Sights of Georgia… Admit it, because you have often heard rave reviews from those who have already managed to visit this country? What attracts travelers there? What makes tourists, having arrived once, forever fall in love with this corner of the planet?
Section 1. Sights of Georgia. General description of the object

Georgia is a stunningly beautiful country, the local color is literally mesmerizing. It can take a month to see all the sights, and still it turns out that most of them were not visited. No wonder the period of stay in the country for Russian citizens was extended to ninety days.
Recreation in Georgia is very diverse. Travelers are offered a choice of climatic resorts, sports tourism, sightseeing tours and much more. There is a place for families with children, newlyweds and elderly couples. How many times have you heard: “Oh, Georgia… Tbilisi… Sights worth seeing at least once in your life!”
If you love mountains, then go straight to Svaneti. Gourmets and connoisseurs of Georgianwine must be enjoyed in Kakheti. And tourists who prefer the sea, palm trees and other exotic things are welcome in Adjara.
Section 2. Sights of Georgia. Choosing a tour

A few kilometers from Tbilisi is the Monastery of Betania. The church in the form of a cross was built in honor of the Mother of God in the 11th century and is still active to this day. Here you can see frescoes depicting the royal family, an altar and ancient icons. Tradition says that this was a favorite place of Queen Tamara.
Not far from the village of Vardzia there is a wonderful cave monastery built nine centuries ago. It is also called the "Castle of Roses". Initially, it was planned to build a defensive fortress on this site. And now it is a real multi-storey underground city with secret passages and living rooms.
Jvari is considered the most popular monument in Georgia. The monastery of the Holy Cross is located in the ancient capital of Mtskheta. Located on the very edge of a high cliff, it seems to be its continuation. The monastery feels the complete harmony of rigor and simplicity, tranquility and peace.
Batumi, located on the Black Sea coast, will meet you with warm southern sun and fresh sea air. In addition to excellent service, pebble beaches and palm trees, vacationers have the opportunity to enjoy the sound of the surf and the splashing of the waves.
The highlight of Batumi is the French fountain. In the evenings, tourists and locals admire the real dance of water, accompanied by bright lights and incendiary music. This place is likeimbued with romance and vitality.
And recently another fountain was opened - Chacha Tower. Its peculiarity is that instead of water, jets of real grape vodka fly out of it. Those who wish can not only admire its beauty, but also taste chacha.
Section 3. Sights of Georgia. Ecotourism

First of all, people go to Georgia to enjoy the beauties of the local nature, breathe clean mountain air, and also relax at famous resorts with mineral waters.
People come to Borjomi, Gudauri, Utsera or Akhtala to maintain their he alth. But Adjara, located on the sea coast at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains, is more popular.
One can safely say that they will be in the album called “Georgia. Landmarks” photos that you will want to review not only for you personally, but also for numerous relatives, friends and just buddies.
It is worth visiting the country of the Golden Fleece, touching the ancient culture and centuries-old history. It seems that Svaneti is lost in time and exists in a separate space between the worlds. The spirit of ancestors emanates from it, and in order to see all its beauty, you need to spend at least a few days here. The land of a thousand towers can be visited at any time of the year, it is always beautiful.