Voronezh Region: sights and cities

Voronezh Region: sights and cities
Voronezh Region: sights and cities

Modern Voronezh is the capital of the Chernozem region, a large industrial city and the center of the region's cultural life. A temperate climate, a variety of nature and a rich historical heritage - this is what attracts tourists to the Voronezh region. The sights of some of its districts are known not only in the country, but also abroad. Because of them, this region is considered the pearl of the Central Strip of Russia. Convenient location, good condition of roads allow you to see many interesting places in a few days. All lovers of nature, the historical past and outdoor activities will definitely be interested in the Voronezh region.

Sights of the region

More than a hundred interesting objects can be identified on the territory of the Voronezh region. This is the castle of the Princess of Oldenburg, chalk mountains and cave temples, Voronezhbiosphere reserve, Khrenovskaya stud farm, the museum in Kostenki, the Divnogorie reserve, the Venevitinov estate and many others. All of them can be divided into several groups:

  1. Evidence of a rich historical past. People lived on the territory of the Voronezh region as early as the Paleolithic, in the 3rd century BC. e. the Scythians lived here, then the region was part of the Chernigov Principality. Especially many remarkable events happened during the time of Peter the Great. The Voronezh region became the birthplace of the combat Russian fleet. These and many other events are reflected in the monuments of history and architecture. History buffs should visit Kostenki, Divnogorye, Ramon and some other places.

    voronezh region attractions
    voronezh region attractions
  2. Natural attractions. There are many beautiful landscapes and unusual natural objects in the Voronezh region. The rivers are rich in fish, in the forests there is an abundance of mushrooms and berries. Of interest are the chalk cliffs with caves carved into them, the remains, also called "divas", Mount Shatrishche, the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve, the purest Khoper River and much more.
  3. There are many remarkable places in the Voronezh region associated with the names of I. A. Bunin, A. V. Koltsov, A. P. Platonov, G. R. Troepolsky and others.
  4. Believers should definitely visit Kostomarovo, cave temples in Divnogorye and look at several rare wooden churches.
  5. Voronezh region is a suitable place for both active recreation and he alth improvement. There are several rest houses and sanatoriums with healingmineral waters and invigorating coniferous air, two ski slopes and many rivers ideal for water tourism.

Village Kostenki

This small village has become world famous in recent years. Recent studies by scientists have found that people of the modern type lived here 45 thousand years ago. In the vicinity of the village, 60 ancient sites were excavated. Finds of weapons and jewelry show that already at that time a person owned tools and mastered the sense of beauty.

borisoglebsk voronezh region attractions
borisoglebsk voronezh region attractions

This place is unique not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Scientists are inclined to believe that this is the most ancient place of human existence. Many sculptures were found in the parking lots, one of them, depicting a pregnant woman, became known all over the world. Kostenki is now called the "pearl of the Russian Paleolithic". And for many years a museum has been functioning there, created over a house made of bones and skins of a mammoth.

Divnogorye Museum-Reserve

This is another place that made the Voronezh region famous. The attractions in this area are so unusual that it is popular with tourists.

voronezh region attractions
voronezh region attractions

In a picturesque place where the Quiet Pine River flows into the Don, an amazing landscape has formed. Snow-white chalk cliffs and green meadows, bizarre remnants - chalk pillars rising to a height of up to 8 meters, a wide variety of plants, many of which are relict and very rare. A museum has been created herereserve to preserve this unique piece of nature. It is also interesting to visit the cave temple, carved into the thickness of the chalk mountain, and the ruins of the Mayatsky settlement of the 10th century.

The village of Ramon (Voronezh region)

The sights of this area belong to a later time. In the village itself, it is worth seeing the castle of the Princess of Oldenburg, shrouded in many legends. This architectural monument has not been restored from the inside for many years, but from the outside it still looks majestic and beautiful. The castle was built in the 18th century in just 3 years according to the project of the mistress herself.

ramon voronezh region attractions
ramon voronezh region attractions

There are a lot of unusual things in the building: the brick itself, which still does not collapse, and the huge staircase made of bog oak, made without a single nail, and twisted gates, and balcony railings. The huge castle was heated from one stove, the structure of which scientists cannot figure out in any way. If you want to see the preserved atmosphere of the 19th century noble estate, visit Venevitinov's house, which is located near Ramon, in the village of Novozhivotinnoye.

Cave temples

Along the Don River, on the steep right bank in the chalk mountains, many caves have been carved. In some of them temples were built in the past. The most famous caves are Belogorsk. Their length used to be more than two kilometers. Now about 800 meters of underground tunnels have been preserved. There is also a cave monastery of the 2nd century in Belogorye, which goes 5 tiers underground. Many believers also know the village of Kostomarovo (Voronezhregion).

kostomarovo voronezh region attractions
kostomarovo voronezh region attractions

The sights of this region are considered sacred and are called the "New Jerusalem". Spassky holy monastery consists of 8 caves carved in the chalk mountains, and it is the largest of the cave temples.

What other places in the Voronezh region are famous for

  1. Novokhopersk is one of the most ancient cities in the region. It stands on the clean and transparent Khoper River. The picturesque nature makes it attractive for tourists. The Khoper Biosphere Reserve has the richest flora collection in the region. It was created to save an endangered species - the muskrat.

    pavlovsk voronezh region attractions
    pavlovsk voronezh region attractions
  2. Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region. The sights of this city rarely attract tourists, although it is included in the list of historical cities in Russia. It was here that Peter the Great harvested timber for the construction of the fleet. This small, cozy town has many old buildings, but there are also more modern attractions, such as a memorial complex dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
  3. City of Pavlovsk (Voronezh region). Its sights are known only to the inhabitants of the region. A city arose on the site of the Osered fortress. Now it is one of the most comfortable cities. Not far away is the protected forest of Shipova oak forest, famous for its ship pines.

The Voronezh region is famous not only for these places. Attractions are located in almost every area. BUTthe nature of the region is picturesque and rich.
