufa is 1165 kilometers in a straight line, and 1350 kilometers along the highway. You can also get there by car. Considering how many km from Moscow to Ufa, all options are good, we will analyze them below.

Plane from Moscow to Ufa
Plane from Moscow to Ufa

Air flight on the route

Airplanes between cities fly around the clock. Considering how many km from Moscow to Ufa, the flight takes about 2 hours. The place of departure can be any airport in the capital, and the place of landing is always the international airport of Ufa, which is connected with the city by buses No. 101 and 110. The cost of air travel is from 3000 rubles. Flights are operated by the following airlines:

  • UTair.
  • "RusLine".
  • Gazpromavia.
  • S7.
  • "Aeroflot".
  • "North wind".
  • Pegas Fly.
  • Nordavia.
  • Red Wings.
  • Belavia.
  • Ural Airlines.

Their planes are different. Most often these are Airbus and Boeing, but there may be Canadian and Russian "Superjets".

In the opposite direction, from Ufa to Moscow, flights fly from 6 am to midnight.

Historical center of Ufa
Historical center of Ufa

Rail ride

If you look at how many km from Moscow to Ufa by rail, it is logical that a trip between cities, even on the fastest train, will take 22.5 hours. The train departure schedule from the Kazansky railway station of the capital looks like this:

  • 00:40. Passenger train from Moscow, 31 hours on the way.
  • 2:50. Passenger train from St. Petersburg. It follows from the Kursk railway station, as it passes through Moscow in transit. 30 hours on the road. This train, like the previous one, runs on certain days and is quite rare.
  • 12:26. Ambulance from Moscow, on the way is 28 hours.
  • 15:30. Passenger train, which follows to Chelyabinsk. 30 hours on the road, it has seating cars, as in the previous one. Walks every other day.
  • 21:22. Corporate composition to Chelyabinsk. Rides the fastest, 22.5 hours on the road. It has sleeping cars. Runs daily.
  • 22:50. Train of the Kazakh formation. Walks every other day. 26 hours on the road.

The price of a ticket depends on the shares of Russian Railways, on the seasonal fare, type of car and other features of the composition. Estimated prices are:

  • Seated - from 1400 rubles.
  • Reserved seat - from 2400 rubles.
  • Compartment - from 2400 rubles.
  • Sleeping from 9500 rubles.

Bthe other way, from Ufa to Moscow, the schedule is:

  • 1:47.
  • 7:50.
  • 8:53.
  • 12:22.
  • 14:41.
  • 19:28.
Monument to Salavat Yulaev
Monument to Salavat Yulaev

Ride on the bus

How many km from Ufa to Moscow do you have to travel if you travel by bus? The distance is not fundamentally different, also about 1350 kilometers. There are few direct buses on the route. They depart at 19:00 from Kotelniki and at 20:00 from Novogireevo. They arrive in Ufa in 21 or 22 hours at the southern bus station or at the Semya shopping mall. A ticket costs from 2000 rubles.

In the opposite direction, from Ufa to Moscow, buses leave at 11 am, 20 hours on the way.

Drive a car

From Moscow to Ufa by car there are several routes. The length of the shortest is 1350 kilometers. From the capital, you need to go to the M-7 highway and move further east through Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod. It leads to Ufa through Tatarstan and northwestern Bashkiria.

The route will take 18 hours to complete, so an overnight stay is required. It is best to stay in Kazan, where there is a large selection of places to stay, from hotels to hostels.

Another option is also possible. From Moscow, you need to move southeast along the E-30 highway. It passes through Ryazan, Penza and Samara. The trip will take approximately 20 hours.

On the way it is worth stopping for the night, for example, in Penza.
