Akhtynsky district. History and modernity

Akhtynsky district. History and modernity
Akhtynsky district. History and modernity

Akhtynsky district is located in the southernmost part of Russia. This place is rich in history and magnificent nature. The development of the region has its own peculiarities. Despite the high mountainous location, the area turned out to be very attractive for people to live and was almost never completely deserted.

Early history

At the dawn of its history, the territory was part of the early feudal state of Lakz, which also owned the lands of modern southern Dagestan and part of Azerbaijan. History has preserved only fragmentary information about this state formation. Lakz can be called the ethnic kingdom of the Lezgins. It is they who still mostly inhabit the Akhtynsky district.

A union of rural communities of Akhtypara was formed along the course of the middle Samur. "Akhty" - means "six" in translation from the Turkic dialect, "pair" - a part, a piece. The union included 6 communities, hence the name.

It can be assumed that the union of communities is a step backwards, but in fact such leadership has had a beneficial effect on the development of the Akhtynsky district. The Union successfully subjugated more thansmall areas and villages. Communities successfully united to jointly defend the territory from invaders.

akhtynsky district
akhtynsky district

Within Russia

Together with the entire territory of Dagestan, the Akhtynsky district became part of the Russian Federation. In the same period of time, many residents migrated from highland settlements. Previously, most of the population lived in villages located in hard-to-reach places. The highlands successfully hid from enemies. Without knowing the exact location, it is difficult to find a remote village in the mountains.

With the beginning of the industrialization of the region, many villagers go to the cities to earn money. Sometimes entire settlements moved to the foot of the mountains, completely abandoning their homes. Often the new place retained the old name. As a result of this process, the ghost villages of the Akhtyn region appeared.

photo of akhtynsky district
photo of akhtynsky district

Ghost villages

The appearance of ghost villages has become a characteristic feature of the entire highland Dagestan. The resettlement did not always take place systematically and voluntarily. The party leadership incorrectly believed that it was impossible to develop normally in closed conditions, so the activists forced the residents to relocate.

So many fruitful livestock farms were destroyed. People have lost their way of life. Under the new conditions, there were not always suitable meadows for grazing, so many had a hard time.

Villages in the mountains remained almost lifeless. Some, in spite of everything, remained in their native home, not wanting to move, but suchwere units. The villages remained empty and are now mercilessly destroyed by natural forces. These places need to be thoroughly explored while there is more to explore.

In the Akhtynsky district, a program for the reverse resettlement of people is now operating. There is little work in the city, and the revival of villages with subsistence or farming will serve as a good impetus for the development of the region.

Akhtyn fortress

The history of the Akhtynsky district is rich in events. The region became the southernmost point on the territory of Russia, and the southernmost fortress was built here. Erected in 1839, it became the first defensive line in the south. The fortress has the shape of a pentagon, before it was surrounded by a moat and additional stone walls over 4 meters high and over 1 meter wide.

The location was not very good. The hilly terrain interfered with the view and shelling of the enemy from cannons. The main battle was already fought on the near approaches. In the war of 1848 with Imam Shamil, the fortress was repeatedly stormed. The enemy troops captured almost the entire region, but the defensive walls still held out, being completely surrounded.

Today the Akhtyn fortress is recognized as a monument of history and culture. Despite this, it is closed to visitors. The main buildings are in disrepair, and there is no talk of restoration yet. The monument is in danger of destruction and final loss to history.

history of the akhtynsky district
history of the akhtynsky district


Akhtynsky district has beautiful nature and climate. Almost the entire area is covered with meadows, only occasionallycopses occur. Many mountain streams and streams create a beautiful picture.

Near the village of Kurukal there is a unique thermal hydrogen sulfide source. The mountainous area gives many crystal clear waterfalls, the most famous of them is Zrychsky. Mijah thousand-year-old oak evokes admiration and delight. Numerous river valleys help to find harmony with the world and with oneself.

ghost villages of Akhtynsky district
ghost villages of Akhtynsky district

Akhtynsky district is the southernmost territory of Russia. Here, the originality of the Lezgi culture was partially preserved along with modern trends. The mild climate and beautiful landscapes make this place a great place to relax, which is clearly demonstrated by the photos of the Akhtyn region. The region has its own problems, including numerous abandoned villages, but all this can be overcome.
