Siberia occupies about a third of the entire area of Russia and is located from the Urals to the mountains on the Pacific coast, from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes of Kazakhstan and Mongolia. This area is rich in minerals, valuable wild animals and energy reserves in the rivers. Convicts and exiles were sent there. Today we are met by a completely different Siberia. The sights are worth seeing.

The area of Siberia is about 10 million square kilometers. In the north of the region is the tundra, empty and boundless. The central regions are occupied by the world-famous taiga, rich in furs, fish, forage grasses and much more.
Research and detailed description of these territories began shortly after joining the Russian Empire. A huge contribution to the compilation of maps and atlases of the Siberian lands was made by Semyon Ulyanovich Remezov. He and his sons-followers published many maps and drawings of these places. In the works of researchers, information about the population and nature was indicated.
Altai is rightfully considered one of the most beautifulplaces on the planet. Huge rivers originate in its mountains: the Ob, Irtysh and Yenisei. Altai has thousands of mountain lakes.
The history of Altai dates back thousands of years, and evidence of this is found everywhere: barrows made of stone, ancient writings, sculptures made of stone. In the glacier at the end of the last century, the remains of a woman who died 2400 years ago were found. The nature and landscape of this region is practically untouched by civilization. Here you will find transparent rivers, clean glaciers, and pristine taiga. There are such regions of Siberia that no man has set foot on.
Belukha Mountain is the highest in Altai, its height is 4506 meters. Near it are the resorts of Belokurikha and Lake Teletskoye, which are among the objects of national heritage. The healing waters of Belokurikha are known throughout the country for their miraculous properties. The center of Siberia is the Novosibirsk region.
Tunguska meteorite
He flew over the territory of Eastern Siberia and fell on this territory on June 30, 1908. This is a planetary phenomenon. Scientists have collected many facts about this phenomenon and put forward several hypotheses. However, the mystery of this event remained unsolved.
Siberia is famous for its many secrets. Attractions here are special. Some of them were created by nature itself, without human intervention.
Lake Baikal
This is the world's largest lake, with volumes of fresh water unattainable by others. It is the pride of the country, a symbol of its endless expanses and natural beauty. Its area is commensurate with the area of a small state -Belgium.

Even residents of other countries mention it in the list of unique places in our country. The ecosystem of the lake for ⅔ consists of endemics. The lake is listed by UNESCO.
Novosibirsk Zoo
It is considered one of the largest zoos in Russia. About 11 thousand animals from more than 700 species live in it, a seventh of which is in the Red Book. The zoo was created on the territory of a pine forest and has a total area of 60 hectares. The animal park continues to expand: construction work has begun on the construction of a dolphinarium and penguinarium. The city in which it is located is the center of Siberia.
The origins of it should be sought in 1933, when a small agro-biological station in the city began to expand little by little. The irbis (better known as the snow leopard) is the symbol of this place. This animal belonging to the cat family is very graceful. Later, a dressing, which belongs to the mustelid family, entered the symbol. Zoo staff managed to place in it a huge number of animals from these families. Many cities of Siberia are special. As you can see, Novosibirsk excelled in the zoo.

Museum-Reserve "Tomsk Pisanitsa"
The nature reserve "Tomskaya Pisanitsa" was organized in 1988. He is known for many entertaining expositions, including:
- Mythological forest of the Slavs.
- Rock Art of Asia.
- Chapel of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
- Archeodrome and pavilionburials.
- Mongolian yurt.
The most famous and popular remains the ancient sanctuary "Tomsk Pisanitsa". Behind this name lies the union of several rocks located on the right bank of the Tom river. A great success was the discovery on these stones of amazing drawings created several thousand years before our era. Siberia never ceases to amaze with mystery. The sights of the region fascinate and raise thousands of questions.

Pine Band Burs
These are shelterbelts, reaching many kilometers across and located along the banks of rivers. There are a lot of them in the south of the region. They grow for a reason, their function is to protect the soil from weathering and sandstorms from the Republic of Kazakhstan.
These forests also create a microclimate favorable for humans and animals. The names of pine forests often come from the rivers where they are located. The main enemy of tape pine forests is currently forest fires. Forest protection is unable to protect them from this threat.

Stolby Nature Reserve
It is located in the north-west of the Eastern Sayan. It has about a hundred remnants of rocks, the height of which reaches 600 meters. They were born thanks to the activity of volcanoes. About 450 million years ago, hot magma, making its way to the surface of the earth, pushed out piles of limestone and sandstone. Over time, rain and wind destroyed the soft rocks. So these huge pillars appeared above the earth, consisting ofhardwoods.
Each pole was given its own name. These places have gained popularity among rock climbers and nature lovers.

Fortress on Lake Tere-Khol
Tere-Khol is a freshwater lake in the protected area of the Ubsunur hollow, it is the only one there. The lake is located high in the mountains, from it to sea level - about 1300 meters. In the middle of the lake there is an island with a fortress.
Remains of structures are visible to this day. They were erected in the middle of the XVIII century. The outer walls, reaching 10 meters in height, reliably protected the huge castle in the center. The architecture of this monument is quite complex and intricate, consisting of many structures. You can now get into the palace by a bridge on stilts, almost one and a half kilometers long. Such features of Siberia cause controversy among scientists.

Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant
This is the most powerful hydroelectric power plant in the Russian Federation and the seventh in the world. It has the highest dam in our country. The construction of the facility started in 1963, and 15 years later (in the year of launch) 1,700 people were already successfully working on it. The station dam is 245 meters high and 1074 meters long.
Hydroelectric power plant built on the Yenisei near Sayanogorsk. After the accident in 2009, the station was completely restored. The cities of Siberia fascinate with their power, because such important Russian facilities are located there.

The bronze monument was opened in 2006 in Tomsk. A small pedestal with thirty-centimeter slippers stands on Kirov Avenue near house number 65. The monument is located right next to the Tomsk Hotel, being a symbol of comfort and joy. This is confirmed by the inscription on the pedestal: "Make yourself at home." These are the monuments of Siberia that attract numerous tourists from all over the world.

A real fortress appeared here in 1800. Construction work was started by the order of Peter I and lasted 20 years. The fortress occupied 2.5 hectares of land and was necessary to protect the south of Siberia from the threat from China.
The fortress did not serve military purposes for long. By the thirties of the same century, it lost the status of a strategic object, and in 1846 it was excluded from the list of military installations. For more than half a century, the fortress was used as a prison. In 1919, it was destroyed and burned by partisans. Now there are museums of Siberia.
Wooden architecture of Tomsk
This city has a remarkable and unique development of the historical center. Tomsk was founded in 1604. In the center you can see many wooden houses built in the 18th-19th centuries.
The historical part of urban development occupies more than 1000 hectares, about 1800 buildings are located on this area. Eighteen of them are recognized as monuments of federal significance. All buildings have their own unique style and interesting architectural solutions. Masterpieces of wooden architecture attract the eye with their rich finishes.
Must visitSiberia. There are attractions in every city. They are very versatile and interesting. Many of them are unique objects of their kind and are protected by law.