As traditionally for the viewer, the theater begins with a hanger, so for a tourist, the country begins with the hotel where he stays. And this is quite natural, because a warm welcome, friendly staff and comfortable living conditions not only set the tone for the rest, but also play an important role in shaping the impressions of the local culture as a whole. Hotels in Japan guarantee their tourists quality service and hospitality, regardless of the level of classification. They will be discussed in our article.

Going on vacation to Japan, you should keep in mind that the hotel classification system in this country is different from the star system we are used to. To be more precise, there simply are no officially accepted categorization designations - hotels are assigned a certain class depending on the level of services provided. By the way, hotels in Japan, decorated in a very colorful national style, are called "ryokans" and are distinguished by a curved roof. The floor in the rooms of such hotels is lined with tatami, and the balcony doors are decorated with bamboo gratings. A low table with the necessary accessories for tea drinking is an essential attribute of the decoration of the rooms. Sleeping accommodations in ryokans areordinary mattresses, spread out directly on the floor. And instead of a personal bathroom, guests of such hotels are offered to use the services of a shared bath (ofuro). Living in such conditions will allow you to immerse yourself in the culture of the country as much as possible.
As we have already mentioned, although hotels in Japan do not have a specific classification, they are still divided into categories according to the level of service.

Deluxe (DX) - prestigious exclusive hotels in Japan, offering the widest range of diverse services along with high quality service. Luxurious boutiques, chic restaurants, beauty salons, business centers, fitness clubs - and this is not a complete list of the possible infrastructure of a hotel of this class. As a rule, deluxe hotels are included in the list of the best hotels in the world.
Superior (SP) - hotels corresponding to the level of 5 stars. Living conditions in them are somewhat inferior to the previous category, due to which the cost of rooms becomes more affordable. Ideal for the most demanding customers.
First (F) – Hotels in Japan that approximate a 4-star rating. The level of service in them is slightly above average, and the cost of living is quite acceptable. Comfortable well-appointed rooms fully meet the requirements of customers.
Standard (S) - middle class hotels (3 stars according to European classification). They provide a standard set of services and necessary amenities. Rooms are relatively small in size.
Economy (E) is the most economical accommodation option. The rooms canmissing a bathroom. It will be an ideal option for a stay for a short trip.

There are also family-run guesthouses in Japan, which bear the intricate name "minshuku". This accommodation option is suitable for tourists who are interested in local life and especially appreciate home comfort.
Now you know what hotels in Japan are like. This information will help you when choosing your type of accommodation when planning a trip to this amazing country with rich and interesting cultural traditions.