One of the most suitable countries for a winter holiday is Scandinavian and frosty Finland. Levi is the most popular and well-developed ski resort, which is located 160 km north of the Arctic Circle. The local infrastructure is more like an alpine recreation area - dense buildings (mainly hotels and cottage villages), proximity to the mountains themselves, a large number of ski slopes. Spending your winter holidays here, you will definitely not get bored. In Lapland, there are entertainment programs, cozy cafes, and, of course, schools where you will be taught how to conquer the snowy peaks.

To begin with, let's note some features of this region, and also consider its infrastructure. In this mountain range there are many hotel complexes of various categories, as well as restaurants and cafes adjacent to them. In them it is worth trying first of all those dishes that Finland is famous for. Levi offers its tourists two main delicacies: "rieko" (white partridge cooked according to local technology) and "poro" - reindeer meat. However, here everyone will be able to choose something more familiar to themselves, sincemost restaurants offer what they call "all-purpose" cuisine to their customers.

This ski resort is far from the same as its counterparts in the country of Finland. Levi is the only place where a gondola cable car was built, climbing which is a fairy tale for everyone. As mentioned above, there are schools in the region where local instructors teach children and adults how to ski and snowboard. Also, a variety of tracks were opened in the mountains especially for skiers of various levels. Experienced athletes in this matter most often go down the eleventh or thirteenth. Often, professionals ride on the fifth and sixth slopes. Children and beginner skiers are advised to start on the first three runs, and the eighth is also ideal for them.
Being in this cozy winter place, you can fully experience what the real Finland is. Levi is both the entertainment center of the country and the historical one. In local markets, you can always buy very valuable things that are not produced anywhere else. Tourists are also offered wine cellars, which store real intoxicating masterpieces made from grapes of the highest grades. Well, you can relax like a family, hang out with friends and enjoy the atmosphere of a holiday in the entertainment complex "Hulu-Poro-Areena".

Based on this, we can say with full confidence that the best place for a winter vacation is exactlycountry Finland, Levi. Hotels in this area are designed for people with different incomes. Therefore, their configuration begins with three-star hotel high-rise complexes and ends with fashionable cottage settlements. Almost every hotel has its own small spa resort, swimming pool and gym.
By the way, Levi (Finland) is the most visited winter resort by children. The reviews of the kids who have been there are full of bright colors and unforgettable impressions. That is why we recommend visiting this wonderful place for everyone who loves winter.