Panama is a state that is located on the narrow Isthmus of Panama connecting the two American continents, between Colombia and Costa Rica, and resembles the Latin letter "S". Almost the entire history of the country since its separation from Colombia is inextricably linked with the Panama Canal. This structure is rightfully considered one of the most important in the history of mankind, as it allowed ships to get from the Pacific to the Atlantic without having to go around the whole continent - South America. Can you show where the capital of Panama is located on a world map? For those who do not know - on the shore of the bay, a little east of the entrance to the Panama Canal.

Capital of Panama
The main city of the country (the inhabitants call it Panama City) is a modern metropolis with more than a million people, where a significant part of the state's largest enterprises is concentrated. In addition, many large international corporations are headquartered in Panama City, and the city is rightfully considered the most important cultural and educational center of Central America. In recent years, the already extremely diverse population of Panama City has been replenished by Indians from the surrounding villages, emigrants from the Arab States and India, as well asthousands of pensioners from the United States of America and many European countries. The latter circumstance is another confirmation that this city is considered the safest and most convenient for life in the Western Hemisphere.

The capital of Panama was founded almost five centuries ago by the Spanish conquistadors as the first port of the Spanish kingdom in the Pacific Ocean. Due to its favorable location, the city soon became the most important trading center on the border of two continents. However, in the second half of the seventeenth century, old Panama was burned almost to the ground as a result of an attack by English pirates, and it was restored only a few years later, seven kilometers from its original place.

The first impetus that led to the rapid economic development of the capital was received in 1848, when gold was found in California, and the city became a transit point for those who were heading to the west coast of the United States of America. And its real heyday began with the construction of the Panama Canal. In addition, the capital of Panama experienced a banking boom during the seventies and eighties of the last century, which was associated with the opening of branches of most of the world's largest banks.
The capital of Panama is a great place for recreation and excursions, especially since there are many interesting sights here. Particularly interesting are the ruins of Panamo Viejo - what remains of the medieval Spanish city afterpirate attacks. Despite the past centuries, these ruined houses, fortifications and temples make a rather strong impression and allow us to imagine what a flourishing city the "first" Panama was. An excursion to Casco Viejo, the old city, from where the modern capital of Panama originates, will be no less interesting. Many buildings of the colonial era have been preserved there and most of the city's museums are located, including the Panama Canal Museum. In addition, in Casco Viejo you can see the elegant snow-white palace Palacio de las Garzas, which today is the residence of the President of the country, and the main cathedral of the state - the Metropolitan. Tourists should also visit the Opera House, or at least see this building from the outside, as it is one of the oldest and most colorful in the city.

Panama is a holiday city! There are several hundred clubs, bars and discos here. The main entertainment area stretches along the new promenade, where you can meet hundreds of joggers and cyclists in the mornings. In general, bicycles are very popular in Panama. For example, tourists are happy to go to the Miraflores lock of the Panama Canal, next to which is the artificial spit El Casuway, to ride a rented tandem or single bicycle. During such a trip, they have a unique opportunity to admire the panorama of Panama, spread out on one side of the spit, and the views of the channel through which giant ships sail. Here come the loversNature can truly enjoy a funicular ride through the Ramboa Rainforest Rainforest.
However, to really have fun in Panama, you need to come there in late winter - early spring, when the whole country is having fun and dancing, enjoying the carnival "Humbo Rumba". The main part of the events of this colorful holiday takes place in the Old City, where funny performances are played out right on the streets, and the residents of Panama City and the guests of the city who have joined them tirelessly douse each other with water and shower confetti.