Turbulence on an airplane: how dangerous is it?

Turbulence on an airplane: how dangerous is it?
Turbulence on an airplane: how dangerous is it?

Those who prefer to fly when traveling have probably experienced turbulence in an airplane at least once. And although this phenomenon is not observed in every flight, it would not be superfluous to learn more about it. As a rule, everything happens as follows: the commander announces that the plane is in turbulence, asks passengers to sit down and fasten their seat belts. And then the so-called chatter begins, sometimes there are times when the luggage racks open and things fly around the cabin. Yes, it may seem very scary, but most often there is no reason to be scared, although at such moments some passengers may experience nausea. What should you know about turbulence in an airplane?

First of all, it does not depend on the qualification of the pilot. He does not shake the plane, and far from always he can avoid getting into a bump for various reasons, which will be discussed below. You just need to know that such a phenomenon as a turbulence zone in an airplane is, in most cases, beyond its control. As a rule, the autopilot is turned off only in the most serious cases. And be sure to remember that no pilot will fly straight into the turbulence zone,

turbulence in an airplane
turbulence in an airplane

if he can avoid hitting her.

So why is this phenomenon sometimes observed and sometimes not? What does it depend on? The point is air currents: ascending and descending. Most often, these vortex flows occur at the center of mass of thunderclouds. But sometimes they are observed on the edge of a dangerous area, and their presence is not so easy to determine. Another possible cause is the so-called jet streams. These are flows whose horizontal or vertical speed changes dramatically. Most often, this phenomenon is observed off the eastern coast of North America.

Turbulence in an airplane can occur even in clear skies, and it is not always possible to quickly get out of the danger zone, especially where the movement of aircraft is quite dense. The problem is that it is necessary to observe

aircraft turbulence zone
aircraft turbulence zone

the distance between the airliners in order to avoid their collision, so the flight route must be observed very strictly in such cases.

There is no evidence that turbulence alone can seriously damage an airliner. They are designed in such a way that even with the strongest turbulence they will not fall apart in the air, this is specially checked. However, airplane turbulence should not be underestimated. Even if it seems that the danger is small, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the crew members and the messages on the light boards,

the plane got into turbulence
the plane got into turbulence

buckle up and stay calm. Those whoneglects safety measures, risk injury up to very serious fractures.

Sometimes eddy currents are also found over airports. This is already more dangerous, since the aircraft is at a low altitude and may collide with the ground. Nevertheless, in any situation that the crew considers dangerous, most likely, a decision will be made to land at an alternate airfield. Do not be afraid if the flight attendants and the pilot report this, and there is not a cloud outside the window. As a rule, passengers simply cannot see such problems, so there is no need to be nervous: the crew is always primarily concerned about the safety of passengers.
