The brilliant era of the reign of Catherine II left behind many magnificent palaces, such as the Gatchina, Marble, Tauride, Catherine and Tsaritsyn palace complexes, which today are the decoration of both Russian capitals. Among such architectural structures is the Petrovsky Travel Palace in Moscow. It is located near the Dynamo metro station, at 40 Leningradsky Prospekt.

Petrovsky Travel Palace: history
The construction of the Petrovsky Travel Palace was started in 1776 by order of Empress Catherine II, who wished to have a comfortable residence on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where one could rest before the solemn entrance to Zlatoglavaya. Construction lasted four cities, and although in the summer of 1780 the architect Matvey Kazakov had already reported on the completion of work to the Moscow mayor, for the first time the eminent customer honored the new travel palace with her presence only seven years later. Moreover, according to legend, Catherinestated that during her stay in this residence she feels under the protection of the people and does not need bodyguards. The next royal guest, Pavel the First, spent a few days there before his coronation in 1797, thus marking the beginning of a century-old tradition according to which Russian monarchs rested in this at that time residence near Moscow before being crowned king in the Moscow Kremlin. In 1812, the Petrovsky Travel Palace became the headquarters of the Emperor Napoleon for four days, and in 1896, on the day of the bloody tragedy on the Khodynka field, a solemn dinner was organized here in honor of the coronation of Nicholas II. In the Soviet period (since 1923), the building was transferred to the Academy of the VF. N. E. Zhukovsky and was used as the main administrative building of this educational institution until 1997.

Restoration and reconstruction of the Moscow Petrovsky Palace at the end of the 20th at the beginning of the 21st century
In 1998, the Petrovsky Travel Palace was transferred under the jurisdiction of the Moscow government, and a major overhaul was carried out here, including the modernization of communications and the restoration of interior interiors. All restoration work lasted until 2009. As a result, this magnificent historical and architectural monument turned into the House of Receptions of the Moscow City Hall, and part of its premises were converted into a four-star hotel with a swimming pool, a Russian bathhouse and the Karamzin restaurant, which serves French, Italian and Russian cuisine. Moreover, inThe halls on the first floor occasionally host chamber music concerts and a variety of cultural events, which can be accessed by special invitations or through tickets distributed through concert agencies.

Petrovsky Travel Palace: excursions
The palace is an excellent example of 18th century architecture, so at any time of the year there are many who want to get there on an excursion. The standard program of such a visit to this palace complex includes a group walk, accompanied by a guide, through the Front Courtyard, the Hall of Columns, the Kazakovskaya Stairs, the front domed hall and the anterooms of the second floor. However, the most interesting thing is a visit to the palace mini-museum, where exhibits are presented that tell about the history of the construction and reconstruction of the palace, about coronation celebrations held here throughout the 18-19 centuries, as well as events during the occupation of Moscow by the French in 1812. Tourists can also take a walk in the magnificent landscape park, laid out in 1827 under the guidance of the architect Tamantsev, who is engaged in the restoration of the complex after it was devastated by the retreating Napoleonic army.
Those who are going to visit the Petrovsky Palace in Moscow need to know that tickets for excursions are sold at the tour desk located at Zubovsky Boulevard, 2, and they must be purchased in advance. Moreover, if a tourist is going to photograph the interior or take pictures in the courtyard, then a special photo is needed.ticket.
Wedding at the Petrovsky Palace in Moscow
3 decades ago, our mothers and fathers were delighted if they managed to register their marriage at the Wedding Palace instead of signing “quickly” at the registry office at the place of residence. Today the situation has changed, and modern newlyweds have the opportunity to hold a wedding ceremony in the main halls, where Russian monarchs, aristocrats, as well as famous writers and musicians have repeatedly visited. In particular, the Petrovsky Travel Palace is a great place for such a celebration, a wedding in which will be an unforgettable event and a good start to family life for any couple in love.

Marriage registration at the Petrovsky Palace
In 2012, the Moscow authorities allowed the Petrovsky Palace to be used as a venue for weddings. Marriage registration on the territory of this luxurious architectural complex is possible after submitting an application at the Tver registry office. During each month, 2-4 days are allocated for weddings, depending on the season, and the newlyweds are allowed to invite up to 20-40 guests to the offsite official registration ceremony lasting about 45 minutes. At the request of the newlyweds, the wedding can take place to the sounds of classical music performed by a string quartet, and champagne will be served to guests in liveries, sewn according to the uniforms worn by servants in the 18th century.

Besides, as already mentioned,some rooms of the palace complex are reserved for a comfortable hotel, so the newlyweds can spend a romantic night here and meet the dawn in real royal chambers.
Photography in the Petrovsky Palace
Anyone who wants to get a chic photo album as a keepsake of their wedding can be recommended to choose the Petrovsky Travel Palace as the place of marriage registration. Photos from such an outdoor ceremony against the backdrop of luxurious interiors in the Empire style or taken in the picturesque alleys of Petrovsky Park will surely become the envy of girlfriends, and they will be pleasant to look at even many years later.