Iberian Peninsula. History of Spain

Iberian Peninsula. History of Spain
Iberian Peninsula. History of Spain

The Iberian Peninsula, the southwestern tip of Europe, is surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Strait of Gibr altar and the Mediterranean Sea. Its area is 582 thousand km2.

The Iberian Peninsula
The Iberian Peninsula

The Iberian Peninsula is the westernmost and southernmost of the three peninsulas in Europe. On its territory there are four states - Spain, Andorra, Portugal and Gibr altar. The largest of them, occupying the main part of the territory, is Spain.

The peninsula was discovered by the Phoenicians almost a thousand years before our era. It is possible that the name of the main country is of Phoenician origin. “Rabbit Coast,” as they called their Iberian colony, is Phoenician for “I spanneem.” This may be where the origin of the word “Spain” comes from.

In the 3rd century BC, the powerful army of Carthage drove out the Phoenicians, but the Romans captured the Iberian Peninsula in the 2nd century BC and founded the provinces of their empire here - Lusitania and Iberia.

spain peninsula
spain peninsula

In I in BC these provinces were ruled by Gaius Julius Caesar. This warrior, like Alexander the Great, left brief but reliable descriptions of the conquered countries. You can saythat he opened the Iberian Peninsula to Europeans.

The rich history of the Iberian Peninsula, on the land of which many peoples passed, leaving traces of their culture here, has led to the fact that almost all of Spain is one huge open-air historical museum. And given that this "museum" is surrounded by a ring of the best resort areas in Europe and beautiful seashores, it becomes clear that millions of tourists want to travel to Spain.

Here merged into one explosive mixture of bullfighting and flamenco, sherry and malaga, ancient centuries-old traditions and modern cities. To understand the spirit of the country, which makes people often do unexpected things, you need to visit here.

Small provincial Madrid, which turned one morning in 1561 at the wave of the hand of King Philip II into the capital of a mighty state, was instantly filled with proud Spanish nobility, artists, officials, musicians, artisans, monks and poets. The kings built luxurious squares and palaces, decorated them with their own statues and fountains. So Madrid gradually became the Madrid we know and thousands of tourists come to get acquainted with.

travel in spain
travel in spain

Business stiff city with the onset of twilight is transformed. Millions of night-light bulbs snatch out of the darkness the ghostly silhouettes of ancient cathedrals, fountains and palaces. Madrid is filled with carelessness and fun. Thousands of people, tourists and locals go out for a traditional Spanish evening walk - "paseo".

And in the old capital with the sonorous name of Toledo, time seems to have stopped. The 16th century still reigns in this city. The same ancient narrow streets, buildings and cathedrals, and even fortress walls remained. And the same craftsmen in numerous workshops that make armor, crossbows and edged weapons right before your eyes from the famous Toledo steel. Foreigners greedily pose in front of the cameras in helmets and with halberds at the ready, brandishing swords or daggers, trying on armor. But in the end, it all ends with the purchase of small folding knives with the brand name "Toledo".
