One of the most visited resorts in South Vietnam is Nha Trang. The city is located 1260 kilometers from Hanoi and 450 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City. There is little rain here both in winter and in summer, with the exception of the first half of October. The climate and landscape are reminiscent of the Mediterranean. Those who choose to stay at this resort will get a lot of unforgettable impressions from a trip to Vietnam (Nha Trang). Reviews of tourists show that it is an ideal place for outdoor enthusiasts. Plus, there is an extraordinary beauty of the turquoise sea, many islands with coral reefs, excellent sandy beaches and an interesting underwater world.

How to get to this resort? The easiest way is by air. If you fly from Hanoi Airport, then it will take 1 hour 40 minutes, and if you fly from Ho Chi Minh City - 1 hour. Vietnam (Nha Trang), reviewstourists confirm this, it has long been popular not only among local residents, but also among European tourists. And in recent years it has gained great popularity among Russian tourists. Due to the fact that their number is very large, visas are processed at the Nha Trang airport on arrival. In addition, the city has many Russian-speaking travel agencies, shops, hotels and cafes, which will not be difficult to find, since all signs are duplicated in Russian.

But beach holidays and shopping and restaurants are not all that you can do when you come to rest in Vietnam (Nha Trang). Reviews of tourists in 2013 show that several excellent diving centers work here for city guests. Guests of the city can visit the longest cable car that connects the resort and the nearby island of Hon Che, which has an excellent amusement park for adults and children. And inside the artificial mountain there is a night disco.
To accommodate vacationers, hotels of various categories are offered, many of which have their own massage parlor and SPA complexes. The beaches of the resort are mostly municipal. The exception is those that belong to hotels with a 5-star category. Unlike public beaches, they are fenced and equipped with everything you need.

And that's not all that Vietnam (Nha Trang) is famous for. Reviews of tourists show that this resort is also curative. Works in the citya wonderful clinic offering Thapba mud and mineral water treatment. The unique combination of biologically active organics, trace elements, s alt solution under the influence of heat has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect on the human body. And mud treatments activate the body's defenses and increase immunity.

What else attracts tourists to Vietnam (Nha Trang)? Reviews of tourists tell about the many attractions that you can see in the city during your vacation. So, a few kilometers from the resort, on a hill, there are the Tyam towers Po Nagar, the construction of which dates back to the reign of the Champa principalities. The city's most popular attraction is the Longshoib Pagoda, built in the late 19th century. Here tourists can see beautiful shrines decorated with dragons. Behind the pagoda you can see a huge white Buddha sitting on a lotus flower. Another building that is recommended to see is the Nha Trang Catholic Cathedral, located near the railway station.
Besides what has been said, there is something else that you can do for a change when you come to Vietnam (Nha Trang) - excursions. Reviews of tourists show that the excursion to the Institute of Oceanography is considered the most popular. No less impressive is the trip to Honchong Cape, located 3.5 km from the resort. In addition, various trips are made to nearby islands.