Somehow, on one of the Hawaiian beaches, a resident of the city of Sochi, a Muscovite, a Rostovite and a Siberian were nearby. We squinted in the sun, sipped non-alcoholic and not very drinks, looked for something to talk about. Muscovite was the first to fail.

- Eh, out of luck, you guys. It seems like everyone lives in Russia, but here in Moscow it is better than here.
- Why is this? - Southerners immediately jumped up.
- Our standard of living is the highest. Do you not read newspapers? - Muscovite answered arrogantly.
- Well, newspapers are newspapers, you never know what they write. But where it is good to live in Russia is here, on the Black Sea. The waves are warm, gentle, the fruits themselves grow from the ground. Winter never comes. It is possible not to go to warm countries, is it so, for the exotic, - the Sochi resident did not agree.

- In summer +40, in winter it rains: it's sad, - the Siberian entered the conversation. - Here we have, if winter - so winter: snow, frost, sun. In the taiga: cones, mushrooms, animals. In the swamps - berries are different. I don’t even doubt: where it’s good to live in Russia, it’s here, in Siberia. Here you have both air and ecology, -a calm inhabitant of the Siberian expanses spoke thoughtfully and even a little lazily.

- Where is it good to live in Russia? - the hot Rostovite even got up from the lounger and spoke loudly, emotionally. - That's right, in Sochi - the sea. Dirty, full of people. Look at this beach and remember yours. Are they not removed at all? And the hotels? A night in a hotel costs as much as a week in Egypt. But the service … - the Rostovite grimaced in disgust. - And the climate is not better. Okay, summer, and winter? How many times did your wires break? Rain, slush. There is no summer at all in Siberia, but there is a lot of midges. I don’t talk about Moscow at all: snobs and “glamours” don’t consider ordinary people to be people. One tomato costs as much as half the salary of a janitor. And what kind of tomatoes do you have? Chinese? With chemicals? And the plugs? And could? Whether business at us, in Rostov! In summer - heat, in winter - snow, frost. In the spring, from flowering gardens, even in the city center, the smell is worth it. And in the fall, mushrooms and fruits … Paradise, and nothing more. No, if it's good to live anywhere in Russia, it's here, in Rostov. Well, maybe even in the Krasnodar Territory. But there is no winter there, - the Rostov resident glanced towards the Sochi resident, whom he considered a fellow countryman the day before.

- What difference does it make where you live? In Russia - well. - The calm tone of the Siberian somewhat cooled the southern ardor of the previous speaker. - I feel good in Siberia. I will not exchange our taiga for any capital. He, - the Siberian waved his hand towards the Muscovite, - cannot live without his clubs, without traffic jams. To each his own, - the Siberian turned away, as if making it clearthat his opinion is final, and he does not intend to listen to any objections. There was silence for a couple of minutes. Tourists looked around. Dealers in exotic souvenirs scurried around them, blue waves splashed, now louder, now quieter sounded someone else's, multilingual, but unfamiliar speech.
- Yes, it's better to live in Russia, - Sochi resident sighed. - Tired here. Exotic, … her, - he added a strong, not printed word at all. - I want to go home, I'm tired, - as if offended by someone, he abruptly stood up, grabbed a towel and went away from the beach. The others silently watched him go. They all loved Russia, and, by and large, there was nothing to argue about. Yes, and tired of all the exotic resort. I wanted to go home, to my favorite slippers and TV. So the argument died down by itself.