How long does it take to fly from Yekaterinburg to Cyprus with direct flights and with transfers?

How long does it take to fly from Yekaterinburg to Cyprus with direct flights and with transfers?
How long does it take to fly from Yekaterinburg to Cyprus with direct flights and with transfers?

Spend your next vacation in Cyprus - a great alternative to the usual resorts of Turkey and Egypt. Every year, several thousand residents of the Urals dream of relaxing on this island. People who are going on a trip for the first time are interested in knowing how long it takes to fly from Yekaterinburg to Cyprus and how much does a ticket for this flight cost? These important factors influence the decision to travel.

Airport of the island

Cyprus is an international tourist destination and has good air links. The island has two airports that are under the jurisdiction of Greece, and one runway is controlled by the Turkish authorities.

Most tourists arrive in the southern part of the island - the tourist infrastructure is well developed here, and travelers receive a full range of services. The southern part of the island is considered the Greek territory of Cyprus.

how long is the flight from yekaterinburg to cyprus
how long is the flight from yekaterinburg to cyprus

The first and most important air hub is located 8 kilometers from the city of Larnaca (LCA code). This airline is actively working with both regular and charter flights. Airport staffserve up to 9 million passengers a year. A well-developed bus service allows tourists to quickly get to any resort on the island.

Paphos Airport (code PFO) is used as a secondary air hub of the island and operates only with charter flights. With a small passenger flow, the level and infrastructure of this airport is not inferior to the best world-class air hubs.

To find out how much to fly from Yekaterinburg to Cyprus, you should decide on the point of arrival. Usually planes from Yekaterinburg fly to Larnaca. The air hub in Paphos operates only in the summer with charter flights from Moscow.

It is important to remember that the cost of an air ticket depends on the air carrier, the type of flight and the number of connections. The same parameters make it possible to correctly answer the question: how long is the flight from Yekaterinburg to Cyprus?

Which airlines fly to Cyprus?

Those who prefer domestic airlines can fly Ekaterinburg-Cyprus with carriers such as Aeroflot, S7, Ural Airlines, Rossiya and Globus.

Such airlines from neighboring countries as Belavia, Air Moldova and Airb altic also offer flights to Cyprus from Yekaterinburg.

In addition, Russian passengers can use the services of Arab and European airlines.

flight yekaterinburg cyprus
flight yekaterinburg cyprus

Citizens of Yekaterinburg can choose a direct flight or a transit route with one or two transfers. A direct flight will be significantly more expensive than a connecting flight.

The shortest way

The distance between the two airports - Koltsovo (Yekaterinburg) and Larnaca (Cyprus) - is 4500 kilometers. But when flying to Cyprus, there is one caveat - the planes of most airlines are forced to go around the northern part of the island. This affects the duration of the flight.

In addition, direct flights Yekaterinburg - Larnaca open only with the beginning of the summer season - from April to September. From October to March, residents of Yekaterinburg can fly to Cyprus only with transfers.

If you use a direct flight, many people ask themselves: "How long does it take to fly from Yekaterinburg to Cyprus?". The carrier "Ural Airlines" offers a route, the flight duration of which is approximately 5 hours. The flight operates on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. The plane departs Yekaterinburg at 0555 and arrives in Larnaca at 0855.

Route with transfers

To find out all the nuances of a transit flight and answer the question of how long it takes to fly from Yekaterinburg to Cyprus, you should contact such domestic carriers as Aeroflot, S7 and Globus. Thus, Aeroflot will deliver its passengers from the capital of the Urals to South Cyprus in 7 hours and 35 minutes. The route is made with a transfer in the capital Sheremetyevo. The waiting time will be extended to 1 hour 20 minutes.

cyprus from ekaterinburg
cyprus from ekaterinburg

The route of the S7 and Globus companies runs through another Moscow airport - Domodedovo. The Globus company will deliver its passengers in 9 hours and 10 minutes. And the S7 air carrier will make this journey in 11 hours and 15 minutes.

Which airline to fly andhow much time to spend on a flight, each passenger decides on his own, based on the size of his wallet. But all of the above air carriers value their customers and do everything to make the flight for passengers comfortable for them.
