Altai Territory is known for its unique and untouched nature. Tourists have been flocking here for a long time to see the pristine flora and fauna. No less famous are the resort towns of the Altai Territory, such as Yarovoye, Belokurikha, where you can combine a wonderful holiday with treatment. However, the region has a very high medical and he alth potential, which few people know about, except for local residents. Let's talk about the possibilities of a spa holiday in the Altai Territory in more detail.

Geography and climate
Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia. What is unusual about this place? Here you can see a great natural diversity: mountains, steppes, forests, lakes, rivers. Almost all natural zones of Russia are present in the region, except for the subtropics and the Arctic. The relief of the region is formed by the Altai Mountains in the east and south, the West Siberian Plain is locatedin the center and in the west. The region is very rich in water resources, the main body of water is the Ob River with a large number of tributaries. The total number of rivers in the region is 17 thousand, as well as many lakes (13 thousand). The main we alth of the region is the tape forests growing on the flat part.
The climate of the Altai Territory is moderate, with a transition to the continental, that is, with cold winters and hot summers. The average annual temperature is about plus 2 degrees. The region is distinguished by a fairly large number of winds, in winter - snowstorms. Winter in the region begins already in November, when a permanent snow cover is established, summer begins at the end of May and lasts until early September. The number of hours of sunshine per year is 2180 (in Sochi, for comparison, 2230), the region ranks 12th in the country for this indicator. The resorts of the Altai Territory are a place for a pleasant and comfortable stay, there is something to do both in winter and in summer.

Recreational and wellness potential
The large extent of the territory of the region, varied relief, fairly mild climate and a large number of mineral and mud springs make the region an extremely rich recreational resource. In the Altai Territory, experts note high rates of such important resort resources as air transparency and ionization, solar radiation, mineral water sources, and accumulation of silt mud.
Researchers claim that the region has the best conditions in Siberia for the development of the resort business. According to many indicators, local resorts (Altairegion) may well be compared with the Crimea. Also in the region there are sources of radon waters and lakes, which, according to the characteristics of water and bottom silt, are on a par with many famous healing reservoirs of the world. The purity of the air and its saturation with useful phytoncides makes the Altai Territory extremely useful for healing. The medical resources of the region have been used in the resort business for more than a hundred years, about 40 sanatoriums and dispensaries of various sizes have been opened here.

Most Popular Resorts
The most famous resort in the region is the town of Belokurikha, a Russian-scale he alth resort that is widely known throughout the country. A less well-known resort of regional importance is the city of Yarovoe with a healing lake. Other resorts of the Altai Territory, photos of which can be seen in guidebooks, are less famous, but no less interesting and useful.
First of all, we should name the lakes of the Romanovsky district: Gorkoye, Molokovo, Guseletovo. Mud lakes of the Zavyalovsky district are also very popular: Baklanye, Zavyalovskoye, Mostovoye. The reservoirs of the steppe zone, lakes Kulundinskoye, Bouazzhansor, Burlinskoye have a huge potential. All these places have great medical and recreational potential, but so far their tourist infrastructure is less developed.

Resort town Belokurikha
A real sanatorium town, resort Belokurikha (Altai Territory) traces its history back to the beginning of the 19th century. But as a resort place begins to develop into60s of the 19th century, when baths were first built here. The healing properties of local springs were discovered by residents who noticed that the cows that drink water from them are he althier and produce more milk. Aboriginal people began to practice bathing in the springs themselves, and this helped them get rid of many diseases.
In 1866, the first bath for 16 people was built here. By the end of the 19th century, there was already a he alth resort here, which received about 500 people a year. The further development of the resort was hampered by a strongly pronounced seasonality. At the beginning of the 20th century, the development of territories began. In the 1920s and 1930s, a he alth resort for state leaders was built here. At this time, the healing properties of local sources are being studied. It turns out that the waters contain a small amount of radon, as well as a lot of nitrogen, silicon and fluorine. In the 60s, rapid construction began in Belokurikha, a number of large sanatoriums appeared here, the resort acquired all-Union significance.
Belokurikha becomes a year-round resort. At the end of the 20th century, scientists proved that the air here contains twice as many useful air ions as in Davos, Switzerland. In post-perestroika times, the resort lost its attractiveness due to the fact that many tourists rushed abroad. But today the former glory returns to the he alth resort. New sanatoriums are being built here, infrastructure is being developed.
Today good roads lead here, modern equipment is installed in the sanatoriums. The city has about 20 medical institutions with a total capacity of about 5,000 beds. The number of tourists is increasing every year, and this was the reason for the launch of the large-scale Belokurikha-2 project, within which new sanatoriums and ski resorts will be built. Today, a magnificent road has already been laid to this place.

The best resorts in Belokurikha
Belokurikha is a resort (Russia, Altai Territory), whose fame is created by several large sanatoriums. The most famous places include "Russia", "Eden", "Belokurikha", "Siberia", "Centrosoyuz", "Altai West", "Altai Castle". All sanatoriums actively use the local healing potential.
Radon waters are effectively used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, the doctors of Belokurikha have accumulated considerable experience in curing infertility. For the treatment of diseases of the digestive, endocrine, genitourinary systems, local mineral water is used. Treatment of many ailments occurs with the use of mud from several reservoirs in the Altai Territory. Unique opportunities are provided by methods of therapy and prevention with the help of deer products. Patients are offered antler baths, teas, wraps, etc. Of course, walking is an important factor in recovery. Local air has a healing effect on the respiratory system and immunity.

Yarovoye Resort
Not far from the border between Russia and Kazakhstan is the resort of Yarovoe (Altai Territory). The main recreational and he alth-improving resource of the city is Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye, which, by its characteristicsclose to the Dead Sea. The settlement began to be built in the 40s of the 20th century: a bromine plant began to be built here. The use of the lake for recreational purposes began in the 60s. At first, local residents and vacationers from nearby settlements came here spontaneously. The initial sanatorium infrastructure was gradually formed.
Yarovoye received the status of the city only in 1993, from that time the tourist development of the territory began. Large recreation areas are being built here: Berth-22 and Berth-42. Today, the city has places for organized recreation for 5,000 people, in addition, tourists come here who settle in campsites and tent camps.
Sanatoriums of Yarovoye
The main object of the city is Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye, around which he alth-improving institutions are grouped. This endorheic reservoir with a high concentration of s alt, according to the characteristics of its silty mud, may well be compared with the lakes Saki in the Crimea, Tambukan in the Caucasus and the Dead Sea. Regional resorts (Altai Territory) began to be built in the middle of the 20th century.
The first sanatorium appeared in Yarovoye in 1970. It was a recreational departmental complex for employees of the chemical industry, today it bears the name "Chemist" and offers the treatment of gynecological diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Mud is also good for skin diseases. The newer sanatorium "Yarovoe - mud bath" also offers a full range of treatment procedures based on the mud of the lake.

Lake District
New resorts and sanatoriums in the Altai Territory are increasingly being built in the depths of the region. This is facilitated by a large number of natural objects with great he alth potential. There are about 13 thousand lakes in the region, and many of them have useful properties. The territory of several districts of the region, namely Romanovsky, Zavyalovsky, Smolensky, Soloneshensky, Gornaya Kolyvan, has enormous medical and recreational opportunities. In these places there are various lakes that help fight many diseases.
Resort Zavyalovo
Amazing lakes in Zavyalovo attract tourists from all over the region. S alt, Krivoe (fresh) and Alkaline lakes have various he alth-improving possibilities. The most valuable and popular S alt Lake. Its water contains 115 gr. s alt per liter, and valuable blue clay at the bottom helps to treat diseases of the skin and the musculoskeletal system. Freshwater lake is used more as an object for recreation and fishing.
The area also has mineral springs, the water of which is very high in magnesium, sulfates and other beneficial minerals and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helps to get rid of toxins, cleanses the liver.
Several medical institutions operate in Zavyalovo: the Zavyalovo balneological boarding house, the Power of Lakes complex, the state polyclinic with a balneological department. These resorts of the Altai Territory, of course, do not offer a developed tourist infrastructure, but the prices for treatment and accommodation herevery affordable.
Kulunda Lake
Describing the regional resorts (Altai Territory), it is worth stopping at the Kulunda s alt lake, which also has a great he alth resource. S alt water contains many useful minerals, and silt has a positive effect on the skin. There are no sanatoriums in the usual sense of the word in this place, there are several recreation centers here: Compass Vita, House of Altai, Altai Sun, and there are also many parking lots for independent travelers.
Reviews of tourists about holidays in the Altai Territory
According to statistics, regional resorts (Altai Territory) are becoming more and more popular with Russians every year. Tourists in their reviews enthusiastically talk about the beautiful nature of the region, about the opportunity to relax from the hustle and bustle. This mainly applies to small resort areas such as Romanovo, Guseletovo, Zavyalovo.
Large local he alth resorts: Belokurikha, Yarovoe - today they offer a wide range of services, in addition to treatment. There are entertainment centers, water parks, tour desks. The Yarovoe resort (Altai Territory), whose photos are comparable to the views of many Turkish places, is constantly expanding the range of entertainment services, and tourists call it the Siberian Ibiza. Therefore, visiting these sites, according to tourists, is quite comparable in terms of service level with many foreign and popular Russian holiday destinations.