"United Arab Emirates and Dubai" - a photo that has recently appeared more and more often in family photo albums. And this, perhaps, is not surprising. Our fellow citizens, having conquered Egypt and Turkey, having visited Bulgaria, Spain and Italy, are trying to discover a new direction for themselves. So why not go to one of the Arab countries?
This article will not only tell you about holidays in Dubai, the reader will get acquainted with the characteristic features of this amazing city, as well as receive valuable recommendations on where to go in the first place.
Let's close our eyes for a while and try to mentally imagine this place. Surely, associations will arise even among those who have not yet been there in person.
And in general, you will agree, as a rule, Dubai - a photo against the backdrop of huge modern buildings. By the way, it is for them that not even thousands, but hundreds of thousands of travelers from all over the world go here every year to visit, admire, be amazed and take amazing pictures.
Section 1. The first skyscrapersplanets

At the end of the 19th century, tall giant buildings began to appear on the streets of the United States, which later became the hallmark of the country.
Until the end of the last century, no country could compete with the United States in terms of the number of skyscrapers and their height, until the "Asian tigers" tried to resist them.
Today they are in the lead. Buildings in China, Malaysia and Taiwan took the first places in the top ten of the world. Slightly smaller, but also eye-catching are the skyscrapers of Dubai. Although in the latter case it is not at all the height of the structures. Here, experts first of all evaluate the originality of the form and size.
Section 2. Characteristic features of the buildings of one of the richest countries in the world

The most famous skyscraper in Dubai is Burj Khalifa, also known as Burj Dubai.
In a certain period of time, this "giant" was considered the tallest building on the planet. Its creators tried to do everything at the highest level, starting with the speed of construction (construction was carried out in the shortest possible time) and ending with original elevators and a chic observation deck.
Today, featured on the covers of popular travel magazines, Dubai is one of the world's fastest growing cities.
The newest skyscrapers can be seen on Sheikh Zayed Boulevard. There are both hotels and hotels, as well as work offices.
Each building here is of architectural interest, itspecial.
The most famous are:
- Emirates Tower;
- Fairmont Dubai;
- Park Place Tower;
- Rose Tower;
- Dubai "sail" - Burj Al Arab;
- Millennium Tower;
- The tower, reminiscent of Big Ben.
Another area that has a huge number of skyscrapers is Dubai Marina. Its splendor lies not only in high-rise buildings - the coast of the Persian Gulf is very close, which means that the views from there are actually amazing.
The combination of beaches, modern buildings, camel drivers and desert in one place makes for an unforgettable experience. By the way, it should be noted that Dubai Airport is located in close proximity to the city, which means that the journey to your destination will definitely not be tiring.
Section 3. Burj Dubai is the most ambitious building project ever

The most unusual building in Dubai is Burj Dubai, which is also known as the Khalifa Tower.
The opening of the structure was solemnly held in January 2010, after which he was awarded the title of the tallest structure on Earth.
Burj Dubai harmoniously combines residential, retail, entertainment and hotel areas, which are located among the picturesque green landscapes of the Persian Gulf and local lakes.
The main tower is located on the shores of the largest artificial lake, along the banks of which, as if by magic, there are also the Old Town, hotels,restaurants, residential and corporate complexes, as well as other infrastructure.
From the point of view of architects, the main concept of the building is to recreate an axis that narrows from the foundation to the top. Each floor is a kind of separate coil.
This project is considered one of the most ambitious in the world: in accordance with the decision of the creators, the design both inside and out is indeed a kind of technological miracle.
By the way, the amount of investment in the project is astronomical: 73 billion dirhams (translated into US national currency, this is about 20 billion dollars).
Section 4. Almaz Tower

The 74-story skyscraper called the Diamond Tower is also famous for some popularity in Dubai.
The start of construction of the building was scheduled for 2005, the opening took place in 2010. Today, a 360-meter skyscraper towers over the city and simply fascinates tourists visiting Dubai with its appearance. It is simply impossible not to take a photo against its background.
Basically, all floors are used for commercial purposes, except for number "4", which is considered technical.
Currently, the building houses several of the most famous companies in the United Arab Emirates, which are engaged in the cutting and sale of diamonds.
Section 5. Revolving tower - building of the future

This project is still under development. More than $540 million will be invested in the construction, but thiswell worth it, as 90% of the building is supposed to change shape.
During the implementation of the project, the Revolving Tower can become one of the wonders of the world, so its developers carefully study all the difficulties and are in no hurry to start construction.
According to the plans of the designers, the structure will be impressive: 388-420 meters in height, which will be 80 floors. Each floor must rotate on its own axis.
In addition to the hotel complex, the infrastructure will include swimming pools, gardens and freight elevators for cars.