To get to the Chkalovsky beach (Sochi), you need to go by any transport in the direction of Adler to Enlightenment Street. It occupies a section of the coast from Alleynaya Street to Lazurnaya Street. Standing in the surf, you can enjoy the view of the mountains, watch the dolphins jumping out of the water on the horizon, wave your hand to the passing yachts and catamarans.
How to get there?
Taxi driver can be given additional guidance. Since the mini-hotel "Barracuda" is located near the Chkalovsky beach, local residents often call this territory that way. It is easy to get there not only by taxi, but also by minibus, bus, own car. On the one hand, the territory adjoins the neighboring beach of the sanatorium "Knowledge", and on the other - to the Kurortny Gorodok. You can get to the main entrance through the railway tracks, if you get off Prosveshcheniya Street and go to the sea along Coastal Lane. If you get off at the sanatorium, the walk will take 10 minutes.

Useful information for vacationers
Visit is free, as Chkalovsky beach is municipal. However, you should not go on vacation without money. Definitely need a sunbedand a sun umbrella, which can be rented for half a day. Price from 500 rubles. The shore is pebbly, so you can’t do without protective shoes and a sunbed. There are practically no natural shelters, so you can protect yourself from the heat only under an umbrella.
All retail outlets are located along the cobbled embankment, stretching from one end to the other of the Chkalovsky beach. There are also free toilets and showers. There are many attendants: a paramedic, rescuers, cleaners, security guards. As elsewhere in Adler, the services of masseurs, hairdressers, and tattoo artists are offered here.

The depth of the sea near the shore is small. However, you should not lose vigilance. Wide waves, even in calm weather, easily knock you off your feet. Children and novice swimmers are advised not to neglect life jackets, which can be bought here at any stall. Breakwaters do not allow the elements to roam even with a strong wind. And since there are pebbles at the bottom of the Chkalovsky beach, even in a storm the water remains clear.
What should I bring?
Food for every taste is sold on the spot: fruits, ice cream, drinks, barbecue. Vacationers like to have a snack in a cafe at outdoor tables. Therefore, you can not take food with you. Daily necessities and swimwear are available in a wide range of local shops, including sunscreen. If the shooting equipment is left at home - it does not matter. Local photographers take great portraits and give them to clients right away.