Orel is a city of administrative significance. The date of its foundation falls on 1566. The fortress was built by order of Ivan the Terrible. “And Ivan the Terrible founded a fortress on the Oka River to protect the southern border of the Russian state. And the fortress had no name until an eagle flew in, and they decided to call that fortress the Eagle.”

Location of Orel
It is located on the Central Russian hill, which is located in the European part of Russia. In order to understand where the city of Orel is located on the map, you need to look south from the capital (Moscow), the distance is approximately 380 km. It is more than 1000 km away from St. Petersburg. Near the Orel region are Kaluga, Tula, Kursk, Bryansk and Lipetsk. They have common borders.
Eagle is a city that is the center of the region. Its length from south to north is about 150 km, its width (west-east) is more than 200 km. The Oryol region is the smallest in Russia. It also has the smallest population.
Eagle, populationwhich decreases every year, is considered a primordially Russian city. The natives, of course, are Russians. In percentage terms, they are about 95%. However, other nationalities also live on the territory, although there are fewer of them - 5%. Ukrainians in Orel - less than 2%, Chechens, Azerbaijanis, Belarusians and Armenians - 1%, other nationalities - 2%.
By the beginning of the 2000s, the population was about 330 thousand people. However, by 2014 this figure had decreased by approximately 13,000 (317,000).

Cultural Heritage
"City on the Oka" - so affectionately call their native land those who consider themselves a native of such a beautiful city as Orel. The population here honors its history and constantly supports the cultural development of the regional center. Residents respect the works of Russian writers such as Turgenev, Bunin, Fet, Andreev, Rusanov, Granovskaya. After all, these names are known to everyone. In Orel there is a famous cultural monument - the Noble Nest (Turgenev's estate). The largest source of the Volga, the Oka River, originates here. The city is also famous for the fact that in 1943, on August 5, the first salutes thundered in Orel and Belgorod in honor of the liberation from German occupation. This testifies to the courageous character of the inhabitants.
Eagle is considered a "green" city. Both in the center and beyond, the level of vegetation exceeds 7% of the occupied area.
Eagle City today
In 2016, the Eagle celebrates a major date - 450 years since its founding. The city is currentlyhas become a developed regional center, providing employment for more than 80% of the population of the region. The main field of activity is trade. The networks of the largest supermarkets in Russia are successfully operating in this area. The industry is gradually declining. But earlier it was thanks to her that the city of Orel was promising. The population, according to the 2012 census, was more than 318 thousand people, which, compared with previous years, shows a slowdown in growth.

A distinctive feature of the city is its literary heritage (it is the birthplace of the famous writers mentioned above) and architectural monuments. In the very heart of the city - on Karl Marx Square - a mighty horseman rises. This is General Alexei Yermolov. The sculpture was erected in 2012. In the Northern region there is a monument to Alyosha the steelmaker. In the commercial part of the city, opposite the central department store, there is the Square of Tankers, which is guarded by a guard of honor. An eternal flame burns in memory of the fallen soldiers.
Orel districts
The territory of the city is divided into 4 districts: Zheleznodorozhny, Zavodskoy, Severny and Sovetsky.
- Sovetsky district - the central part of the city. On its territory you can see sights, heritage, squares, streets, shops and squares. Entertainment events, fairs, youth competitions are held here. This area is considered privileged, about 81 thousand people have housing here.
- The factory area is a vast area with a high population density(number - more than 107 thousand people). The industrial core of the city is located here: factories, workshops, plants.
- The northern region is considered the youngest. It has a lot of not only factories, but also budgetary institutions. It ranks third in terms of the number of inhabitants, about 68 thousand people live here.
- The railway district of the city of Orel is famous for its main attraction - the station. The symbol of the city - a huge eagle, spreading its wings - meets residents and guests in front of the main entrance. The population in this area is about 63 thousand people.

Businesses and educational institutions
"City of students" is often called the Eagle. The population, especially young people, can freely receive a prestigious education. There is one student for every seventh inhabitant. There are many state and commercial educational institutions in the regional center. The most famous of them: OSU named after I. S. Turgenev, OSAU, PSU, OGIET, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and others.
The largest enterprises in the city are OJSC Orelstroy, CJSC Dormash, JSC Proton, NPAO Nauchpribor, OJSC Severstalmetiz, LLC Zavod im. Medvedev” and others.
Famous places in the city
Recreation places where local residents and guests spend time are considered to be the City Park of Culture and Leisure, Lake Bright Life, Alexander Bridge.
Grinn TMK, a multifunctional complex that includes many shops, cafes, restaurants and entertainment centers, has won the greatest popularity among young people. Here are the largest night club in the Chernozem region "Clock", karaoke bar "Night", "Restaurant of Celebrations" and others. Among other well-known establishments of the city, one can single out the Labyrinth restaurant, the Oz-bar karaoke club, and the Na H alt cafe.