Nafpaktos in Greece. Description, attractions

Nafpaktos in Greece. Description, attractions
Nafpaktos in Greece. Description, attractions

Nafpaktos is located in Greece and is the second largest city in the prefecture of Aetoloakarnania. Located two and a half hours from Athens.

Nafpaktos in Greece is one of the country's picturesque towns.


It is impossible to say exactly when the city appeared. Its history began many centuries ago. It is known that the descendants of mythological heroes lived in this place.

nafpaktos greece
nafpaktos greece

Repeatedly mentioned in the chronicles information about settlements (starting from the 5th century BC), which were located on the territory of modern Nafpaktos in Greece.

Note that this city changed hands many times. Here left a trace and the troops of Philip of Macedon. There was also a period when the Byzantines and Romans ruled the city.

At the beginning of the fifteenth century, Nafpaktos (Greece) was conquered by the Venetians. At the end of the century, it was taken by the Turks. Each owner changed the name of the city without fail.

The Battle of Lepanto and the monument to Cervantes

In October 1571, the Battle of Lepanto took place here. It was attended by 275 Turkish ships and 250Spanish, Venetian ships. After this event, the dominance of the Turkish fleet in the Mediterranean Sea came to an end. In that battle, the Spanish soldiers were commanded by Miguel Cervantes. A monument was erected to him later. Now every year on the anniversary of the battle, wreaths are brought to him. A wreath from the Spanish embassy is obligatory. After the Venetians and the Turks already dominated. And in 1829, in April, the city was liberated.

Venetian fortress

Everyone wanted to leave their mark on the territory of this city. Nafpaktos also suffered from earthquakes and epidemics. As a result of all the events, the city received a unique architectural appearance.

The main point of Nafpaktos is the Venetian fortress. It was built in the fifteenth century on the site of ancient structures. This fortress is one of the few well-preserved. Its highest point is 200 meters above sea level.

nafpaktos greece attractions
nafpaktos greece attractions

Over time, Nafpaktos began to grow and rise to the hill, closer to the fortress.

After the ongoing events, the citadel needed restoration. In 2008 it was completed. Then the citadel was open to the public. The view from here is breathtaking.

Now there are several cafes in the fortress. You can visit them all year round. In the summer, you can drink a cup of aromatic coffee and watch the competitions on the big screen.


If you go down, where the port is, you can further inspect the local facilities. There are monuments to MiguelCervantes and Georgios Anemogiannis. There are many shops, cafes and restaurants in the streets adjacent to the port.


An amazing city is Nafpaktov. Anyone who gets here immediately feels a peculiar atmosphere. The beauty of nature, extraordinary peace, the blueness of the sea, combined with the friendliness of the local townspeople conquers immediately and forever. Despite the provinciality, Nafpaktos can be safely called a modern city. There is everything for a good rest and even life.

nafpaktos greece attractions photo
nafpaktos greece attractions photo

What to see in Nafpaktos in Greece? The city has developed infrastructure. There are plenty of restaurants and cafeterias for every taste. Shoppers will like it here, there are several large supermarkets.

Beaches and nature

The city has a favorable ecological situation. Within its boundaries there are two beaches - Gribovo and Psani. They are marked with Blue Flags. These marks indicate that the waters are clean.

There are no problems with drinking water. It can be drunk even without boiling. The city has many flowers and greenery. Many coniferous trees grow on the slopes of the mountain. As they heat up, they fill the air with a truly amazing fragrance.

A bypass road was recently built. It allowed to unload traffic in the city center. The embankment is closed to traffic in the summer. Then only cyclists can ride here. In summer, the embankment is completely owned by strolling tourists. Along it are restaurants, tables from which are taken out directly to the sea. Similarestablishments are very popular with tourists.


The city surprises with the richness of events. The authorities pay much attention to the organization of events. Carnival processions take place in February. Held in honor of the carnival in Patras. On Easter days, various secular and religious events are organized, which culminate in fireworks in the old fortress.

Every year in October there are events in honor of the Battle of Lepanto. Here you can see costumed performances, concerts, fireworks. The Choir Festival takes place here every two years.

nafpaktos greece what to see
nafpaktos greece what to see

Often in the city you can see exhibitions and shows with various artists. Seething in the city until the morning and nightlife. Those who love club life will find good places here.

Small conclusion

Now you know what the city itself is, the sights of Nafpaktos in Greece (a photo of some is presented for clarity). We hope that this information was interesting and useful to you.
