This year the country celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Russian genius M. Yu. Lermontov. Russia remembers and preserves a great literary heritage. After reading this article, you will learn about the unique monuments of history and culture associated with the life and tragic death of the poet.

Poetry lovers will find out where Lermontov's grave is. We will tell you about the most interesting places in Lermontovo and Pyatigorsk.
Lermontovo Village
The history of the village begins in 1701. The founder is considered to be Prince Yakov Petrovich Dolgorukov. The village is located in the Belinsky district of the Penza region.
In the 18th century, the village was officially called Yakovlevskoye. However, the locals used the common name - Tarkhany.
The fact is that at that time the peasants were actively engaged in petty trade, selling flax, fur, ropes in the surrounding villages. In the Tambov and Penza provinces, peddlers were called tarkhans. Gradually, the village in everyday life began to be called Tarkhanami.
In 1794, the future grandparents M. Yu. Lermontov, E. A. Arsenyeva and M. V. Arseniev.
Modern Lermontovo still retains the charm of antiquity. Thanks to the all-Russian fame of the poet, these places began to be protected by the state.
Lermontov's grave in Pyatigorsk
M. Y. Lermontov was killed in a duel in Pyatigorsk in 1841. He was buried in the old cemetery at the foot of the mountain. Lermontov's grave is the most important monument of the city of Pyatigorsk and its symbol.

After the burial, the grandmother of the poet E. A. Arsenyeva insisted that the ashes of her grandson be transferred to the family burial vault in the village of Tarkhany. There, the family estate of the Lermontov-Arseniev family was built. It turns out that Lermontov's grave is located in two cities. Of course, officially the poet's remains lie on the estate.
Here is the old grave of Lermontov: photo in the city of Pyatigorsk.
It should be noted that at that time it was very difficult to achieve the reburial of a person. But Elizaveta Alekseevna turned to the emperor and received permission.
In the spring of 1842, the poet was buried in his homeland. Years passed, and Lermontov's grave gained all-Russian and worldwide fame.

Even today, fresh flowers lie at the monument at the site of the poet's death. They are brought by admirers of the talent of M. Yu. Lermontov.
Tarkhany is the native nest of the poet
Tarkhany for M. Yu. Lermontov is a favorite place in Russia, a family nest. He was born and lived here half his life. Many literary masterpieces of Mikhail Yurievich were written in Lermontovo. Lermontov's grave in Tarkhany became reala place of pilgrimage for historians, literary scholars and lovers of his poetry.

The poet dedicated his first poems to the Tarkhans. He, like a seer, felt that he would die early and be buried in his native estate.
From the earliest years, the life of the future poet was tragic. His mother, Maria Mikhailovna, died quite young. Lermontov was still a child. A heavy loss left an imprint of sadness and hopelessness on all his work. A bright, almost unearthly image of his mother remained in his memory.
Moreover, after her death, scandals began in the family. The poet's grandmother, E. A. Arsenyeva, blamed her son-in-law for the death of her daughter. Lermontov's father, Yuri Petrovich, a quick-tempered man, could not stand it and left the estate.
The future genius was raised by his grandmother. The fact is that the father was not able to support and raise the child. Elizaveta Alekseevna adored her grandson and did everything to raise a worthy and educated person out of him.
It was my grandmother who played a big role in the development of Lermontov's genius. She gave her grandson a brilliant education.
There was a huge library in the children's room of the future poet. He was constantly engaged in painting and graphics. The first paintings of the poet can be seen in the house-museum. He studied French, learned to dance. He was well-read and educated beyond his years.

Arsenyeva had a tough energetic character. The only mistress of a huge estate, she managed affairs perfectly. Lermontov began to communicate with his father only inyouth.
Museum of the Poet in Tarkhany
Tarkhany is the famous museum of M. Yu. Lermontov throughout Russia. Located in the village of Lermontovo. Founded in 1939.

Here you will immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a real Russian estate, learn how Russian landowners lived and had fun. You will finally see where Lermontov's grave is and be sure to visit it.
Manor house
If you visit this wonderful exhibition, you won't regret it. You will see a Russian estate: the former home of the Lermontov-Arsenyevs, a park and outbuildings. The estate consists of many different buildings.
Historians and literary critics have restored the room where Mikhail Yurievich lived and worked. You can see the desk where he wrote literary masterpieces.
During the life of the mistress, Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva, many remarkable buildings were built. Unfortunately, only copies made according to the descriptions and illustrations of that time remained. Much was lost and destroyed after the revolution.
People's hut
A brick building, restored according to old drawings, was built next to the manor's estate. Peasants lived and worked in it, about 200 people. The mistress, E. A. Arsenyeva, made strict demands on her serfs.
But she was fair and honest. They say that the most terrible punishment used by the landowner is to shave half of the peasant's head or cut off the braid if the girl was at fault. She did not use too cruel punishments, and the peasants respected and listened to her.
Church of Mary of Egypt
Erected at the direction of Lermontov's grandmother, E. A. Arsenyeva, in honor of M. Yu. Lermontov's mother, who died early. Built and consecrated in 1820. The whole family attended the church, including the poet himself. In addition, it has become an important center for believers in Tarkhany.
Graves of the Arseniev-Lermontovs and the chapel
The family tomb of the Lermontov-Arseniev family occupies the main place among other expositions. By tragic coincidence or fate, almost all of them died at a young age.
One of the most interesting is the grave of Lermontov's mother, M. M. Lermontova, who died on February 24, 1817. On the grave of Maria Mikhailovna there is a monument in the form of a broken anchor - a symbol of unfulfilled hopes.
The family life of the young spouses did not work out from the very beginning. Maria Mikhailovna was in poor he alth.
After the birth of her son, she became even more ill. Her husband started cheating on her. After another scandal, the woman took to her bed and died before her eyes.
Lermontov's grave is nearby (photo can be seen below), where he was transferred from Pyatigorsk, where he was killed in a duel. The poet lived only 26 years. The monument erected on the grave is carved from black marble.

Not far away is the grave of the poet's grandfather, M. V. Arseniev, who died in 1810.
In 1843 E. A. Arsenyeva built a chapel over the graves of her relatives. She died on November 16, 1845 at the age of 73. In her declining years, she was left alone and outlived all her relatives.
At the entrance tochapel, where the grave of Lermontov is located, there is a mighty oak planted by the poet's grandmother after his death.
Church of Michael the Archangel
Built in honor of the patron saint Mikhail Yurievich. Consecrated in 1840, a year before the sudden death of the poet. It was to this church that the coffin of M. Yu. Lermontov was delivered from the city of Pyatigorsk. Now it has become an important part of the museum complex and a parish church for the faithful of the village of Lermontov.

The grave of M. Yu. Lermontov has also become a symbol of the Orthodox culture of Russia. The Lermontov-Arsenyevs are a deeply religious family. They did a lot for the development of Orthodoxy in the village.
From the history of the museum
The Tarkhany Museum has a long history closely connected with the life of the Lermontov-Arsenyev family.
For the first time the memory of the Russian genius was honored in 1914. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the poet, a school named after Lermontov was built in the village. Researchers, literary critics, historians and just admirers of creativity have found out where Lermontov's grave is.
In 1934, the Lermontov estate and all the buildings were declared a cultural monument.

But, unfortunately, the state was not interested in the unique monument. The family tomb was in a state of disrepair, the estate was collapsing. The grave of Lermontov was overgrown, the monument began to collapse from time to time. Admirers of Lermontov's work and enthusiasts wrote letters to all authorities several times, tried to restore the monuments on their own. Only in 1939 the state declared "Tarkhany" protectedcultural monument.
On May 1, 1939, access to the poet's grave was officially opened in a solemn atmosphere. The grave of Lermontov in Tarkhany turned into a mausoleum. On July 30, 1939, the house-museum was opened. In the museum exposition, Lermontov's grave (the photo gives an idea of it) is a dear memory of the poet for admirers of his work.
How can you spend time in a museum?
If you love the work of M. Yu. Lermontov, come to these places. Many secrets are kept by Lermontov's grave in Tarkhany. The photo will not be able to convey the whole atmosphere of the museum-estate. Therefore, it is better to visit Tarkhany. An exciting tour awaits you. In the museum you will get a lot of vivid impressions. Lots of activities going on:
- Excursions with theatrical elements. You will learn not only about the life of the poet, but also the life of landowners and peasants of the late 18th - early 19th centuries.
- Literary evenings where you will hear the best works of a brilliant poet.
- Scientific conferences.
- Folklore holidays, such as Maslenitsa.
- Quiz for schoolchildren and adults.
What is especially interesting, the museum holds balls and holidays in the style of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Luxurious dresses, costumes, ancient music will definitely appeal to romantics and admirers of antiquity. High school students can celebrate the last call in the house-museum. Also held here:
- Thematic literature lessons for schoolchildren. This is not just a lesson, but a whole excursion that will reveal the customs and life of the inhabitants of the village and the estate.
- "Charm of the Past" - theatrical performance.
In addition, the museum hosts interesting workshops on traditional village crafts: basket weaving, weaving, knitting and pottery.
There are many picturesque parks and gardens in Tarkhany where you can walk and admire nature.
Celebration of M. Yu. Lermontov
Traditionally, every summer, in the first days of July, there is an All-Russian holiday in honor of M. Yu. Lermontov. Bus tours and excursions to important places are organized. Lermontov's grave in Tarkhany is important for travelers: photos not only of official cultural monuments, but also of all interesting places.
How to get to the village?
To get to Lermontov from Moscow, you need to take a train to Kamenka, Belinskaya railway station. From the station to the museum no more than 35 km. Regular buses go there daily.
To get to the museum-estate "Tarkhany" from the city of Penza, you can use a regular bus (stop "Lermontovo"). It must be taken into account that there is no specific station, it is necessary to agree with the driver about the stop.
M. Yu. Lermontov is the pride of Russian poetry. His work became the basis of great Russian literature. The grave of Lermontov in Tarkhany (the photo allowed us to see how many interesting monuments there are in the museum) is a unique historical object. And we hope that the descendants will keep the memory of a brilliant man. Visit the house-museum of M. Yu. Lermontov, and you will join the great!