The place where the ends of the fishing line, ropes or other material are connected according to a special pattern is called a knot. Most of the loops known to man were invented by sailors, the rest are their variations that arose during use. In total, there are about 5 thousand compounds used in various branches of human activity daily.

Depending on the purpose, practical nodes are distinguished by several types:
- grasping;
- shock-absorbing;
- auxiliary.
Briefly about the main things
"Grapevine" is a difficult knot. By tying it, a person does not have the right to make the slightest mistake. After all, this can violate the strength that the "grapevine" (knot) has, the scheme and the sequence of steps performed during the connection of two ropes, which can lead to injury if an incorrectly fastened loop is used.

What do you need to know about the grapevine knot?
The knot is very popular, but it is often confused with the equally common “eight” or Turkish loop, the concepts of whichcomparatively similar. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the features and design scheme of the "grapevine" in more detail.
You have already read that such a loop is ideal for connecting two threads, ropes, cables. Like any other, the "grapevine" is a knot that weakens the rope, but compared to similar loops, the weakening factor is 0.95, which means that the rope loses only 5% of its strength. It is noted that other types of nodes with such a low attenuation coefficient simply do not exist.

Features of connecting structures
The knot itself consists of half knots - two or three, the main difference between which is the number of turns of thread / rope around one of the ends of the cable. They are tied in sequential order using the free ends of the ropes. The working ends should be no shorter than 12-20 cm. When tying a half knot, you are working with only the end of one rope.
Tourist knots with the names "fisherman's knot", "prusik", "double simple" are tightly connected by the type of loops with the species we are considering. Having an idea of how to make the knots mentioned above, you will definitely be able to cope with the loops of a more complex level of knitting. In the process of studying node diagrams, an understanding of the design of certain types of connecting loops comes. Therefore, pay attention to the drawings and drawings, which show step by step how to make a knot.

Remember! Before you start tying, practice making simpler loops, learn elementarytourist nodes with names and schemes, gradually moving to more complex ones. With assistance from an experienced instructor, try to knit the desired loop. When connecting the "grapevine" you must be extremely careful, because even the slightest failure can lead to property damage, injury or death.
Scope of application
"Grapevine" - a knot that is used wherever possible:
- for tying the ends of the cord (cordalets) to get a loop;
- to construct a station that the rescuer can descend on;
- for lanyards;
- to combine several lengths of rope together, to obtain a long and strong rope, which may be needed when climbing (top belay from a mountain).
The knot differs in its scope, as it is used wherever a person has the opportunity to work with ropes, ropes, cables or other materials that can be knitted.
With the help of "grapevine" you can tie two threads into one. There are such designs in shipping, and in the fishing industry - knots for leashes, and in textile production; in tourism, mountaineering - mentioned earlier, agriculture and animal husbandry, sometimes even in the daily life of a person.
Advantages and disadvantages
From the positive qualities they distinguish:
- High level of durability. Among all types of connecting knots, up to 58%.
- Reliability.
- No need for pinningcontrol loop designs.
In addition to the above advantages, there are also some disadvantages:
- Even after removing the load from the knot, it is still difficult to untangle it.
- Individual people who use the knot comment on the relative level of difficulty in tying the loop.
- In case of exceeding the allowable load, the knot starts to crawl, but this is not a problem of a certain type of knot, but a general property of loops. Therefore, when tying them, leave the ends of a free thread up to 10 rope diameters long. For example, when tying a rope with a diameter of 6 mm, up to 10 cm of threads are left free.
How to tie a knot
Study instructions on how to tie a grapevine knot. The knitting method is carried out by analogy with the Turkish loop:
- Prepare two ropes with equal diameters.
- Take the free end of one of these, and when using it, make a loop around the other end of the thread.
- From the end of the rope to the base, wrap it around again.
- Pass this end of the thread in a position parallel to the rope through the holes formed, starting from the base and stretching the end of the thread at the end.
- Tighten the grapevine (knot) tightly and repeat the above steps using the second running end in the same order.
- Pull the threads together and get a full loop.
Following the step-by-step instructions, you will get a strong "grapevine" knot. The knitting pattern is shown in the article.

Pay attention! Tightening the ropes of differentdiameters, thread each of the nodes, applying maximum effort to this. When doing this, use materials with a difference in diameter not exceeding 40% and with the most similar type of rope fiber.
Untying the loop, the half-knots are stretched apart, thereby weakening them. One of the half-knots is untied, after which the unused end of the rope, lying inside the loops, is pulled out of the remaining ones and unraveled.
How to make a knot like from the picture?
To get a neatly designed loop, try to wind the ends of the ropes in opposite directions: the first one towards you, the second - vice versa. By doing so, you will get asymmetrical halves of the knot, forming the correct aesthetically pleasing pattern.

How to learn to tie a grapevine quickly
Being in extreme conditions, tourists have to fix the ropes. And here the speed of execution and practical skills in the field of connecting nodes are not of the last importance. Motor memory can help out when a climber easily creates a fastening without even remembering the knot knitting pattern: the fingers themselves know what to do.
To master dynamic skills, use these simple methods to create a grapevine knot:
- Use your visual memory. Learn sequentially the drawings and instructions. Practice repeatedly, tying without prompting. This will help in any situation to quickly remember the process and answer the question of how to make a grapevine knot without much difficulty.
- Remember the exactthe sequence of movement of the working ends of the thread during the action. Practical work on connecting the ropes creates a special sequence of actions in the head, and the quality and speed of the knot depends on the number of repetitions.
Using these two methods, alternating them or combining them into a complex, both the hands and the brain begin to remember the movements, not only when knitting the grapevine knot, but also other equally necessary loops.
Need to get a reliable connection? Use the knot with the lowest voltage level - "grapevine".
"Grapevine" - a knot used in hiking and mountaineering to tie ropes or cables with the same or different diameters. The main advantage of the loop is its reliability, thanks to which it has earned popularity among fans of extreme sports and experienced anglers as a knot for leashes.