Molitovsky bridge: death and birth of a new

Molitovsky bridge: death and birth of a new
Molitovsky bridge: death and birth of a new

Molitovsky Bridge has gained notoriety among Nizhny Novgorod residents, largely due to the terrible accident that occurred there. This news was broadcast on all the news and discussed for a long time in the kitchens. It would seem that rumors about accidents are not so rare, but for some reason this case seems especially scary.

molitovsky bridge
molitovsky bridge

Details of the tragedy

The accident on the Molitovsky Bridge occurred on June 1, 2016. At that time, the bridge was already closed for repairs. Why the driver of the car needed to drive onto the temporarily closed bridge, now one can only guess. However, the fact remains that the car crashed into a special equipment standing on the road for repairs.

In the details of the case, it is written that the driver at a speed of 140 km / h swept along the Molitovsky bridge towards the city center. Unfortunately, on the way of the negligent driver, KamAZ met, which these days was carrying out repair work.

When the impact occurred, there were many people around who saw the accident with their own eyes. The photo shows that the car was badly damaged. Two young people who were in the car at the time died on the spot. It was later revealed that they were in a family relationship.

accident onmolitovsky bridge
accident onmolitovsky bridge

Further Proceedings

The accident on the Molitovsky bridge on June 1 brought many mysteries to the life of Nizhny Novgorod. For example, immediately after the incident, some assumed that the driver of the foreign car was drunk. However, further examination showed that the motorist did not use alcohol or any drugs.

Nevertheless, law enforcement services do not deny that the cause of the accident on the Molitovsky Bridge could be the use of spices by the driver. It is very difficult to identify the effect of such chemicals through examination, as the composition is constantly changing. Therefore, the investigation does not exclude such a scenario.

This is confirmed by the video from the scene. The registrar recorded how the car flashed along the road at a red light, almost knocking down a pedestrian. After that, she turned onto the Molitovsky bridge, where she crashed into special equipment. The motives for this behavior are unclear.

However, the mother of the deceased, who owned the vehicle, has her own opinion about the causes of the accident. She believes the incident was staged. Shortly before the incident, her son called her on her mobile and shouted in a panic that bandits were chasing him and want to kill him.

However, this version was never recognized as official. And after the accident, concrete barriers were placed at the entrance to the repair site.

Bridge repair

To date, the repair of the Molitovsky bridge has already been completed. In autumn, its grand opening took place. Keep in mind that it took about six months to repair the structure. Initially, it was planned to repair individual sections of the road in turn, so as not to completely block traffic. However, the tight schedule of the project required the bridge to be completely closed.

molitovsky bridge 1 june
molitovsky bridge 1 june

The design was completely ready on November 1, but the opening was postponed to the 4th. It is connected with the National Unity Day. According to tradition, on this day, the townspeople receive something useful from the authorities, and the Molitovsky bridge in Nizhny Novgorod became such a gift.

During the repair, workers changed the roadbed, updated the water drainage and waterproofing system, repaired the tram tracks and partially replaced the concrete layer. The warranty for different types of repairs is from four to eight years. So it remains to be hoped that a new repair will not be needed soon.

What are the authorities saying?

According to the head of the city administration, the authorities had a choice: to close the bridge completely for 5 months, or to repair different sections in turn for two years. As you can see, they made their choice.

Across the Molitovsky Bridge, transport is already in full swing along the same routes as before the repair. And although it was planned to open traffic on November 4 at half past ten in the morning, some especially frisky drivers tried out the new bridge the previous evening.

repair of the molitovsky bridge
repair of the molitovsky bridge

By the way, the maximum allowed speed with which you can move on the bridge has increased. If earlier there was a limit of 40 km / h, now it has been increased to 60 km / h. And this, we recall, is the maximumpermissible speed in the city.

Local dissatisfaction

Completion of repairs will greatly facilitate the life of Novgorodians. All these five months it took almost three hours to get from one end of the city to the other: such inconveniences were detours. Therefore, some did not consider the idea of closing the bridge completely as a good solution.

However, all dissatisfaction can be left in the past: Novgorod motorists can safely ride on the new surface. Nevertheless, many still have the question: how long will it last? And will it not be necessary or in a few years to experience the same inconvenience again?

Well, time will tell. In the meantime, the townspeople can breathe easy: the 10-point traffic jams that constantly accompanied the repair work on the bridge have come to an end.
