Suhodolskoye lake. Recreation and fishing

Suhodolskoye lake. Recreation and fishing
Suhodolskoye lake. Recreation and fishing

A picturesque place for recreation and fishing - Lake Sukhodolskoe - is located in the Priozersky district, 95 km from St. Petersburg. It is located in the north of the Karelian Isthmus and is part of the large lake-river system of Vuoksa.

The uniqueness of this place lies not only in the beautiful area, clear water and sandy beaches, but also in the natural archaeological site located here - a complex of ancient stones that are cult sanctuaries.

Historical background

Until 1950, the lake had a different name - Suvanto (or Suvanto-järvi). It did not flow into Ladoga, but directly into the river. Vuoksa. On the eastern side of the lake there was a path from Vyborg to Korela (now Priozersk), which was called Vuoksinsky. Since people had to drag ships between these two lakes across the isthmus, a traffic jam formed.

Sukhodolsk lake
Sukhodolsk lake

According to historical data, in the 16th century. the city of Volochek Svansky was located here, where many merchants lived, who actively used the portage. In 1741, local residents decided to dig a canal to dump water into Ladoga through it. As a result of these efforts, and also not without the help of weather phenomena, Sukhodolskoye Lake and Ladoga came much closer to each other (the jumper between them was50 m.).

In 1818, during heavy spring rains, the water in the lakes rose, washing away meadows and fields. But the last point in this matter was put by the strongest storm, which washed away the rest of the sandy land. Thus, another river appeared - Taipaleen-Yoki, which is famous for its rapids.


Suhodolskoye Lake is famous for its great variety of fauna. Here fishermen can easily catch bream, ruff, perch and pike. There are also roach and burbot, silver bream and hive. Sometimes the waters can please with the presence of pike perch, ide, sabrefish, elk, dace, whitefish and grayling. Trout is very rare, but fishing is prohibited.


Many anglers consider Lake Sukhodolskoe to be the most fishy place. Fishing here pleases with a variety of catches. They fish both from the boat and from the shore. This is possible due to the presence of sharp drops, which create good conditions for casting spinning and fishing rods to great depths.

Sukhodolsk lake rest
Sukhodolsk lake rest

The best spots for shore fishing are:

  • mouth of the channel (radius 100 m);
  • cape, which is located opposite the channel;
  • the coast of the lake, located at a distance of 300 m north of the Losevo railway station.

You need to remember that there is a fairly strong current here, so it is recommended to use only special gear. In this place, fishermen will be pleased with the catch of ide and bream, roach and silver bream. The bait bait is also sometimes burbot.

Lake Sukhodolsk fishing
Lake Sukhodolsk fishing

As for boat fishing, it is produced onconsiderable depth. The best tackle for such fishing will be a ring and a feeder. Worms and maggots are used as bait, for which sabrefish and bream weighing 200-800 g are excellent. Also, fishermen use a fishing rod with an ordinary float, which can be used to catch bream up to 3 kg in deep dumps. The most favorable time for this is May-October, and especially the middle and end of summer. In early spring, you can catch dace and whitefish with a fishing rod. For pike fishing, fishermen prefer the eastern and middle parts of Lake Sukhodolsk. Large pikes weighing 2-4 kg come across here. Quite often on the shallows you can meet roach, sabrefish and even trout.

Winter fishing on the lake

If perch is extremely rare in summer, and not very large in size, then in winter it will please any fisherman. At great depths (3-5 m) it is caught on a lure or mormyshka. Also at this time of the year, at 5-meter depths, large roach are excellent. But the most impressive catch for fishermen is given by burbot, for which Sukhodolskoye Lake is an excellent habitat. Unfortunately, bream is very difficult to catch in winter.

recreation centers Sukhodolsk lake
recreation centers Sukhodolsk lake

Suhodolskoe lake - recreation and entertainment

The waters and the coast of the lake in question allow you to actively spend time. In addition to avid fishermen, you can also meet diving enthusiasts here, and the canal of the river. Vuoksa is perfect for whitewater rafting and kayaking (Losevo station). Various recreation centers have been built along the coast for a comfortable pastime. Sukhodolskoye Lake due to its beauty andabundance of fish is very popular among tourists not only from Russia, but also from other countries.

Where you can relax

Among the large number of resort areas, Vokhotka is usually singled out. On the territory of the base there are modern cottages located on 5 lines, a guarded parking lot, wooden baths and sports grounds. You can get to the recreation center "Vohodka" from St. Petersburg along the A129 highway (Priozerskoe highway) up to 68 km, then turn onto the road leading to the village of Olkhovka.

Also near the lake there is a cottage-club "Brusnika". It has six wooden cottages, many pavilions, volleyball and children's playgrounds, a house-club (there are darts, table tennis). The cottage club is located in a pine forest with access to Sukhodolskoye Lake. There are the following entrances to "Cowberry":

  • by road along the Priozersky highway up to 77 km, before the railway crossing, turn right, drive about 2 km more;
  • by train by train to Losevo station, and from there by car;
  • by bus (K-859) from the Devyatkino railway station to the Ovragi stop.
  • Sukhodolsk lake entrances
    Sukhodolsk lake entrances

There is a good beach, sauna, artesian water. You can get to your destination along the Priozerskoe highway (up to 78 km), then you need to turn right and drive for about 2 morekm.
