The modern pace of life is associated with all sorts of stresses. Most residents of megacities suffer from chronic fatigue, which is exacerbated by the lack of necessary physical activity and malnutrition. At the same time, two days off a week, as a rule, is not enough to fully restore strength. For this reason, it is very important from time to time to arrange a good rest for yourself, and preferably, away from the city noise and in the fresh air. The ideal solution in this case is a trip to one of the medical institutions. Here they will help restore physical well-being, increase vitality and strengthen the nervous system.
Rest in the Leningrad region

Dispensaries andboarding houses of the Leningrad region are located in the most beautiful places in Russia with good ecology. Some of them are located on the shores of the famous Gulf of Finland among dense pine forests, others are on the shores of Lake Ladoga, surrounded by the Karelian Isthmus. At the same time, all of them are distinguished by a high level of comfort and excellent service. Boarding houses of the Leningrad Region – is a unique opportunity to combine communication with nature and living in modern complexes. Numerous he alth resorts of this region are perfect for both individual and group recreation, restoration of physical he alth and mental strength.
Advantages of rest in the Leningrad region
The main advantages of carrying out preventive or outpatient treatment in one of the boarding houses of the Leningrad Region, first of all, can be called the lack of acclimatization and long, very exhausting flights for any organism. In addition, there is no need to draw up a package of documents required for traveling abroad. Also, as advantages, one can name the familiar language environment and proximity to the city, which makes it possible to draw up a varied cultural program and visit a large number of sights of St. Petersburg. It should also be said that all boarding houses in the Leningrad Region today offer a truly European service and a high level of comfort for their guests.
Petrel boarding house

He althcare facilityBurevestnik is located on the Karelian Isthmus, forty kilometers from St. Petersburg and three hundred meters from the Gulf of Finland, in the village of Repino. Sea air, rich natural landscape and clear lake Shchuchye - this is what this place is famous for. The main service of this medical institution is to provide recreation for adults and children. Holding corporate events and organizing various sports competitions is also offered by the Burevestnik sanatorium. The boarding house (the Leningrad region has this), among other things, offers a comfortable beach holiday on the bay for everyone.
Pension "B altiets"
The he alth resort called "B altiets", like the sanatorium "Burevestnik", is located in one of the most colorful places on the Karelian Isthmus - in the ecologically clean village of Repino.

This institution is a modern complex that provides its guests with a full range of hotel and wellness services. The latter include physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, laser therapy, aromatherapy, inhalations, phototherapy), massage and sauna. Therapeutic exercise is also available for guests of the B altiets sanatorium. The boarding house (Leningrad region, or rather its climate allows it) in the winter season offers its guests the opportunity to go skiing and skating. At the service of corporate clients - holding conferences, seminars, trainings, as well as weddingceremonies and festive banquets. In addition, like all boarding houses in the Leningrad region with a swimming pool, B altiets invites everyone to attend aqua aerobics classes with a professional instructor.
Family boarding house "Vostok-6"
The Vostok-6 family vacation resort is located on the coast of a unique water complex - the Gulf of Finland, near Zelenogorsk, seventy kilometers from St. Petersburg. The place where it is located is recognized as the center of the resort area of the Karelian Isthmus. It has exceptionally clean air and a very diverse landscape. Like all boarding houses in the Leningrad Region, the Vostok-6 he alth-improving institution offers all its guests comfortable conditions for living and restoring he alth. Whirlpool baths, a swimming pool, a sauna, physiotherapy and mud therapy rooms, a gym, an inhalation room, a massage room and dental services are at the service of those living in the boarding house.