Aircraft engine surge - what is it? The definition should be understood as the disruption of the operation of the turbojet unit of an aircraft, the violation of the stability of its operation. Typical signs of such a problem are the occurrence of pops, smoke, reduced traction, powerful vibrations.
Aircraft engine surge - what is it? In fact, at the root of the problem lies the loss of a steady flow of air flow through the turbine. If left untreated, it could cause a fire and destroy the engine.
Aircraft engine surge: causes

Among the likely causes that can lead to a problem, it is worth highlighting:
- putting the aircraft on an outrageous trajectory, at which maximum loads are placed on the engine;
- impeller vane damage due to end of life or failure;
- getting foreign objects into the engine;
- strong crosswind gusts;
- critically low ambient air pressure.
To whatsolutions resorted to in aviation to prevent surge?
The use of several separate shafts in the design is the main solution to prevent aircraft engine surge. What's this? The shafts in the engine move at different speeds, independently of each other. Each of them carries a part of the turbine and compressor of the engine. On modern aircraft, units are usually installed that contain 2-3 independent shafts. If one of them fails, the rest are able to maintain the thrust required to move the vessel in airspace.
How to eliminate the surge during the flight?

Aircraft engine surge - what is it? This phenomenon quickly leads to the destruction of the engine during the flight. In the event of an emergency, the pilots switch the engine to a reduced speed or completely turn it off for a while. With early detection of the problem and application of this approach, the surge usually disappears on its own.
The rise in engine temperature during surge can be several hundred degrees per second. Therefore, fire-fighting automatics are installed on modern aircraft. It allows you to eliminate the fire, which gives the crew more time to make the right decisions. When the automation is triggered, an interruption or reduction in the fuel supply occurs simultaneously.
An aircraft can be sent into a free dive for a while if an aircraft engine surge occurs. What's this? All engines are turned off on board. The aircraft begins to gradually lose altitude until the fire is eliminated. Further, the fuel supply is restored in the engines and the return to normal flight mode occurs.
In closing

Engine surge can be quite a problem during flight. However, modern advances in science and technology make it possible to cope with this phenomenon. Today, aircraft are equipped with all kinds of signaling devices for the crew, fire-fighting automation, systems that timely turn off the unit and restart it.