In various directories, you can easily find information about how long it takes to fly from Moscow to Tunisia. But we should not forget that this state in North Africa is a popular tourist destination, especially recently, when trips to Egypt have decreased. Vacationers tend to Tunisia not only from the capital of Russia, but also from St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and other large cities. And they also want to know how much time they have to spend on board. This article will tell you how much to fly to Tunisia from St. Petersburg. It is clear that Northern Palmyra is a little further from the African coast than Moscow. And therefore the time in flight will be different. How much? Find out if you read the information below.

Opportunities to get to Tunisia from St. Petersburg
Straightthere are simply no regular flights from Russia to this country in northwestern Africa. Not from Moscow, not from other cities. But this does not mean at all that you will have to get to the cities of Tunisia or Monastir with transfers. There are many charter flights. Travel companies (on their own or in partnership with others) charter a plane to take their clients to their destination. Of course, they are keen to sell a seat on board along with the entire package. But when time is running out, and there are no people who want to buy a ticket, companies begin to sell only air tickets. How much to fly to Tunisia from St. Petersburg on such a charter flight, we will tell you later. In the meantime, we recall the existence of another option. These are connecting flights. In this case, hours spent at other airports should be taken into account in the time calculation.

Charter flight. The pros and cons of such a trip
The main advantage of the charter is the low price of air tickets. Especially when you managed to buy it a couple of days before departure without the rest of the package. A ticket in the high season will cost five hundred dollars. And in the period from February to May, such a trip will cost $ 450. Charter plane St. Petersburg - Tunisia will take you directly to the resort or to a nearby city - Monastir, Enfidha, Carthage. But there are also disadvantages of traveling on chartered liners. Since these are non-scheduled flights, they are often delayed in order to miss those that are on the schedule. Therefore, those charters that are supposed to fly from St. Petersburg on Thursdays and Saturdays will start fromtwo or even six hours late. The destination airport also gives priority to scheduled flights. We have to wait in the air for landing clearance.
How long to fly to Tunisia from St. Petersburg
Although St. Petersburg is located north of Moscow, but much to the west of it. Therefore, the time of a direct flight will be even a little less than from the capital of Russia. It takes four and a half hours to get from Moscow to Tunisia. And from St. Petersburg, with theoretical calculations (distance divided by the average speed of the liner), twenty minutes less. During the high tourist season, planes of Aeroflot, Atlant-Soyuz, KrasAir, Cartago Airlines depart from the city on the Neva to Tunisian airports. In practice, the journey takes from four and a half to six hours. And that's just the time spent on board.

Fly with transfers
If you don't have too much money, but time, on the contrary, is a train car, you can consider traveling by connecting flights. Alitalia, Lufthansa and Air France will be happy to offer you their services. You can get to the beaches of Tunisia with these carriers for three hundred and eighty US dollars. But it should be remembered that in this case you will have to spend a couple of hours at the airports of Rome or Istanbul (Alitalia), Frankfurt and Paris. How long is it to fly to Tunisia from St. Petersburg with connecting flights? It depends on the time spent at the transfer airport. It is most reasonable to fly through Moscow. Then the journey will last twenty-three hours. Through Riga, Rome, Istanbul - about thirty. It should be remembered that in Paris you need to change Charles de Gaulle airport to Orly. So, you should have a Schengen visa.