Inzerskaya Gear in Bashkiria (photo)

Inzerskaya Gear in Bashkiria (photo)
Inzerskaya Gear in Bashkiria (photo)

The unique Inzerskaya Zubchatka is a place worthy of attention of every traveler who is not indifferent to the beauty of mountain ranges. In Bashkorstan, not far from the village of Tirlyansky, there is this natural battlement, an impregnable ridge that every climber wants to conquer. This place is special, of which there are many on our planet. This wall is the verge of good and evil, according to legend, the gears are located just between Mount Imerel, which is a symbol of light, and Mount Yamantau, or dark. The balance line runs just along the ridge, so the Inzerskaya gear is not just a mountain, but also a place of knowledge of good and evil.

inzer gear
inzer gear

Only mountains can be better than mountains

Tourist routes in these places are trails for incorrigible romantics who can't sit at home in a cozy armchair. Although today there are more and more people who prefer outdoor activities. Inzer gear is the ultimate goal of our journey, and to get to this magical place, you need to start from the village of Tirlyansky. Translated from German means "land of animals", indeed,there are a lot of animals in the surrounding forests: squirrels, hares, bears and foxes. But they are more afraid of people than we are of them, so there is practically no possibility to meet them. Which is probably even better for both sides. Inzerskaya gear is a place of amazing beauty, and legends have survived that earlier these places were accessible only to priests and monks who performed their sacred rites here. This is not at all surprising, given the prevailing atmosphere here. The most hardened atheist in these places will not only understand, but will feel with all his being that there is a higher power in the world, and it does not matter at all what people call it.

Where did the name of the mountain range come from

Hiking the Inzer gears is an exciting adventure that everyone can do, regardless of whether you have extensive experience in such trips to primeval nature. The mountains got their official name because of the Inzer River, the real name, the first and ancient, is no longer known. The monks carefully hid it, since they firmly believed that this was the only way they could protect this place from evil spirits. This is a unique mountain formation, its shape is almost a regular circle with a radius of 300 meters. Around the circumference are rocky ledges, very similar to teeth, whose height is about 60 meters. An enchanted kingdom where ancient pines grow and the wind blows. No words are needed here, you just need to visit these places.

Planning our trip

Let's stop our story about the Inzer gears for a bit. How to get to the place of knowledge of good and evil, we will tell you directlynow. The starting point is the city of Ufa. From here you buy tickets and follow to the regional center, the city of Beloretsk. Getting here is easy, and you can choose the most convenient transport. It can be a train or a regular bus. It remains to transfer to a suburban bus and get to the village of Tirlyan. Next up is an amazing hike. It should be noted that the Ufa-Beloretsk route is a separate story. Gorgeous nature, stunning views, constant descents and ascents, and at the same time quite busy traffic.

trips to Inzer cogwheels
trips to Inzer cogwheels

Where to stay

The last contact with civilization is waiting for you in the village of Tirlyan. Further wild territory, where no human foot has set foot. First of all, this is facilitated by the fact that the ridge is considered inaccessible and little known. Its fabulous beauty attracts travelers, but not everyone is able to leave comfortable hotels and come here, where every step must be carefully calculated so as not to step on a viper. However, be sure to pack if you like a vacation away from civilization. The impressions are truly fabulous, no five-star hotel will give you such vivid memories as a dinner by the fire and a night in tents. There are no recreation facilities here, but there are special places for setting up tents and making fires. If such a vacation does not suit you, then you can stay in the village of Tirlyan, where there are cozy tourist houses. From here you can already take excursions through the forest or even up to the mountain range itself. Road toThe Inzer gear is stunningly beautiful, no matter which route you choose, the nature here is so magnificent that it is impossible to describe it, not a single photo will give you such impressions. It just needs to be experienced. The mountain ranges are smoothly replaced by a green, noisy sea of pines, and all this is buried in a bright, heavenly blue, and the landscapes change so often that you do not have time to recover from admiration. People return from such a journey differently, such experiences cannot but leave a mark in your soul, therefore, at least once in your life, we recommend that you get out and visit Zubchatki.

Places of power: you need to know them

The Inzerskie gear range is an amazing mountain range, which is located far from civilization. There is no cellular connection here, there are no hotels and hotels, there is no transport and tourist infrastructure. The length of this ridge is 10 km, that is, it is a very large object that attracts the attention of many travelers. The width of the ridge is about 3 km, and the height is 1160 meters. For real climbers, this mountain range is not of great interest, but for ordinary tourists it can be the first experience of climbing. If you have already seen unusual photos on the Inzerskie gears, then you are probably planning to go this route and add to your album.

Ridge Inzerskie gears
Ridge Inzerskie gears


It is for the sake of stunning views that many tourists come here. Much less often they go this route for the sake of sporting interest. Here you can see a landscape with high zonation. These are spruce-fir forests and woodlands, alpine meadows andmountain tundra. The slopes and peaks themselves are difficult to pass, they are covered with a dense, mixed forest, from the depths of which sharp-pointed rocks and sheer walls rise up. Nothing can compare with them in beauty and impregnability. This is the birthplace of silence and unearthly peace. It is especially good here in early autumn, on a quiet, windless day. You are left alone with the stone giants in an enchanted castle.

For true romantics

Severe and at the same time fabulously beautiful nature of these places attracts the attention of tourists all year round. These mountains are among the oldest on earth. How many legends and tales are associated with stone spiers, which, like battlements of a huge castle, guard the peace of these places. Since ancient times, hermits settled here, and tourists still find old cells. In addition, you can try your luck and find real rock crystal. There are a number of deposits of this beautiful stone here.

the road to the inzer gears
the road to the inzer gears

Ancient castle at balance point

Inzer gears (Bashkiria) lined up in a circle, they resemble the walls of an old castle. Their height is about 35 meters. The most amazing thing is that this castle even has a central entrance - this is a stone scree in the form of an arch. Despite the proud and majestic appearance of the ancient ridge, almost everywhere you can climb without special equipment. But from the tops of the teeth, a stunning view of the entire ridge as a whole, as well as the neighboring peaks, opens up. The nearest ridge is Kumardak. A particularly beautiful place is in the southern part of the ridge, here it bifurcates and formsa heap of stones, this place is called chaos. The second favorite place for tourists is the central part of the ridge, its highest point, which is called the Lighthouse. Faithful guards are located from the south, who vigilantly guard the peace of the castle: this is a group of rocks, which are called Three Bogatyrs.

Best time of year to travel

In spring and autumn, summer and winter, the Inzer gears are very beautiful in their own way. Photos taken here, even with the best camera, will not convey the enchanting smell of the forest, unearthly peace and quiet, and an incomparable atmosphere. Therefore, it is better to go on a trip on your own once than to look at other people's photos many times in a row. However, it should be noted that in the spring the flood may prevent you from reaching your destination, so it is better to postpone the trip to a later time. Judging by the reviews of tourists, the best time to visit this place is the end of June or the beginning of September.

unusual photos on inzer gears
unusual photos on inzer gears

Animals and flora

There is no place for civilization here, this place is hidden from all the achievements of mankind. Time has stopped here, centuries fly by, and on the border of good and evil there is an indestructible point of balance, the Inzerskaya toothed ridge. The flora here is so diverse that it is difficult to imagine a place as beautiful. The slopes of the mountains are overgrown with age-old firs, larches and birches. In addition, this is the birthplace of stunning fluffy firs, pines and aspens. All this splendor is presented here in such quantity that the air itself is filled with a miraculous aroma. Here, inwild animals also live in complete isolation. There are a lot of them here, so be prepared for the fact that you can meet bear cubs or a wild boar in the clearing. Hiding at the top of the prong with binoculars in hand, you can watch the life of wolves and lynxes, foxes and various birds. Be sure to stock up on comfortable and durable shoes, because there are a lot of snakes, among which there are also poisonous ones. Of course, like wild animals, any snake will try to get away as soon as it hears your steps, but caution can not hurt.

Inzer gears photo
Inzer gears photo


Bashkortostan is the birthplace of magnificent forests and rivers, ancient mountain formations of stunning beauty. If you want to plunge into the delightful world of pristine nature, then this place is created for you. Nowhere else will you get such an amazing experience. However, you need to prepare for the hike in advance. Plan your route, pack a comfortable backpack, warm clothes and shoes. Traveling along forest and mountain trails is extremely attractive, but you need to be prepared for any situation.
