The village of Talezh. Holy spring

The village of Talezh. Holy spring
The village of Talezh. Holy spring

In the Chekhov district, not far from Moscow, there is a small village called Talezh. The holy spring, which is located here, is one of the most interesting places in the region. A little further, in New Life, there is a monastery. Every day many pilgrims decide to visit Talezh. The holy spring of St. David serves for them as a symbol of purification from worldly desires and sins.

talezh holy spring
talezh holy spring

Description of the spring

The territory belonging to the source is fenced, the only way inside is the main gate. They are made of red brick in the form of a small arch with metal doors decorated with forged roses. In addition to the spring itself, there is a chapel of the Mother of God and two baths: one for women and one for men. I must say that the first is somewhat larger than the second. Also, a small church with a chapel was built here in honor of St. David, the founder of this place.


Visit time starts in the morning at 8.00 and ends at 21.00. The only day off is Monday, on this day the territory is cleaned. All baths are thoroughly cleaned and washed to ensure they always look their best. All churchOn holidays, a service is held here, to which many residents of the district come. This place is very popular with newlyweds who plan to strengthen their union in the face of God. Many believe that such a marriage will be very strong and will forever unite the hearts of lovers. In addition, the rite of Baptism is held here all year round, which is facilitated by the water that does not freeze even in severe frosts. The holy spring is a place of holiness and sacraments, therefore video or photography is strictly prohibited. And although the territory formally belongs to the land of the village of Talezh, the holy spring is under the control of the Orthodox Church. And being present here, one must adhere to all the norms and rules provided for by the monastic charter, in no case allow inappropriate behavior, rudeness and rudeness.

Talezh holy spring of venerable david
Talezh holy spring of venerable david

History of the creation of the spring

There are many legends and tales about how this place appeared. According to one of the most famous, the place appeared thanks to one simple girl. Count Orlov liked her very much, and he tried to get her by force, but in his impulse he crossed the line. Realizing that he had done stupid things, the count wanted to make amends with a gift in the form of a ring with a huge diamond. But the girl did not accept the gift and, throwing away the ring, ran away in bitter tears. And in the place where the ring fell, a spring appeared, pure as a girl's tear. This tradition has been passed down for many years among the locals. If we rely on the official data that Talezh has, the holy spring became known only in the 90s of the twentieth century. custody ofthis place was entrusted to the Ascension Davidov Hermitage, which was located nearby. Years passed, and more and more buildings began to be erected on the territory, a fence and a house for the priest were put up.

talezh holy spring photo
talezh holy spring photo

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Another Orthodox building in the village of Talezh is the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is located in the eastern part of the village, and also belongs to the desert. It was built under the supervision of Prince Vladimir Orlov in 1795. A century and a half later, namely in 1939, the temple was closed. For a long time he stood unattended, and the walls of the building began to collapse. And only at the beginning of the 21st century, they undertook to restore it. Money for the repair of the temple was collected by the whole village, and entrepreneurs from all over the Chekhov region also helped. And although the restoration is not yet fully completed, the service in the temple has already begun to rule. And those sites that have managed to be restored can please many connoisseurs of ancient Orthodox architecture.

How to get to the spring?

It is not difficult to get to the source, just take the train to Chekhov. From Moscow, she gets there in about an hour. Then you will need to take a minibus that goes to Talezh. It will be quite easy to find the holy spring, as there are many signs along the way to it. Therefore, it is enough to follow them, and soon you will find yourself in the right place. Car owners will be able to get there along the Simferopol highway. You will need to go straight until the turn to the village of Melikhov. The rest of the pathyou should follow the signs for the way to Talezh. The entire road from Moscow to the village will be just over seventy kilometers.

holy spring water
holy spring water

If you want to restore spiritual connections or cleanse yourself of fears and anxieties, we recommend visiting Talezh. The holy spring, the photo of which is presented above, has always contributed to the achievement of these goals. After all, the atmosphere that reigns there gives harmony and peace to even the most tormented soul. And the beauty of the local nature and the spring itself will not leave indifferent any visitor to this wonderful place - the holy spring of St. David.
