Recreation: hot springs of the Mostovsky district

Recreation: hot springs of the Mostovsky district
Recreation: hot springs of the Mostovsky district

Most likely, many have seen photos in which the lucky ones swim in the outdoor pool, and around the snow-capped mountain peaks and trees covered with snow. Steam rises from the surface of the water, which is a sign of hot water, and the whole picture is illuminated by the sun. So, it's not only there, "with them," but also here, "with us." For example, in the Mostovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, which has something to see and where to relax. If you have not yet decided how you will celebrate the New Year, then you can discover these places and combine business with pleasure. Useful, this is about the sources, of which there are many, as well as tourist centers. We can say that this is a balneological paradise, not yet fully appreciated by the population of Russia. You can come to the hot springs of the Mostovsky district for a week or two: doctors advise to withstandjust such a period.

About the benefits of thermal waters

The purity of the water of thermal springs and its saturation with mineral trace elements was valued by our distant ancestors. In many parts of the world, you can hear legends about miraculous healings of terminally ill people who have experienced the healing properties of thermal water.

Image"Base "Old mill"
Image"Base "Old mill"

Hot springs of the Mostovsky district are not inferior in their qualities to many well-known foreign analogues. And the nature of these places is an additional healing component. Where healing water comes to the surface, sanatoriums and numerous tourist bases have been built. You can come here all year round, but winter trips during the New Year and Christmas holidays have become especially popular. In addition to fully cultivated hot springs, in the Mostovsky district there are also "wild" ones, where there are minimal conditions for swimming. However, they are also used. Mostly locals.

Living Water

The water composition of each thermal spring carries information about the deep layers of the earth through which the water made its way before appearing on the surface.

So we can talk about the uniqueness of each reservoir: the content of mineral components and trace elements in it determines the range of diseases with which you can come to the source.

Base "Pearl of the foothills"
Base "Pearl of the foothills"

However, you should also be aware of the dangers of its uncontrolled and "fanatical" use.

Thereforebefore the trip, be sure to consult a specialist, taking into account your disease and the properties of the thermal water of a particular source.

Among the brief list of ailments, in the presence of which one should refrain from bathing in a hot spring, one can name oncology and heart diseases, as well as diabetes, various fungal skin lesions and asthma.

But those who have gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological problems, joint diseases, nervous system disorders, and endocrine abnormalities can hope for a significant improvement in their he alth.

Hot and cold mineral water

The temperature of the water in it depends on the depth from which the source begins its journey to the surface. Accordingly, the composition of thermal waters depends on the depth of occurrence. You should know that most of these sources are located in the territory of volcanic activity, and the other part originates at a very great depth, which explains the high temperature of the water, reaching the boiling point in places.

Mount Tsakhvoa
Mount Tsakhvoa

By the way, thermal water should not be confused with mineral water. These are different categories. Mineral water sources lie closer to the surface of the earth, therefore they have a high level of impurities, including harmful ones, associated with the human factor. There are almost no harmful substances in thermal water, it contains many elements of the periodic table, which have a beneficial effect on human he alth.

Base "Silicon terms"
Base "Silicon terms"

However, among the hotmany springs are mineral, which allows you to use the water from them both for taking water procedures and for drinking for the purpose of healing. Almost every base at a hot spring in the Mostovsky district has widely available information on the chemical composition of water. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with this information before the trip, and then consult with your doctor about the advisability of drinking water.

Even if you are confident, following the simple rules of bathing in thermal springs will make your stay in the Mostovsky district as comfortable as possible:

  • do not plunge into hot water abruptly to avoid dizziness;
  • leave your heart open when bathing, especially if you have low blood pressure;
  • remember that being in hot water for a long time (more than 20 minutes) puts you in danger;
  • drinking alcohol while taking balneological procedures makes your stay at the hot springs of the Mostovsky district, as well as in other similar places, ineffective.

Where you are expected

In Mostovsky district there is a wide choice of recreation centers for every taste and budget, where comfort and pleasant pastime await you with a beneficial effect of healing.

  • In the sanatorium called "Khutorok" you can treat the stomach, digestive system, as well as diseases of the kidneys and excretory system. In the pools of the sanatorium, there is thermal water of an acceptable temperature: from 38 to 48 degrees. It is located in the villageMostovsky.
  • In the sanatorium with the beautiful name "Anastasia" the water temperature is high: from 82 to 85 degrees, so people with heart diseases should be as careful as possible here. Joint diseases, gout, genitourinary disorders, skin diseases are treated here. The sanatorium is located on Kurortnaya street, 2 in the village of Mostovsky.
  • Base "Rasputin"
    Base "Rasputin"
  • In 2013, a new recreation center was opened at the previously mothballed well No. 3T. Address of the new complex: Mostovskoy village, Krasnaya street, 255.
  • Daytime view of "Rasputin"
    Daytime view of "Rasputin"

    The base was named "Rasputin", and if you suffer from skin defects, fungal diseases, gastritis with high or low acidity, stomach ulcers or joint diseases, then you are here. In addition, you will be able to restore the nervous system thanks to the wonderful climate and water quality.

  • In the village of Mostovsky, the base "Old Mill" is located near the thermal spring. You can come here both for a few days, and on Saturday or Sunday, just fry kebabs and enjoy swimming in the source. Thrill-seekers are offered jeep tours and horseback riding. You can also go fishing here.
  • Among the numerous bases located on the hot springs of the Mostovsky district, your attention will be drawn to the holiday home with the exotic name "Coral Famili". You can find it along Krasnaya Street, 78 in the village of Mostovsky.
  • On the territorybase "Aqua-Vita" you can also enjoy the rest. Near the base, the mountain river Hodz flows, near which you can take a walk. Both hiking and cycling are possible here.

You got acquainted with many beautiful places located near the hot springs of the Mostovsky district. It remains only to choose and enjoy your vacation.
