Sights of Uralsk - buildings that remember the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev

Sights of Uralsk - buildings that remember the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev
Sights of Uralsk - buildings that remember the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev

Uralsk is a city in Western Kazakhstan. Until 1775 it was called Yaitsky town. Spread on the right bank of the Urals and on the left bank of the Chagan River, in the Caspian lowland. A little over 300 thousand people live here. The climate in this area is sharply continental, that is, it is hot and dry in summer, and quite cold in winter, while there are strong winds. The average annual temperature is +6.2 degrees.


Brief historical background

In the XIII century in this area was the first settlement of nomads. For the first time, local Cossacks swore allegiance to the Russian Tsar in 1591, but later there were more unrest that were brutally suppressed.

The main occupation of the locals was fishing and cattle breeding, and gourds were also grown here.

In 1846, the settlement grows to the size of a large trading city. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the city was the center of the Ural region.

During the Civil War, Uralsk found itself in a zone of fierce hostilities. InDuring World War II, the city was a frontline zone.

Many historical prominent names are associated with the settlement. These are Pugachev, Pushkin, Suvorov, Krylov and a number of others.


The city of Uralsk boasts interesting places where tourists can go.

First of all, this is the house-museum of Yemelyan Pugachev. The name of this person is associated with democracy and freedom. He was one of the very first on the territory of the Russian Empire who thought that poor people should not go with the flow, but should win a worthy niche for themselves with their own hands.

In fact, Emelyan was born far from these places, but it was here that in the 18th century, posing as Tsar Peter III, he called on the Cossacks to defend their rights to freedom. In historical documents, this uprising is called the "Peasant War".

The uprising was completely suppressed, the associate was sentenced to death, and so that the people would forget about everything, they even renamed the river, so the Ural appeared instead of Yaik and the city of Uralsk, instead of the Yaitsky town.

house-museum of Emelyan Pugachev
house-museum of Emelyan Pugachev

Temple of Christ the Savior

This landmark of Uralsk appeared in the city in 1907, it began to be built in 1891. The structure was erected in pseudo-Russian style, and its construction was timed to coincide with a significant date - 300 years since the service of the Cossack troops of Uralsk to Russia.

In Soviet times, the Museum of Atheism was marked here, then a planetarium worked at this place. And only in the 90s of the last century the church was returned to believers.

Pokrovsky femalemonastery

Another attraction of Uralsk recommended for visiting. It is located on the Chagan River, in 1881 it was founded as a community. Only in 1890 a monastery was opened here.

Particles of the relics of the Matrona of Moscow are buried in the lower church. On great holidays, spiritual concerts and charity events for the disabled and orphans are held here.

Lake Shalkar

This landmark of Uralsk is not located in the city itself, but 75 kilometers to the southeast. It is believed that this is a remnant of the Khvalyn Sea, which retreated into the Caspian Sea thousands of years ago. The total area occupied is 24 thousand hectares. The maximum depth is 18 meters.

The lake is fed by the Malaya and Bolshaya Ankata rivers and flows into the Solyanka river. The composition of the water of the lake resembles that of the sea, so both local and visiting tourists come here for recovery.

Lake Shalkar
Lake Shalkar

The vanished triumphal arch

Few people know that once a landmark of Uralsk in Kazakhstan was a triumphal arch. It was built in 1891 in honor of the arrival of Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich. However, after the revolution in 1927, it was demolished, considering it a relic of the tsarist time. Until that moment, it was simply renamed the Red Gate. In the future, it was planned to install the Energy monument at this place, but nothing appeared there.

Michael the Archangel Cathedral

Perhaps this is the oldest attraction in Uralsk. Its erection ended in 1751. It was near this cathedral thatYaik uprising.

In the second half of the 19th century, the temple was classified as one of the same faith, because most of the local Cossacks were Old Believers, so services in the cathedral were carried out with almost complete observance of all the old rites.

In 1825, there was a strong fire in the city, as a result of which the wooden bell of the church was damaged.

Pushkin A. S. and Zhukovsky V. A., having arrived in Uralsk, visited the Archangel Michael Cathedral, collecting information about Pugachev.

Believers got their cathedral back only in 1989, before that it housed the Pugachev Museum, historical and local history (Soviet period).

Michael the Archangel Cathedral
Michael the Archangel Cathedral

Kizil Mosque

Another attraction of Uralsk in Kazakhstan is the Kizil Mosque, which was built in 1871. It has been preserved in its original form and is recognized as an architectural monument.

According to the Soviet tradition, the mosque was closed and the minaret removed, and the premises were used for various purposes: from a vocational school to a hostel.

In the 90s of the last century, the mosque was transferred to the balance of the regional administration, where they decide to dismantle it, which they do. Later, in 2006, local residents restored it according to old surviving drawings. Now there are ongoing services here.

Kizil Mosque
Kizil Mosque

Old fire tower

You should definitely visit this landmark of Uralsk. The photos here are amazing. It was built at the end of the 19th century, and now it does not work.

This is a one-story wooden buildingdyed red and green. There is a brick tower 6 meters high in the middle, and a distribution tower at the end of the building.

Modern Buildings

Interesting and beautiful photos of the sights of Uralsk in Kazakhstan are obtained near the Wedding Palace. This building is unique in its kind, and there are no analogues in the whole country. It was built by a local oil and gas company.

This is a grand building with two halls for celebrations and a restaurant with 300 seats. The palace was built of granite and marble.

Wedding Palace
Wedding Palace

In the Kirov Park you can see the Tornado Fountain, so far it is the only light and music water structure in the whole republic. The performance itself begins at dusk.

The new mosque, built in 2005, topped with a glass dome, looks majestic. French carpets are laid in almost all halls. And on the arch, at the entrance, the ornament is inlaid with silver and gold plating.
