Perhaps there is no person who does not know where the Colosseum is. We all know from the school history course that this grandiose building is located in Italy. Every tourist who comes to Rome cannot pass by this building, built at the beginning of our era and preserved to this day. It was located in the eastern part of the entrance to the Roman Forum. It is impossible not to notice the Colosseum, as crowds of tourists constantly surround it, honking cars pass nearby, and its height is equal to the height of a 15-story building.
If we consider the sights of Italy, then this architectural structure occupies one of the leading positions among them in terms of attendance and attractiveness for travelers. One of the most common questions that locals hear from foreigners is: "Where is the Colosseum?" This monumental building was originally called the Flavius Amphitheatre, its construction began in 72 and ended in 80 CE

Artificial was chosen for the construction of this creationLake near the Golden House of Nero. The Colosseum in Italy at that time was the most grandiose and majestic building. It was an ellipse - 188 m long and 156 m wide. Within its walls it could gather up to 50,000 spectators at a time. Special mechanical devices made it possible to stretch a huge awning that sheltered guests from the scorching sun or rain.
Today this unique architectural creation is in ruins, and was once the hallmark of the state, glorifying Ancient Rome to the whole world. The Colosseum regularly gathered spectators from all over Italy for exciting and at the same time cruel and bloody spectacles. In honor of its opening, the holiday lasted for 100 days, during which time thousands of gladiator fights were held, both with each other and with exotic predatory animals brought here from all over the empire.

In those days, absolutely everyone knew where the Colosseum was located, from the nobility to simple peasants. The building had 80 separate entrances, which allowed viewers to take their seats in just 15 minutes and leave the building in 5 minutes. A special box was intended for the emperor, then ministers and representatives of the nobility sat: the simpler the people, the higher their seats were.
The Colosseum had secret underground corridors through which gladiators climbed to the arena, and cages with dangerous animals were also located there, which were thrown by special mechanisms directly onto the stage. For naval battles, the arena was specially flooded with water. The fighters were prisoners of war, slaves orcriminals. The games were held to increase the prestige of the ruler, to show the strength of his power.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, people began to forget where the Colosseum was, as it was no longer used for events. The building itself suffered from fires, earthquakes and human greed. Two thirds of the building were dismantled in the Middle Ages for the construction of temples, squares, castles. The Colosseum has turned into a kind of quarry. Now this once grandiose building is of interest to millions of tourists who come to Rome every year to look at the miracle of architectural thought.