Komodo National Park in Indonesia

Komodo National Park in Indonesia
Komodo National Park in Indonesia

Scientists believe that there are places on Earth where nature has not changed much since the Jurassic period. These, without a doubt, include the National Park-Reserve in Indonesia - Komodo. In this article, we will take a short virtual trip to this amazing place.

Where is Komodo National Park located?

The unique reserve is located in the border area between the provinces of Western and Eastern Sunda Islands. The park includes three large islands - Rinka, Padar and Komodo, as well as many small islands. Their total area is 1733 sq. km, of which 603 sq. km are on land.

where is komodo national park located
where is komodo national park located

History of the creation of the park

Komodo National Park, the photo of which you can see below, was founded not too long ago - in 1980. First of all, it was created to protect the so-called Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) - the largest lizard in the world, which sometimes reaches three (or even more) meters in length and weighsover 150 kg. It was first discovered in 1911 by Van Stein.

Later, the park took under its protection other terrestrial species of animals and marine life. In 1991, Komodo National Park became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Even later, he received the status of a biosphere reserve (Biosphere Reserve).

komodo national park in indonesia
komodo national park in indonesia


Because of Indonesia's Komodo National Park, it enjoys a wonderfully mild climate. The only rainy month of the year here is January. It is characterized by fast-moving downpours. In general, the climate in the archipelago is hot. This is due to dry winds blowing from the desert. The highest temperature is 40 degrees Celsius, and the lowest (in August) is 17 degrees. The islands of the archipelago are of volcanic origin, after a short rainy season they are covered with lush vegetation. The highest point on Komodo Island is Satalibo (735 m).

komodo national park indonesia photo
komodo national park indonesia photo


Komodo National Park, the photo of which can be seen in the advertising booklets of various travel agencies, is inhabited by 2,000 people living on different islands. Indigenous people are mainly engaged in fishing, and often use dynamite in their craft. Naturally, this causes irreparable damage to the ecology of the park, the state of coral reefs, the population of fish and other underwater inhabitants. The administration is constantly working, offering the local population alternative types of fishing in order to minimize the damage from poachingactivities.

Fauna: amazing "dragon"

Komodo National Park is world famous for its giant lizards, which the natives call dragons. At first glance, they seem slow and clumsy, however, in pursuit of prey, monitor lizards develop quite a high speed.

With a blow of its tail, such a "lizard" easily breaks the legs of a deer, which it then instantly eats. Komodo dragons do not have poisonous teeth, but despite this, their bite can be fatal to humans: dangerous pathogenic bacteria live in the mouth of these huge reptiles.

komodo national park how to get there
komodo national park how to get there

From the history of dragons

It is noteworthy that the creatures we are considering live only on these islands of Indonesia. They are of great interest to scientists involved in the theory of evolution. This lizard is called differently. The locals call it "ora". On the islands of Flores and Rinca, it is a land crocodile. Sometimes it is called a giant monitor lizard. But the people got accustomed to the name Komodo.

This is the oldest species, whose ancestors lived more than 100 million years ago on our planet. The ancestors of the giant monitor lizard appeared in Asia 40 million years ago. Subsequently, animals evolved and acquired their modern appearance (it happened four million years ago). Komodo National Park is the only one in the world that boasts the longest-lived largest reptile. Under natural conditions, the lizard lives for over half a century. According to sexual characteristics, it is considered a dimorphic animal - males are significantlymore females. The largest representative of the species (registered) reached a length of 3.13 meters. Females, on average, do not exceed 2.5 meters in length.

Today, the Komodo National Park in Indonesia has more than 1,700 giant monitor lizards on the island of the same name, more than 1,200 individuals live on the island of Rinca. In addition to the enigmatic huge lizards, Komodo National Park is home to such rare animals as the Timorese fallow deer, the maned sambar found on Sanda Island, the wild buffalo, the long-legged Javan macaque and others.

Sea life

The main habitats of the underwater world are mangroves, coral reefs and the bottom, which is covered with numerous algae. The most popular animals of the park among tourists are sea turtles and green turtles, dolphins and sharks. Sometimes huge whales appear in the sea. Their annual migration route passes through the waters of the park.

More than 1,000 species of fish live in dense algae, mangroves and coral reefs. The magnificent sea kingdom has 260 species of amazing corals, 14 species of whales, 70 species of sponges, a huge number of dolphins and sea turtles. Between the reefs, sea grasses form underwater meadows, where, in addition to fish, dugongs “graze” - rare mammals belonging to the order of sirens. For exciting diving, these places are a real paradise

komodo national park reviews
komodo national park reviews


There are more than 150 species of birds in Komodo Park, some of them are migratory, arriving from Asia andAustralia. The most common are cockatoo, white-breasted sea eagle, fruit-eating pigeon and maleo.


Almost the entire territory of the National Park is covered by arid hilly savannas, which grow tropical forests and many lontar palms. The coastline is literally cut by picturesque sandy bays and rocky headlands framed by numerous volcanic rocks.

19 species of mangroves grow in the park. Their roots go under the water, forming a haven for unusual fiddler crabs, which got their name from their asymmetrical limbs.

Rafflesia Arnold

Komodo National Park in Indonesia (you can see the photo in our article) will amaze tourists with an amazing plant. This is Rafflesia Arnold - the largest flower on our planet. Its diameter reaches a meter, and its weight is more than 10 kg. An unusual plant does not have its own roots, leaves and stem - it parasitizes on the stems of tropical vines, drawing juices from them.

A tiny (much smaller than a poppy) seed with the wind falls into a crack in the bark of a plant that is destined to feed the "parasite". It grows very quickly, and soon a huge, like a head of cabbage, bud appears. After a while, it opens and a flower appears, consisting of five purple petals covered with white, wart-like growths.

komodo national park reserve in indonesia
komodo national park reserve in indonesia

Unusual in size and appearance, the flower emits a disgusting smell of rotten meat, which attracts flies. They arecover the plant and pollinate it. After four days, the flower fades, and within seven months, a large fruit, which is filled with seeds, ripens and develops.

Khoveniya sweet

Another unusual plant that can be found in the park-reserve is a tree that looks like our linden. Its height reaches 15 meters. In Indonesia, it is called the candy tree. Its dry and inconspicuous fruit balls are inedible. But the thick and fleshy stalks on which they are held contain up to 50% sucrose. They taste a bit like raisins.

Local residents, especially children, shake trunks of hovens and collect kilograms of fallen candies. Up to 35 kg of sweet treats are harvested from one tree.

Royal primrose

This mysterious plant lives on the slopes of active volcanoes. Indonesians call it the "flower of wrath". And I must admit, not in vain. Primrose bloom is usually a harbinger of an imminent eruption. As soon as the flower blooms, the inhabitants of nearby villages take it as a signal of danger. Surprisingly, the royal primrose has never given a false signal yet.

komodo national park reserve photo
komodo national park reserve photo

Komodo National Park: how to get there and where to live?

There is an opinion that only very we althy people can visit Komodo Park. This is not entirely true. Anyone who decides to spend their holidays in Indonesia can visit this amazing place. Prices here practically do not differ from those generally accepted in the country, but the trip will give an unforgettable experience.

Basicallytourists arriving in Labuan Bajo buy an organized tour for several nights. A trip to the park is carried out on small cute boats that stand in Labuan Bajo Bay. They are equipped with comfortable cabins. Park entrance tickets and meals are usually included in the price of the trip.

You can use the public boat that goes to the park from Labuan Bajo on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is a more budget option. Tour time is 4-5 hours depending on the wind and wave size.

The territory of the entire Komodo island belongs to the possessions of the national park and biosphere reserve. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to build hotels, cafes and other objects of tourist infrastructure here. Park visitors can stay with locals in Kampung Komodo Village. The most enterprising residents have opened Homestay (mini-hotels) in their homes.

komodo national park
komodo national park

Reviews of tourists

Today, many of our compatriots have visited the Komodo National Park. Reviews about the trip they leave enthusiastic. The remoteness from civilization, combined with the unique fauna and flora, make Komodo Park a real miracle, which is interesting to look at for both adults and children.

Many people call their trip a trip to Jurassic Park. In addition to amazing huge lizards, there is something to see here. Most vacationers believe that the best place for diving is hard to find. The underwater world is mesmerizing. Everything here is unusual and interesting - from living conditions toamazing excursions.
