What is the difference between a wildlife park and a zoological garden? In the first, animals live in natural, familiar conditions. And although their diversity is not as great as in the zoo, it is just as pleasant to watch them. And perhaps even better, because here you can truly join nature, feed or even stroke the animals. Let's go to visit the inhabitants of two such places: Do-do Park and Batetsk Nature Center.
Do-do Park
Do-do Wildlife Park is located near Anapa. Rather, approximately in the middle between it and Novorossiysk. This is the first private center for animals in the Kuban. There, in the village called Natukhaevskaya, the wildlife park has become a real home for a wide variety of fauna.

Here found shelter about 50 species of animals, many of which are listed in the Red Book. The park covers an area of approximately ten hectares, which is quite a lot for a private center. For seven years he has been a member of the Euro-Asian Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
In fact, this place can be called a Russian safari, where every nature lover can watchfor the domestic fauna in its usual habitat. In addition, you need to know that our animals are more active than African ones, because there is no such unbearable heat. They run, jump, get their own food and at the same time manage to entertain inquisitive tourists.
Meaning of the name of the park
Interesting is already the name of the park - "Do-do". It is dedicated to a bird that disappeared from the face of the Earth in the 17th century. This is a Mauritius dodo. Dodo was one of the characters in Lewis Carroll's famous Alice in Wonderland. Today this bird is a sad symbol of extinction.
The name of the park reflects a genuine concern for nature and the desire to preserve rare endangered species, such as the mandarin duck, one of the most beautiful on the planet.

Permanent residents of the park
As already mentioned, the wildlife park in Natukhaevka sheltered about fifty species of animals and birds. Animals are housed in spacious pens and enclosures. There are many amazing and unusual birds in the park. Among them are banana-eating cuckoos, some species of starlings, parrots and pheasants. Also in the park you can meet ostriches and camels, lemurs, horses and monkeys. The pride of the center are Benetta's kangaroo and wallaby lady - marsupial representatives of Australia.
A large artificial pond has been created in the park, and a natural stream flows. In these waters, waterfowl feel great: non-ceasing ducks, storks, cranes, pink pelicans, dry-nosed geese and proud swans. Many of them are listed in the Red Book. By the way, theythey are not at all afraid of people and swim up to the shore with interest to meet new guests.
If you are lucky enough to come to the park in spring or summer, you can get acquainted with the marmot family. Their way of life is such that they spend at least six months in hibernation.

The number of animals is constantly increasing, and the territory of the park is being improved. By the way, the management cares not only about animals, but also pays attention to plants. Today there are more than thirty species, but their number is also growing.
How to get there?
The most convenient way to get to the park is by private transport. The distance from both Anapa and Novorossiysk is approximately 23 kilometers. And you can get there by bus or minibus. They drive right into the center of the village with the name Natukhaevskaya. Do-do Wildlife Park is not so far away, so you can walk to it on foot. Public transport does not go to it, so in a pinch you will have to take a taxi.
The wildlife park is open all year round, every day except Thursday, from 9 am to 5 pm. The ticket price for adults is 300 rubles, for children - from 50 to 200. Up to three years old, admission is free. Photo and video shooting may be allowed for an additional fee. Do not feed animals.
Do-do is a great getaway for the whole family
Do-Do Wildlife Park is the perfect place to relax with the whole family. Not only children, but also adults will be delighted with acquaintance with wild animals. By the way, a wonderful equestrian club opened here five years ago. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, everyone can learn the basics of riding or just ride a horse. For experienced riders, there is the opportunity to go into the forest, completely merge with the wild.
On the territory there is a cozy cafe, where it is so nice to warm up in winter, and a small shop. Here you can buy various drinks, ice cream and sweets, as well as choose cute souvenirs and photographs of local residents. For the youngest visitors, there is a playground by the pond, while adults will enjoy cozy gazebos.

Do-do Park is a truly amazing place. Here you can renounce all worldly hardships and immerse yourself in the unique and inimitable world of wildlife. Rest here will be unforgettable and bring a lot of joyful emotions.
Batek Wildlife Park
Not far from Veliky Novgorod, in the Batetsky district, there is another marvelous wildlife park. It's called "Voronova Sloboda". It opened recently, only the year before last, and became the first zoo in the region, as well as a favorite vacation spot for many local residents. The idea of its creation appeared long ago, about thirty years ago. According to the author of the project, this is just the beginning, the embryo of a future large-scale zoo.
The cramped enclosures and iron bars have been fundamentally abandoned here, so all the animals live in comfort and coziness. This is a center where they are of the opinion that every animal or bird should be fine. In futureit is planned to populate the Batetsk Wildlife Park with representatives of flora and fauna from all over the planet.

Who lives in the park?
There are not many residents of this park yet. Here you can meet Cameroonian sheep and pygmy goats, meet a raccoon dog, a donkey and a camel. Having visited these animals, you can go to visit the birds. By the way, they are not at all afraid of people, but on the contrary, they can follow them, begging for food.
When you get here, you can truly feel like a part of the wild. Everything here is very nice and homely. Nimble rabbits rush everywhere, and only the most active guests can try to catch up with them. In a word, both children and adults will like and remember this wildlife park for a long time. Veliky Novgorod can be proud that such an amazing center for animals and birds has finally appeared in the region.
Park opening hours
Batetsky Park is open every day from 10 am to 7 pm. An adult ticket costs 100 rubles, a child ticket costs 50 rubles. For children under four years old, admission is free. For little money, you can buy a special balanced food for birds of animals, because it is forbidden to feed them with food brought with you.
The park is pleased to invite both individual visitors and tourist groups. You can get here both by car and by regular bus, which runs three times a day.

In the park there is a cozy cafe where you can relax in the summer or warm upin winter. And the children will be completely delighted with the horse on which you can ride here. Batetsky Park is a wonderful place for a family holiday, where you want to return again and again.
Rules of conduct in wildlife parks
Each of the zoological gardens and wildlife parks establishes mandatory rules of conduct. They are very simple: do not litter, do not frighten animals and birds, which are very unnerved by sharp loud sounds. It is necessary to respect the rhythm of life of the inhabitants of the park. For example, if the animal is sleeping, do not try to wake it up. If some can be stroked, then the cages with predators cannot be approached.
Another important point is feeding the animals. Many visitors bring various food with them: carrots, apples, bread, to offer it to the inhabitants of the park. But in no case should you feed them with this, because different animals have their own food. In order not to harm animals or birds, you can purchase special food of different types. It is usually sold at the entrance to the wildlife park. The food is perfectly balanced and meets the needs of specific animal species, so it can be given safely.
Be sure to explain these rules to children from the very first visit, because this is the first step towards taking care of the world around us.

What could be better than spending a day outdoors with the whole family? Especially if it is a wildlife park, where you can enjoy watching the life of wild animals and birds. This is a vacation that will not only benefit, but also leavea lot of the most pleasant and bright impressions.