Do you want to know how many km from Moscow to Orenburg?

Do you want to know how many km from Moscow to Orenburg?
Do you want to know how many km from Moscow to Orenburg?

Those who love to travel will surely like the city of Orenburg, because it offers activities for every taste: the city has many monuments and museums, there are theaters and the famous embankment. Well, the craftswomen are ready to please you with the best downy Orenburg shawls - the main highlight of this city.

how many km from moscow to orenburg
how many km from moscow to orenburg

The easiest way to go to Orenburg is from Moscow, which is why we will consider this travel option. Note that the same way you can get in the opposite direction. You can move from one city to another by train or plane, as well as by car or bus.

How many km from Moscow to Orenburg

To travel, you need to know the distance between cities. Those who are going to travel in the near future are most concerned about how many kilometers from Moscow to Orenburg. It really depends on how you plan to travel. So, the direct distance is 1227 km, and by car on the roads you will have to overcome 1454 km.


Traveling by rail is the most traditional option, although it will take about 18 hours to travel. Despite how many km from Moscow to Orenburg, you can choose options from reserved seat toluxury. The price will vary depending on the class. So, a reserved seat will cost from 2,300 rubles, a coupe will cost 4-7 thousand rubles, and the cost of a deluxe ticket can reach 12,300 rubles.

By the way, you don't have to worry about the quality of the cars, because the reviews about them are exceptionally good.


If you like to travel by car, you probably wondered how many km from Moscow to Orenburg by car. The answer is simple - 1454 km. To some, this seems like a lot, but those who are used to traveling can easily cover all this distance in one day. The road will pass mainly along the M5 highway, which is well known to residents of the middle lane.

From major cities on the way from Moscow to Orenburg there will be Tolyatti and Samara, where you can also stop if you wish and can.

The approximate price for gasoline for a car is 3000 rubles.

how many km from moscow to orenburg by car
how many km from moscow to orenburg by car


Despite how many kilometers from Moscow to Orenburg, the plane will quickly take you from one point to another. So, the flight itself will take only a little less than 2 hours, but do not forget that you need to add the time to go through control to this.

Airplanes between cities do not fly regularly, only a few times a week. However, their price is pleasantly surprising, because they will cost about the same as a train ticket. So, the cost starts from 4,500 rubles, and flights are operated by both domestic and foreign airlines.
