The question of when the metro will be in Odintsovo is extremely relevant both for the indigenous inhabitants of this small town in the near Moscow region, and for everyone who often has to go there. The distance to Moscow from here is quite small, but it takes a lot of time and nerves to overcome it every day. A significant part of Odintsovo residents go to work in the capital. The lack of reliable transport communications creates everyday discomfort and social tension in the city near Moscow.

Decision on metro in Odintsovo accepted
Ways to solve the transport problems of the cities near Moscow have been discussed for several decades. The question of which nearest metro station to Odintsovo should become an intermediate one was also debated for a long time. The fact is that there were as many as three options for building a line in the direction of this city near Moscow. Theoretically, Yugo-Zapadnaya Sokolnicheskaya, Molodyozhnaya Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya or Kuntsevskaya Filevskaya lines could become such intermediate stations. But not one of these plans was accepted for execution for economic reasons. The strategy of the transport policy of regional development was finally determined. As in some othercities of the Moscow region, the metro to Odintsovo will come on the surface of the earth. There are a number of reasons for this. Both in terms of construction speed and costs, the so-called "light metro" variant is unrivaled. The task is greatly facilitated by the fact that for the construction of such a line it is possible to use the right-of-way and the already existing technical infrastructure of the railway line passing through the city. This means that no objects will have to be demolished on the way of the future route. All this will allow you to step into the subway car in Odintsovo already in 2015.

Of course, to get to the center of the capital in this car, unfortunately, will not work. This, in essence, will be a suburban electric train with a small interval of movement. It will stop at suburban platforms. At the intersection with the current metro scheme, several transfer points will be specially equipped. Thus, we observe how in the Moscow region its own metro map is gradually being formed. Odintsovo becomes one of the terminal stations on the western direction.

Advantages and disadvantages of "light rail"
Among the significant disadvantages of the project accepted for execution, first of all, is the fact that it will not be integrated into the general scheme of the Moscow Metro. It will be possible to get to the trains of the capital metro only through a transfer hub. And the question of whether or not there will be turnstiles remains unclear. Butfor the economic and social development of the city near Moscow, the importance of this communication is difficult to overestimate. The transport problem can be considered solved. Odintsovo will become part of the greater Moscow. Already, new modern residential complexes are being built here. Apartments in them are offered to buyers taking into account the proximity to the final metro station.